Traveling can produce a sense of wonder and excitement, but it’s pretty easy to commit cultural faux pas without even realizing it. From hand gestures to eating habits, some things are just not universal and tourists would do their best to prepare accordingly. Fortunately, well-organized internet users decided to ask locals what are the dos and don'ts of visiting their country, city, or general area.
So scroll down, dear Pandas, and upvote the rules that surprised you. Be sure to comment your own stories or unwritten local rules and if the travel bug has not left you, check out Bored Panda’s other lists of unwritten travel rules here.
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Ireland here; We don't care if you're the bloody love child of Michael Collins and Eamon De Valera, if you weren't born or raised in Ireland, you don't call yourself Irish.
I'm looking at you, American tourists...
And for the love of God, don’t try to talk in an “Irish accent”, ya just sound offensive. In fact, don’t even say you love the “Irish accent,” because every county has a noticeably different one! It’s like saying your favourite animal is a mammal. (Source: I’m Irish myself, born and raised)
Americans visiting Canada: Don't call us America's hat or the 51st state or any of that other nonsense. It's not endearing and it's not funny. It's just annoying. We love your country very much, and you're totally out bestie. But we don't want to actually be you.
With love, Timbits and kind regards,
This is SO F*CKED UP, I...I can't even imagine anyone from the U.S. being so insulting to Canada..... please accept my apologies for this nonsense
Germany - Be there by the time you told me or I will be very pissed.
I think it's so rude when people are late (unless it's really out of their hands). I have a friend that wears a watch and will give you a time and rock up 2/3 hours late and either thinks its funny or pretends nothing is wrong!!!! Do you know what all I could've done while waiting for you???
Traveling often means dealing with a language you don’t know, sometimes involving a completely incomprehensible alphabet. So often, as tourists, we rely on hand gestures and smiles to communicate an idea. Can’t say thank you in the language? Just show a thumbs up! Unless you are in the Middle East or West Africa, where it is roughly equivalent to the middle finger! So if you are a person who gesticulates a lot, be sure to practice before leaving to avoid making an international incident.
Similarly, the ‘ok’ sign, formed by making a circle with the thumb and index finger, is relatively insulting in Brazil. So the bottom line is, maybe learn a few useful phrases ahead of time and practice them at home. It will save you the embarrassment of accidentally flipping someone off and you’ll expand your vocabulary at the same time.
SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS. Or you will die. [Australia]
Yes. The lifeguards put them there for a reason. Rip currents can be fatal
~~England~~ **UK** here.
Thanking the bus driver for the journey when you leave at your stop.
Also saying excuse me as I pass by I have got worse now I'm in a wheelchair cos I'm like a ninja and scare the life out of people by my silent approach. Sorry!
Load More Replies...Germany at least as far as my experience here is concerned. I'm always surprised to see how friendly the bus drivers are in other places 😅
Load More Replies...I'm Australian but I always say thanks and have a good night/weekend, unless the bus driver is a jerk. One was so mean and grumpy to me that I sarcastically told him "you should smile!" He apparently took this as a sincere bit of encouragement to cheer up, because he actually DID smile and from then on whenever he saw me he had a big happy smile and a cheery hello. At least it backfired in a nice way. :D
We do this in Canada as well. Oh, you didn't need me to tell you that, you figured that already? Sorry.
Same in Australia. Or at least Brisbane - you look like a bit of a jerk if you don't. Just as you're leaving via the back doors just call out thank you - not hard, and you probably won't be the only one.
We do in Melbourne too, though sometimes you have to call out that the back door needs to be opened first :)
Load More London you don't really do that. The rest of UK is good manners to thank a bus driver.
But only if the driver has been considerate and not tried to kill you on the journey by braking too hard / moving off before you're safe on the stairs / speeding excessively / cornering too sharply. Those bus drivers get a good old-fashioned tutting and glare!
In the States, but I always do that when I ride a bus. It's just basic politeness.
People always look at me strangely when I do that. (US) A driver just got me safely to my destination and I appreciate it. What's so weird about saying thanks?
Most people do that in the states to. I guess that depends on what part of the country you are in though.
I thank the bus driver for stopping and letting me get on the bus as well as thanking him for the journey when I get off.
And, if you are from America, please dial down the volume by 25%. We are not deaf, even if you are.
US here. I've done this on any bus. It should be said on every bus! x_x;
This one is poorly written... "Thanking the bus driver..." Okay.... What about it? Are you not supposed to? Is it considered rude, like tipping can be? Are you expected to? Personally, I always DO... But just the way this one is written is like saying "When you visit here... Your hand." 🤦
Never once seen anyone other than a tourist do this in 17 years of living in London
Never be friendly to bus drivers? Got it. That should give people some time to come up with new racist and nationalist b******t.
I always thank bus drivers, cabs drivers, waitresses, etc........ Being polite is a wonderful trait, and you could make the difference in a persons day. :)
I've always done that and I'm American. My parents taught me to be polite.
Rarely are we allowed to exit at the front unless a carriage or mobility aid is used where I live. But when the opportunity arises, I thank the driver.
American here, I always do this. It's about half and half here. Also depends on where you're at
I'm Canadian and we do this. The misconception is that we're polite, but the reality is just that there is just unwritten rules kindness in public. Like we could hold the door open for you while cursing at you to hurry up in our head. I don't personally, but I know a lot of Canadians are like that. I'm only like that when I need customer service and they try and convince me to buy something lmao
I go to the bank to quickly cash a cheque and they're like "let me spend 15 minutes explaining why you should buy this bank service or upgrade this thing which will cost you money" and I'm like "No :( I'm sorry I have a ride waiting for me, I'll check it out at home :) Have a nice day" and then I proceed to mutter in annoyance under my breath as I'm walking away from the bank 😅
Load More Replies...Doesn't everyone? I tend to thank everyone who gives me assistance/ makes my life easier.
London here.... Rarely do we do this but mostly because even driver doesn't care and just wants us all to clear off.
I am from UK (Bracknell, near London) and today an American (I moved there) asked me if I was from "The City Of Britain" 🤔
Gotta tell you; I'm a bus driver... and I find it weird. Because I then have to acknowledge the thank you! And I sound like a tit saying the same acknowledgement over and over, so I find myself going 'Thanks' 'Alright' 'No worries' etc so I'm not repeating myself!
100% thought this was general practice everywhere. But it's just nice to be mannerly
I do this anytime a bus driver is taking us anywhere. Last time was up the winding, narrow road to Hearst Castle. People forget their lives are in the hands of a stranger.
We do this in Victoria, BC, Canada but haven't encountered it anywhere else in the country. It's a good-feeling habit
Uhm, when I get out through the doors in the back, am I supposed to yell through the Bus?
Denmark - "Janteloven"
Don't flaunt your s**t in the face of people who have less than you, and don't feel that you are worth more than others, merely because you are wealthy.
It's important to also remember that something normal in your country might be weird almost everywhere else. For example, in most places, one takes their shoes off at the door, before entering a house, while Americans might leave them on. Now, this isn’t universal and consistent, but in much of the world, walking around your host’s home in shoes or, God forbid, boots, would be seen as rude. The origins of this American practice are unclear, but it’s often linked to American car dependency. If you go from driveway to car to driveway, your shoes are unlikely to be that dirty anyway.
(southern) Italy
1. Always eat offered food if visiting
2. Always accept to have coffe bought
3. Don t be scared of phisical contact. People will touch you, hug you, kiss you.
4. Offer to buy coffe. it s mandatory if you want to have "respect"
5. always talk to people. In line, in the bus, at the bank, at the post office
Guess I'll be avoiding southern Italy... I don't like being touched and I don't like talking to random people.... but the rules around food and coffee are appealing....
Thailand - Always pay for items with the banknote showing the Kings head facing up.
The same goes for India and Ghandi.
Most won't bat an eyelid as your obviously a foreigner, however some will be very offended. Surprisingly this is something a lot of travelling folk have never heard of.
My auntie got into trouble in Thailand for putting money in her shoe. Apparently it's tantamount to stepping on the kings face
England checking in: Always queue. Never push. This morning since the tubes are down because of strikes, there were people actually queuing for queues. Intense.
If you are traveling and you are unsure what small talk topics are acceptable, defaulting to the weather is a safe bet. This is stereotypically attributed to the Brits but can be applied everywhere. After all, the weather is a universal experience and affects both the rich and poor alike. Experiencing bad weather together also creates a sort of social solidarity.
South Africa - Don't ever pick up hitchhikers!
Pft I can give you tons of rules. 1. Don't leave valuables visible. 2. Keep your bag in front/on your lap except in a car where it goes under the seat (yes, smash and grab is a thing). 3. Don't accept help at ATMs. 4. Don't park or walk anywhere dirty/dark/isolated. 5. Avoid crowded scenarios particularly street pavements with lots of people on them. 6. Rather pay to park than park somewhere isolated. 7. Rather use a phone camera than an SLR (grab risk). 8. Don't leave your drink unattended at a bar if a woman. (Sorry, that's really horrible but... yeah.). Otherwise please do visit, we need the cash, our country is bleeding money.
Don't sit next to someone on the bus if you can avoid it.
Don't talk to strangers.
Northern Ireland: Do not bring up religion/scottish football teams in a pub unless you are looking for a fight.
Don't bring up religion anywhere. keep it to your place of worship.
Similarly, be sure to avoid certain topics or small talk in general. Learn about a country's history and religion before, so you don’t accidentally offend a local or provoke a rant about their horrible neighbors, rival football teams, or anything else. In some places, like Northern Europe, small talk is uncommon and it is best to simply stay silent.
Southern US- If you propose something and everyone just nods and smiles, it's a southern no.
America: When someone on the train or subway says - "Good Morning Everyone.. My name is..", you turn around cuz they're about to tell a sob story and start begging for money.
In San Francisco, you are expected to act like nothing fazes you.
Old man dressed entirely in leather straps with a ball gag in his mouth? Obese homeless lady with an electronic skeleton playing a banjo? Three young women wearing only sandals? Robin Williams? No matter what you encounter, you're supposed to pretend that it's a part of your daily routine to see it. Outsiders are quickly identified by their tendency to stare, comment, or otherwise take notice of the city's eclectic sights and sounds, at which point they will be swindled by a junk vendor.
England: Always moan about the weather.
It's never "just right". You are either too hot, too cold, too wet, too dull, too windy.
Three flakes of snow on the ground and the whole f*****g country comes to a standstill.
Ireland. Stand your round. When you go out to the pubs with a group of friends, make sure to pay for a round of drinks when it's your turn. The other members of your group *will* make a big show of trying to pay for you, telling you to put your wallet away, etc., especially if you are new to the group or are a foreigner (or both). DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GIVE IN TO THIS TOMFOOLERY. If you do, you will be secretly labeled a cheap bastard and will not be invited out the next day.
(The foregoing should be interpreted half-jokingly, but no more than half.)
But remember, everyone has to take turns buying the rounds. Went out with a whole group of friends last Summer and one guy decided to mooch instead of taking his turn paying by taking advantage of the offers. He didn’t get invited out for a good few months lol.
in america if someone random asks you hows it going just say "good, you?". dont actually tell them how's it going.
no idea how this became a thing
Ireland-give as good as you get! If we like you we will 'rip the p**s' (tease you/insult you) and expect you to do the same in return!! It's called banter and it's basically our 2nd language!!
It’s so ingrained in our culture, that if you hang out with your mates and haven’t been insulted at least once, you can consider the friendship over. (I’m only joking of course)
Southern USA-
If someone offers you something, or offers to do something for you, refuse at least three times. Three times is obligatory. If they continue to offer after that, it's a true offer, but if they say after the third refusal "are you sure?" you say yes, you are, and then all is well.
Also, Yes means yes, sure means maybe, maybe means no, no means "how could you possibly be so rude as to continue to pester me until I have to say no?"
Finally, "bless your heart" is not a compliment.
The Northeast is sooo much less passive aggressive, we just tell you STFU and/or maybe argue a bit and then go our merry ways without so much emotional constipation lurking for the next victim.
Always take off your shoes when visiting an Estonian. They might not say anything if you don't but you'll practically FEEL their disapproval.
Trinidad & Tobago. You better say good morning/good afternoon/good evening when you enter public transportation vehicles.
America: If you cut someone off in traffic, give a little wave - it makes everything okay. I swear I could have a head on collision at their fault, but if they waved afterwards I'd feel bad that I called them a f*****g douchebag.
The wave is NOT for if you cut someone off. If someone lets you in, wave to say thank you.
No parmesan on pasta seasoned with fish sauces
No capuccino after 11am
If you have 3 people coming for dinner, cook for 19.
And I only listed the food rules!
Always break spaghetti at least twice and cook pasta for at least 20 minutes.
Don't mess with the seagulls.
Aberdeen, Scotland.
Don’t mess with the seagulls in China too. At some tourist locations next to beaches, they’re vicious enough to swoop over your head and either grab that thing right out of your hand or s**t all over you. Or is that a universal thing?
Canadian here. B***h about the cold, but only to other Canadians. Nobody else needs to know that we're f*****g sick of minus 30 with the windchill.
India: Lanes exist on the roads but lane driving doesn't.
Also In Kolkata( in picture), lane markers and stop-line markers are made with chalk and can be eroded by traffic in 2 days. Also people will stand at the Zebra crossing during a red light. Pedestrians don't recognize the specific pedestrian traffic lights and follow the ones for vehicles. DO NOT be on a bicycle at a main road. Since Cycles are not under any legal jurisdiction here, everyone , INCLUDING THE POLICE, will want you to break the rules and move waaay ahead of the stop-line during a red light, so that ' they can stand a little ahead of the crowd'. Oh and vehicles will break a red light,and will get caught in very few instances, so don't start crossing the road the moment there is a red light.Someone WILL be a d*ck. And for God's sake, do beware of the cyclists. Some of them will stand in the wrong lane and will NOT use hand-turn signals. if you are in a motorised vehicle and even touch a Cyclist by accident, people will beat you up.
Puerto Rico:
Another puertorican in a street of PR? Enemy.
Another puertorican in a street of anywhere in the world? Long lost best friend.
This is how I ended up with my current roommate. I was at the gym and I notice that he had a PRican flag and island tattoed on his arm. I said "Boricua?" (which is the native word for puertoricans) and we hit it off right away. We've been best buddies since then.
Hope they don't travel to PR together, then they will be mortal enemies.
Iran: If there is money involved, the person receiving money (shopkeeper, taxi driver, lender) HAS TO say a phrase that basically means it's free, similar to "it's on the house."
It is NEVER free. It's just something that has to be said, to the point that shopkeepers emotionlessly say it while taking your money at the same time. And even more extreme they will say it even after an argument about the money or bargaining has taken place.
No one can explain it, it's just the way it is.
Finland. If you do not have something to say it is more than ok for you to be quiet. Even in a party. :)
I feel like I would like Finland... Except for the cold, I don't like the cold.
Load More Replies...I was fine till the article's text said "especially Americans". Seriously, have they never met some of the tourists from around the world?! We get 'em here b/c of the hiking. Absolute nightmares can be from any continent/country.
"Especially" singles out. "Like everyone" does not.
Load More Replies...I swear I'm about ready to leave here for awhile. I'm clearly not wanted here as an American anyway, since I'm proud of my ancestry and refuse to put myself down every second for being born here. I can't help that, but others can help by not perpetuating fallacies and not seeing us as monsters. We're not. Just like not all women or men are evil, not all of us are. Ugh.
I do find it ironic that BoredPanda continually bashes the United States when every country has problems and is not perfect. It is a really disturbing trend on this site. I noticed that on the rare occasion where a country other than the US is portrayed in a negative light on this site that users from said country are allowed to complain, but if users form the US complain they are branded as being whiny and annoying. It is incredibly strange and a very sad way to view the world.
Load More Replies...Some of these are useful, I was not aware of the Thai thing applying to the money as well. I knew you were not supposed to insult their king but being careful with how you present money as well? OK then.
Considering how many people holiday in Thailand, I'm surprised it's not better known. Maybe they give you some leeway as a foreigner
Load More Replies...When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I don't care if you don't do it that way at home. I don't care what the law is in your home country. When you visit a foreign countries, obey their laws, respect their customs, do what other people do. Dress appropriately, speak appropriately, behave appropriately, and please don't walk about in public talking about how stupid everyone is, especially when speaking English, because lots of people all over the world speak English, but remember that even if you think not a lot of people will speak your native language, you never really know who does. Charlize Theron told a story one time about how she and her mother were having a conversation in Afrikaans, and later, someone told her, in Afrikaans, that someone might be able to understand her.
Lemme add something that applies to pretty much a lot of places in the world: Never. P**s. Off. The. Seagulls. (Learned this the hard way after not offering food to seagull overlords at a tourist-filled spot at a beach. For no apparent reason a seagull decided to snatch my phone from my hand and drop it into the water, and then promptly nearly s**t on me.) 😑
Never p*$$ off Canada geese. They will kill you. If they happen to be guarding a nest, I hope you have a will.
Load More Replies...Some of these p**s me off because they're completely illogical. Say what you mean. Don't nod your head and smile if you mean no. Don't offer to pay for drinks if you're gonna judge someone for accepting your offer. F**k.
Singapore here: NEVER spit out gum on the sidewalk, you will be fined $2000, possibly jailed for repeated offences and maybe more. It is illegal to buy or sell gum here. Another one is, Singapore is VERY strict. Some Australian girls came over for a netball match and proceeded to steal lingerie from a Victoria’s Secret. They were immediately banned and deported from the country. If you are seen bringing drugs/have drugs in your system, you are not allowed in. If you consume drugs, death penalty. We have a lot of strict rules but that makes this country so safe - a young girl can walk in 3am on the most run down places, and she’d be safe.
I've been to a lot of places in the U.S. that had a lot of foreign tourists. Quit a few of them did things that would be considered outside the norm in the U.S. It never dawned on me that I should be offended and whine about it to Bored Panda.
Southern USA here! “Bless your heart” is basically us saying “Your an idiot” but in a nice way!!
World travel is not for the faint of heart or the ignorant of mind.
Taiwan: For the love of god/whatever you believe in, be QUIET on the subway. Whisper if you have to. Also, priority seating is a big deal. If an elderly person or a little kid gets on and all the seats are taken, and you're an able-bodied adult, you will be expected to give them a seat.
I'm shocked the rule of three for hospitality in Ireland wasn't mentioned. If your host offers you a drink or food. You say no. They'll offer again a few minutes later and you say no. The third time they offer, and they will, you say "well if you insist" and partake.
I've heard similar for other cultures as well. I'd fail so hard cause I just accept if being offered, no point on playing mind games if there are cookies at stake. Just saying ...
Load More Replies...If you're ever around Samoans - unless you're on /good/ terms, don't chee - doubly so if you're a haole - a chee is a fa'amu - a warcry, do it around people that don't know you as a brother and you're announcing you're the biggest, baddest toa (warrior) and you'll take on any and all...and they. Will. Oblige. You. Even the kids'll come out to kick you in the dangles and take your shoes. Unless you /know/ you can - just don't. It won't end well.
In Spain: walk on your right side of the street. Yes, it's a municipal law in every goddamn city in this country. Actually, what the law says is you have to use the right sidewalk in a street bit just walk on the right side even if you're on the left sidewalk. This rule has been here since the romans came, it's not new. That's why cars go on the right side too.
If I could only judge by what I read on BP I would only be able to conclude that European folks are annoying like a runny nose, complainers with no joy in their lives and hateful and closed minded to anyone that is culturally different. Must suck to live across the pond. Hope things improve for you.
Sweden: never ask to get a doggy bag from a restaurant. It's considered very embarrassing.
Huh? I’m not sure I could agree to that - It’s uncommon but not embarrassing, not as far as I know - maybe it’s different depending on where in Sweden one is located?
Load More Replies...America (or at least the South) "no yea" = yea "yea no" = no "yea yea yea" = no "no no yea" = yea
Finland. If you do not have something to say it is more than ok for you to be quiet. Even in a party. :)
I feel like I would like Finland... Except for the cold, I don't like the cold.
Load More Replies...I was fine till the article's text said "especially Americans". Seriously, have they never met some of the tourists from around the world?! We get 'em here b/c of the hiking. Absolute nightmares can be from any continent/country.
"Especially" singles out. "Like everyone" does not.
Load More Replies...I swear I'm about ready to leave here for awhile. I'm clearly not wanted here as an American anyway, since I'm proud of my ancestry and refuse to put myself down every second for being born here. I can't help that, but others can help by not perpetuating fallacies and not seeing us as monsters. We're not. Just like not all women or men are evil, not all of us are. Ugh.
I do find it ironic that BoredPanda continually bashes the United States when every country has problems and is not perfect. It is a really disturbing trend on this site. I noticed that on the rare occasion where a country other than the US is portrayed in a negative light on this site that users from said country are allowed to complain, but if users form the US complain they are branded as being whiny and annoying. It is incredibly strange and a very sad way to view the world.
Load More Replies...Some of these are useful, I was not aware of the Thai thing applying to the money as well. I knew you were not supposed to insult their king but being careful with how you present money as well? OK then.
Considering how many people holiday in Thailand, I'm surprised it's not better known. Maybe they give you some leeway as a foreigner
Load More Replies...When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I don't care if you don't do it that way at home. I don't care what the law is in your home country. When you visit a foreign countries, obey their laws, respect their customs, do what other people do. Dress appropriately, speak appropriately, behave appropriately, and please don't walk about in public talking about how stupid everyone is, especially when speaking English, because lots of people all over the world speak English, but remember that even if you think not a lot of people will speak your native language, you never really know who does. Charlize Theron told a story one time about how she and her mother were having a conversation in Afrikaans, and later, someone told her, in Afrikaans, that someone might be able to understand her.
Lemme add something that applies to pretty much a lot of places in the world: Never. P**s. Off. The. Seagulls. (Learned this the hard way after not offering food to seagull overlords at a tourist-filled spot at a beach. For no apparent reason a seagull decided to snatch my phone from my hand and drop it into the water, and then promptly nearly s**t on me.) 😑
Never p*$$ off Canada geese. They will kill you. If they happen to be guarding a nest, I hope you have a will.
Load More Replies...Some of these p**s me off because they're completely illogical. Say what you mean. Don't nod your head and smile if you mean no. Don't offer to pay for drinks if you're gonna judge someone for accepting your offer. F**k.
Singapore here: NEVER spit out gum on the sidewalk, you will be fined $2000, possibly jailed for repeated offences and maybe more. It is illegal to buy or sell gum here. Another one is, Singapore is VERY strict. Some Australian girls came over for a netball match and proceeded to steal lingerie from a Victoria’s Secret. They were immediately banned and deported from the country. If you are seen bringing drugs/have drugs in your system, you are not allowed in. If you consume drugs, death penalty. We have a lot of strict rules but that makes this country so safe - a young girl can walk in 3am on the most run down places, and she’d be safe.
I've been to a lot of places in the U.S. that had a lot of foreign tourists. Quit a few of them did things that would be considered outside the norm in the U.S. It never dawned on me that I should be offended and whine about it to Bored Panda.
Southern USA here! “Bless your heart” is basically us saying “Your an idiot” but in a nice way!!
World travel is not for the faint of heart or the ignorant of mind.
Taiwan: For the love of god/whatever you believe in, be QUIET on the subway. Whisper if you have to. Also, priority seating is a big deal. If an elderly person or a little kid gets on and all the seats are taken, and you're an able-bodied adult, you will be expected to give them a seat.
I'm shocked the rule of three for hospitality in Ireland wasn't mentioned. If your host offers you a drink or food. You say no. They'll offer again a few minutes later and you say no. The third time they offer, and they will, you say "well if you insist" and partake.
I've heard similar for other cultures as well. I'd fail so hard cause I just accept if being offered, no point on playing mind games if there are cookies at stake. Just saying ...
Load More Replies...If you're ever around Samoans - unless you're on /good/ terms, don't chee - doubly so if you're a haole - a chee is a fa'amu - a warcry, do it around people that don't know you as a brother and you're announcing you're the biggest, baddest toa (warrior) and you'll take on any and all...and they. Will. Oblige. You. Even the kids'll come out to kick you in the dangles and take your shoes. Unless you /know/ you can - just don't. It won't end well.
In Spain: walk on your right side of the street. Yes, it's a municipal law in every goddamn city in this country. Actually, what the law says is you have to use the right sidewalk in a street bit just walk on the right side even if you're on the left sidewalk. This rule has been here since the romans came, it's not new. That's why cars go on the right side too.
If I could only judge by what I read on BP I would only be able to conclude that European folks are annoying like a runny nose, complainers with no joy in their lives and hateful and closed minded to anyone that is culturally different. Must suck to live across the pond. Hope things improve for you.
Sweden: never ask to get a doggy bag from a restaurant. It's considered very embarrassing.
Huh? I’m not sure I could agree to that - It’s uncommon but not embarrassing, not as far as I know - maybe it’s different depending on where in Sweden one is located?
Load More Replies...America (or at least the South) "no yea" = yea "yea no" = no "yea yea yea" = no "no no yea" = yea