People Answer What Movies Get Wrong About Real Life And Here’s 50 Of Their Spot-On Observations
To expect realistic movies from Hollywood would be a constant disappointment. But some of the clichés we see on screen are so bad, they shatter the suspension of disbelief, reminding us that we're watching something made up.
Reddit user u/Nest_Egg decided to find out what things in movies infuriate people the most, so they asked: "What is something that happens in every movie, but never happens in real life?"
From Skype streams with 1080p and 120fps to 5 bad guys attacking the hero one at a time, here are hilariously true and oddly specific answers that others have responded with.
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if a girl is arguing with you in real life and you kiss her to shut her up she will most likely not appreciate it
When the mother of the house has spent four hours making breakfast for the whole family with like 3832523 ingredients that cover the entire kitchen table and the dad or son or whatever walks by, grabs an apple and says they don't have time to eat because they're late for work. I'm pretty sure that person could be legally murdered in real life
Young professionals or college students living in HUUUGE, fully furnished apartments in the city
5 bad guys attacking the hero ONE-AT-A-TIME...
Nobody just shoots the dude. Everybody uses gadgets for close-up attacks, and once he beats the crap out of them and starts getting away guys with machine guns emerge and miss him with every bullet.
Movies - “wtf was that!” Don’t bother turning lights on. Go look...
Real life - my wife hears something “wtf was that! Wake up! Go check!!!!!” Turns every single light on, locks the bedroom door behind me, has 911 ready to dial. Constantly yells for me to give an update. Allows me back in the door after triple confirming my identity, using the secret password.... oh that noise?
Dog farted.
That wife does not seem to care about the safety of her husband. I would follow my husband as a backup or not let him out of the bedroom.
When the girl that the main potagonist likes doesn't like him back, so the main potagonist bothers and stalks her for so long that she finally falls in love with him. In real life she would probably call the police.
Probably the most problematic movie plot for real life - stalking and ignoring a NO (mostly from a woman) is somehow romantic and not a totally creepy, respectless douche move
USB stick goes in the right way
Lead actor sits down at bar: "Get me a beer."
Movie Bartender: *silently gets beer*
Real-life Bartender: "What? What kind of beer? We've got 20 beers on tap and an extensive bottle list. Do you want a menu or something?"
Becoming popular after taking down your ponytail and removing your nerdy glasses.
Many of the nerdy women I know can dress up and look glam when they need to, and the next day they're back with the glasses, the pony tail, the comfy shoes and practical clothes. There's nothing life-changing about fancying yourself up, unless you want to spend time with the sort of idiots who are impressed by fancy clothes.
In movies with any kind of trial scene there's always a dramatic moment where one of the attorneys presents a witness or piece of evidence that completely changes the course of the trial. Something that neither the judge or opposing attorney knew about.
Like sorry buddy, but the discovery deadline was a month ago
Attorneys caring about their clients is one of the great fictional tales also.
Whenever people play something back, be it a tape recorder, video recording, or whatever, they can always fast-forward or rewind to EXACTLY the point they want, with perfect accuracy.
A girl waking up with perfect hair and a face full of perfectly done makeup. I don't care how pretty of a girl you are you don't wake up with perfect hair.
Clearly, you haven't seen me early morning... I make the Clown from IT look like Ryan Reynolds.
No need for cleanup after sex.
Also, a superhero woman having sex with her long-deceased boyfriend revived by an ancient rock would be high on my list.
It isn't romantic to keep pursuing someone after they've told you they aren't interested, it's toxic and creepy. No healthy person is out there saying no when they mean yes.
Phone call : "turn on the tv"
tv: "exactly the correct station at the beginning of the news story the person called about"
Turns on TV "Why am I watching a news story about a cat eating lettuce at 2AM" " No. The story before that one!!"
Guns with no recoil and not going deaf despite not wearing hearing protection when firing that M4 indoors singlehandedly and taking down every bad guy with one shot per guy and no reloading...
People working minimum-wage/part-time jobs living in big apartments in the downtown areas of cities.
I didn’t get my own apartment until I was in my 40s, and this was well before the big tech boom made it too expensive for me to live in San Francisco.
Simultaneous orgasms every time.
A person going from drunk to sober in 5 minutes because they drank a cup of black coffee.
People going for spontaneous drinks after driving the car to the bar, still driving back as if they are completely sober and nobody's bothered at all.
Boarding a plane after the gate has closed. No, not even for true love!
I've worked in a hospital as a nursing assistant and I can hardly stand to watch any medical related movies now. They always depict the doctors as being closely involved with patient care and doing everything the patient needs, such as handing out meds, conducting tests, etc. This simply doesn't happen in real life. While the doctors do make a care plan, there are hundreds of other professions in a hospital setting that carry out that plan. Nurses hand out meds and do wound care, NAs help patients with activities of daily living, a transport team takes patients to their tests where other nurses/techs actually conduct the tests. It's an intricate system that doesn't revolve solely around the physicians. Don't get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for doctors and I plan on going to medical school, but movies do so many other jobs in healthcare an injustice by not depicting what they actually do.
I'm also in the medical field and even though i know it's fiction i cannot stand some things!! Waking up from a coma and being able to speak stand and walk??? Yeah right! Or even when they show therapy it lasts about one day and then you are fine! Or after car accidents when they announce you that you broke your spine but we will fix you and you'll be fine! Yeah good luck with that!
They don't make keyboard mistakes or have to backspace. Movie characters get it on the first shot, whether it's sending a text or hacking into the Pentagon.
They just keep on hitting the keyboard like in a monkey spelling experiment and then all of a sudden, "OK, we're in."
Characters can hear every word of dialogue perfectly in a noisy environment.
Captain frantically whispering to the private - "I need you to charge that machine gun nest."
Private - "um actually I can't hear you I'm completely deaf from 3 hours of constant gunfire."
And teens having deep, meaningful conversations about the meaning of life, stock markets, goblins, etc.
Grocery bags in movies ALWAYS have unwrapped French bread and some green leaf lettuce sticking out of the top.
And they are never seen with toilet paper or sanitary pads, unless it is explicitly used in the plot to embarrass a character.
People that are experts in their highly scientific field are not usually young and hot. It takes a long time to become so highly qualified for nuclear physics and that sort of thing. But no, in movies, it is always someone that looks to be in their mid 20s at the latest.
People cough and it's always indicative of an incoming terminal illness. A phone rings and it's terrible/pertinent news.
In real life people cough because there's something tickling their throat or because they swallowed something funny. You answer a phone call and Liz is trying to sell you a cheap stay in Las Vegas even though you've told that c**t to f**k off more than three times in the last month.
NO ONE HAS BLACKOUT CURTAINS IN MOVIES. Why?? Everyone wakes up to bright sunlight and no curtains and beautifully clean bedrooms ... that is NOT reality!!!
I know no one who has blackout curtains. I have Venetian blinds, and they keep the room dark, should I so wish.
Huge catastrophe happens - everyone in the whole city is dead, except my whole family! How lucky I am!
The phone only rings to move the plot along. IRL my phone only rings due to scammers or bots calling from an Arlington, Va number.
I would absolutely love a phone to ring in a movie, and it be a telemarketer! For some reason I could see that happening to deadpool
People waiting their turn to talk.
Imagine a realistic drama where one character confronts the person who wronged them, and about 2 sentences into their big, inspiring, mic-drop moment, the other person cuts them off with "Go f***k yourself, a**hole".
I mean, I've had my share of arguments. Not many people sit patiently through several paragraphs of well thought out reasons why they're wrong.
I've never seen anyone apprehend criminals while causing millions and millions in damage to the city.
People shrugging off a flesh wound like it's nothing. They even say "It's just a flesh wound." The movie Last Action Hero does a good job of mocking this by having Jack Slater incur a flesh wound in "the real world," and it's a big deal. But then he goes into the movie world and it's barely a scratch.
In fact, Last Action Hero has a lot of examples, like people being able to punch through car windows, or the women working at Blockbuster being way too attractive.
Medical examiner comes back with a tox report and DNA match in a matter of minutes. IRL, this stuff takes days or weeks.
People never have to go to the bathroom and are rarely hungry or thirsty, and can go for weeks with virtually no sleep.
The way actors dramatically circle each other while they're having conversations. It's something stage actors are taught to do to make the scene more dynamic, but it's not something people ever actually do in real life. Imagine chatting with your buddy somewhere and he just starts circling you mid-conversation: "So anyway, I think we should . . . uh, where are you going? What is happening right now?"
Driver constantly looking at the codriver while conversing, while driving on a highway.
Free available storefront parking
A young married couple buying a massive 2 or 3 story Victorian that is completely updated and has full attic and basement as their first home like that's a normal thing. Even with a discount for the demons that hang out there a new married couple that just spent upwards of 40 grand on a wedding is not gonna be able to afford this huge remodeled house.
Will power seems to be greater than any injury in every movie.
4 broken ribs, countless lacerations, and eyes swelled shut probably wont be remedied by the time you are fighting the next wave of baddies.
Someone asking like 20 people to leave a room so they can have a conversation with one other person. "Can we have the room?" Or "Give us the room."
This happens all the time in movies. It has been driving me crazy since I started noticing it.
ive never seen a movie where this happens but it feels super accurate so im upvoting lol
2 Candles lighting up a room the same way a lamp will.
People brushing their teeth with no toothpaste foaming like a rabid dog.
Or it dribbling out of their mouth, down their chin and into the sink. And they're always standing straight up looking in the mirror, and never have to spit it out.
I can live with the lighting. I seriously dislike the current trend of "dark is dark" in movies where, it being dark in the setting, they make it so dark you can't see the movie. Give us enough lighting to see what's going on please. A movie IS visually based after all
I had that with the old X files. i know that its supposed to be a bit scary but I want to see what is going on
Load More Replies...It always irks me when an actor brushes their teeth, and then they don't rinse their mouth out afterwards. Ew, how can they stand swallowing the residual toothpaste knowing it's full of tarter and mucus and bacteria? I know movies don't show every little step throughout a person's day for brevity's sake, but if you show part of a thing and don't complete it while the camera is still rolling, it's going to stand out. Especially when it's something aggregious or inappropriate, or gross. What it's effectively doing is providing context and making a statement about the character, whether the director intends for this to happen or not. Imagine if they were to show someone taking a dump and then not wiping before they pull up their pants. That makes a statement about the kind of character we're dealing with.
You...do realize you're swallowing that mucus and bacteria 24/7, right? It's not magically contained to your mouth. The only problem is the toothpaste, as fluorine and/or other active ingredients are not the smartest to ingest.
Load More Replies...Lighting can annoy me, especially when it's unnecessarily dark so you can't see the action, or the opposite, when it's supposed to be dark but light somehow mysteriously appears without an explanation. People do NOT know how to brush their teeth. Ever.
1st thing is neccessity of filming. Every director does not have budget for such lenses that Kubric used at Barry Lyndon to film with real ambient lightning.
Or standing there with the toothbrush in your mouth while you talk!!! Makes me gag and choke just watching. So distracting it takes me out of the movie.
When someone hacks a 'mainframe' in five seconds
and the huge GUI.... Access Denied.. (or Granted) is massive red or green letters....
When soldiers die on the battlefield in movies, its usually a whole ordeal with last words and grunting and the injured soldier slowly becoming lifeless as a buddy holds him in his arms. All the while the battle seemingly lulls off as this one random guy is dying.
This just doesn't happen. Usually battlefield deaths are quick and very sudden. A lot of the time the guy hit either isn't noticed until later or is dead before they hit the ground.
Immediate comebacks. Even the sharpest people will not have a comeback for everything, every single time.
People establishing family (outside of mothers, fathers and grandparents) relationships in their greetings so anyone that happens to overhear knows how you're related.
"Hey brother, it's been a long time!"
"What's going on, sis?"
"How are you, cousin?"
Highschoolers very openly and obviously throwing house parties or going to clubs and getting wasted.
Being drenched the second they walk outside while raining
One person running in and saying something along the lines of "omg i have to tell you so and so...." getting interrupted by the person they want to talk to saying "i don't have time for this" and leaving. Of course you're going to want to know why someone needs to obviously and urgently tell you something.
I think the biggest mistake in movies that we have all become aware of over the lat 18 months is that if there is some sort of virus or zombie outbreak in a movie, the general public immediately go: “Holy smokes, there’s a virus/zombie outbreak, we’d better follow government instructions/expert advice!!” In reality, there is an initial 12 months of people going: “It’s just the flu” / “The virus is not real” / “More people die from heart attacks every year” / “The so called experts are just scaremongering sheeple”
My personal favorite is portrayals of mental illness. Such as when the character is going to therapy and has a breakthrough moment and completely changes after that. The breakthrough is not the end of your journey, that's the beginning (I'm looking at you, Good Will Hunting). Or love trumps true emotional disorders or addiction (ahem, Silver Linings Playbook). Love and support helps, but its no cure all.
Women in disaster or adventure movies. Stumbling around for days in their shorts and yet their legs are still smooth.
The absolute killer for immersion for me is hands. Everyone from the hard-punching protagonist, to the girl who's just crawled on her hands and knees for miles, or even a six-month old zombie - neatly trimmed nails, perfect cuticles, no bruises. It's rare for any movie or show to get this even vaguely right.
Load More Replies...As a biomedical scientist, it drives me crazy when movies use "virus" and "bacteria" interchangeably, and then visualize the pathogen by looking a drop of blood on a slide (without staining or anything) and what do they see? A worm. But somehow it is still both a virus and a bacteria. Also they pipet wrong and nobody washes their damn hands, even after they use the bathroom.
So nobody follows lab safety protocols like closing your labcoat (its there for a reason) or tying your hair so it doesnt get everywhere or on fire.
Load More Replies...People suddenly wake up from coma, without any physical or mental difficulties. Paraplegic people stand up, walk or even run, because they want to prove that nothing is impossible , or save someone. Mute people suddently start talking.
Love triangles. Just pick someone for pete's sake!! I can't excuse a few, but most of them annoy me beyond words.
It is actually a very good question. I think it would be worse, because movies would be as ugly, boring and disappointing as real life.
Load More Replies...The most unlikely things that always happen in movies : the good guy wins, the villain loses. There is a social scene, drama, cliques and clubs in high school. There are parties, assaults and pranks in college. Huge friend groups. Middle-class families live in suburban mansions. Your dreams come true if you believe in yourself.
Never saying "Bye" when finishing a phone call - they just end the call. And drinking neat spirts without coughing... Seriously?
Women being deadly scared of blood. I assure you, women see way more blood than men...
You know that a man wrote the script if the woman is afraid of blood.
Load More Replies...Horror/supernatural movies. They never call for help, never book a hotel room, never knock their neighbours up. Same genre - using your phone to record videos or as a torch but never to call the emergency services which are still available even if your network is out of range. People being chased or killed never crap themselves or fart, which you would totally do. Fist fights. Have you tried punching someone? It really bloody hurts! Female characters. She's never on her period, never wears sensible underwear, never has a bad hair day or zits, never needs to pee, never has PMT, never needs to take the pill, never farts, always orgasms, always happy to BJ - we aren't living in a porn fantasy here!
OCD in movies. Some are better at it than others but I have yet to see an honest depiction of it.
Have you seen the OCD doctor in Scrubs? I always wondered if he was portrayed okaish.
Load More Replies...My favorites: A man gets punched and beaten up, but winces in pain when a woman cleans his wounds. When exiting a taxi, just toss some crumpled bills at the driver, and all is good. Just pull right up in front of the NYC skyscraper, and park right there, with no other cars around you. No standing at a bar for five minutes, trying to catch the bartender's eye to order a drink.
I always find it amusing when computers in movies act like a car engine and have to "revv up" to do calculations. As if somehow the processor needs time to reach full capacity and suddenly goes from slower than a 286 to fast enough to put Fugaku to shame in 20 seconds flat.
My PC at work does this when I render a 3D view. The processor clock increases at the same rate the cooling fans do, so there is a very small but perceptible bit of lag. And it does sound like its going to take off.
Load More Replies...Cops entering a house in broad daylight, its dark inside and they use torches. Why not turn on the lights?
If it's a crime scene cops actually do that to see it as it is
Load More Replies...SO if I ever make a movie i'll fix it. We'll have a long scene with the hero slowly eating toast as they browse stuff on their Phone, They will have a bathroom break while playing games on the phone. A scene where they prep for the day. all the dialog will be filled with ums and filler words. There will be an awesome scene where they spend 20 minutes parking. the hero will be hurt by the first explosion and spend the rest of the time recovering. There will be a Physical therapy scene it will be epic. ;)
People jumping into a pool fully clothed or being pushed in and never EVER have to replace their phone that they almost always have with them....i have had a few instances where i misjudged something and ended up having to replace a phone or a mp3 player. No amount of rice will resurrect a dead electronic device
My pet peeve is when they reconstruct a face from like 5 pixels of a blurry surveillance camera...
Most of these things have been pointed out so many times lately that pointing them out is becoming a trope on its own. The internet seems to be running out of content.
why does this list even exist? I think most people are capable of distinguishing between reality and fiction so why bring the point up?
Yes, people are able to distinguish between fiction and reality, but the point of this post is to highlight the stupidity of some tropes.
Load More Replies...1. All phone numbers start with 555- 2. Nobody locks their front doors - they arrive home and simply open the door 3. Those who DO lock their doors, store the key under a flowerpot right next to the front door 4. Nobody ever has to go pee. 5. Suspecting a killer in the house - calling out: "hello!". As if the killer is going to reply: "yes be with you in a minute, just sharpening my knife quickly and getting a beer from your fridge"
Any portrayal concerning sex or pregnancy. It's never accurate. People answering their phones at any time of night and coming out. No, I'm not coming out at 2am just cuz you call and say "hurry!"
I get what people are saying, sort of. Because movies are supposed to be entertaining and not realistic. That's the part of literally making up a story. It's the opposite of real life it's a fantasy a movie to take you out of this world, so to speak. It can't be realistic for the simple fact that it would take too long to watch. I just feel like people don't really have imagination anymore. Probably because of stress and real life things going on now a days. So calling this stuff out is obvious but that's literally the point of movies, books, and theatre. To be the complete opposite of reality.
Changing many of these would have no effect on the length of the movie. And even the ones that would, like a random phone call that's not related to the plot, could be inserted every now and then. At least I hate knowing that everything that happens relates to the big picture, usually in a very predictable way to boot.
Load More Replies...Women maintaining perfect eyebrows, shaved legs and pits, light makeup, plus never worrying about their periods when they're on long wilderness journeys and when they're stuck somewhere, like captured or stranded for over a month.
PEOPLE ENTERING A HOUSE AND LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN! Really irritates me. close 2nd and third - Not saying goodbye after a phone convo ends. And a woman throws up, turns out she's of course pregnant.
How about the villain that has 10 henchmen that a-) always want to fist fight rather than just whip out the pistol and cap the hero, b-) are so committed to villainous scheme that they never run even when 5 of their buddies just got killed c-) have nothing to do but hang out with the leader. The expense of feeding and housing these guys over a period of months is not insignificant.
No one talking about how a laptop webcam suddenly have the hollywood image quality with perfect lighting when talking via video call? Also 60fps HD security camera footage.
Did you notice during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake that Japan seems to have MUCH better quality security cameras than everywhere else in the world? It was eerie cinematic quality footage from inside grocery stores and dry cleaners. While in my part of the world the police are looking for a robbery suspect who looks something like a blurry potato.
Load More Replies...Real life is not that eventful ,you also don't want it to be.All the good things is a fantasy but Psychological trauma,abuse ,cheating,no money,those are real. 🙂
I would absolutely love for you all to see a movie that takes all these suggestions to heart. You would quickly say, "Oh, never mind".
I stopped watching the movies, because: 1. All (or most) of the movies has to have a romantic man/woman pairing, and it is the main plot. No matter that the original plot was adventure, and romance was somewhere in third plan (looking at "Lord of rings") 2. Most cases when I start watching movie, after a several minutes I am dying from second hand embarrassment - like "who talks like this in real life"?. I usually end up turning it off. Haven't watched any movies for quite a few years. At best check some tv series that are police/etc rated, especially with dog - even if I know they are not realistic, at least the dog is nice, and romantic interest with super dumb dialog usually is not in first plan.
No morning breath, after a night of lovemaking. Full kisses and more sex at 8:00AM
my MAJOR is the not reloading, or even when the scene cuts you can imagine they reload... But theres no way your .45 has 27 bullets in one single unbroken take. I get it for the movie, but it pisses me off so much that I cant help myself but bullet count since I was like 14
Action movies where heroes in one-piece costumesshenanigans are never interrupted by the urgent need to pee, poo or even to drink or eat.
It's a movie. I'm more concerned about the numbers of people whose lives are so wrapped up in fantasy and fiction on the big and small screens they begin to think the show is real life or should be like real life.
Could this be why none of the above is a "documentary"? Plus: you only found 70 "unrealistic" things in the movies? Wow...
I think the biggest mistake in movies that we have all become aware of over the lat 18 months is that if there is some sort of virus or zombie outbreak in a movie, the general public immediately go: “Holy smokes, there’s a virus/zombie outbreak, we’d better follow government instructions/expert advice!!” In reality, there is an initial 12 months of people going: “It’s just the flu” / “The virus is not real” / “More people die from heart attacks every year” / “The so called experts are just scaremongering sheeple”
My personal favorite is portrayals of mental illness. Such as when the character is going to therapy and has a breakthrough moment and completely changes after that. The breakthrough is not the end of your journey, that's the beginning (I'm looking at you, Good Will Hunting). Or love trumps true emotional disorders or addiction (ahem, Silver Linings Playbook). Love and support helps, but its no cure all.
Women in disaster or adventure movies. Stumbling around for days in their shorts and yet their legs are still smooth.
The absolute killer for immersion for me is hands. Everyone from the hard-punching protagonist, to the girl who's just crawled on her hands and knees for miles, or even a six-month old zombie - neatly trimmed nails, perfect cuticles, no bruises. It's rare for any movie or show to get this even vaguely right.
Load More Replies...As a biomedical scientist, it drives me crazy when movies use "virus" and "bacteria" interchangeably, and then visualize the pathogen by looking a drop of blood on a slide (without staining or anything) and what do they see? A worm. But somehow it is still both a virus and a bacteria. Also they pipet wrong and nobody washes their damn hands, even after they use the bathroom.
So nobody follows lab safety protocols like closing your labcoat (its there for a reason) or tying your hair so it doesnt get everywhere or on fire.
Load More Replies...People suddenly wake up from coma, without any physical or mental difficulties. Paraplegic people stand up, walk or even run, because they want to prove that nothing is impossible , or save someone. Mute people suddently start talking.
Love triangles. Just pick someone for pete's sake!! I can't excuse a few, but most of them annoy me beyond words.
It is actually a very good question. I think it would be worse, because movies would be as ugly, boring and disappointing as real life.
Load More Replies...The most unlikely things that always happen in movies : the good guy wins, the villain loses. There is a social scene, drama, cliques and clubs in high school. There are parties, assaults and pranks in college. Huge friend groups. Middle-class families live in suburban mansions. Your dreams come true if you believe in yourself.
Never saying "Bye" when finishing a phone call - they just end the call. And drinking neat spirts without coughing... Seriously?
Women being deadly scared of blood. I assure you, women see way more blood than men...
You know that a man wrote the script if the woman is afraid of blood.
Load More Replies...Horror/supernatural movies. They never call for help, never book a hotel room, never knock their neighbours up. Same genre - using your phone to record videos or as a torch but never to call the emergency services which are still available even if your network is out of range. People being chased or killed never crap themselves or fart, which you would totally do. Fist fights. Have you tried punching someone? It really bloody hurts! Female characters. She's never on her period, never wears sensible underwear, never has a bad hair day or zits, never needs to pee, never has PMT, never needs to take the pill, never farts, always orgasms, always happy to BJ - we aren't living in a porn fantasy here!
OCD in movies. Some are better at it than others but I have yet to see an honest depiction of it.
Have you seen the OCD doctor in Scrubs? I always wondered if he was portrayed okaish.
Load More Replies...My favorites: A man gets punched and beaten up, but winces in pain when a woman cleans his wounds. When exiting a taxi, just toss some crumpled bills at the driver, and all is good. Just pull right up in front of the NYC skyscraper, and park right there, with no other cars around you. No standing at a bar for five minutes, trying to catch the bartender's eye to order a drink.
I always find it amusing when computers in movies act like a car engine and have to "revv up" to do calculations. As if somehow the processor needs time to reach full capacity and suddenly goes from slower than a 286 to fast enough to put Fugaku to shame in 20 seconds flat.
My PC at work does this when I render a 3D view. The processor clock increases at the same rate the cooling fans do, so there is a very small but perceptible bit of lag. And it does sound like its going to take off.
Load More Replies...Cops entering a house in broad daylight, its dark inside and they use torches. Why not turn on the lights?
If it's a crime scene cops actually do that to see it as it is
Load More Replies...SO if I ever make a movie i'll fix it. We'll have a long scene with the hero slowly eating toast as they browse stuff on their Phone, They will have a bathroom break while playing games on the phone. A scene where they prep for the day. all the dialog will be filled with ums and filler words. There will be an awesome scene where they spend 20 minutes parking. the hero will be hurt by the first explosion and spend the rest of the time recovering. There will be a Physical therapy scene it will be epic. ;)
People jumping into a pool fully clothed or being pushed in and never EVER have to replace their phone that they almost always have with them....i have had a few instances where i misjudged something and ended up having to replace a phone or a mp3 player. No amount of rice will resurrect a dead electronic device
My pet peeve is when they reconstruct a face from like 5 pixels of a blurry surveillance camera...
Most of these things have been pointed out so many times lately that pointing them out is becoming a trope on its own. The internet seems to be running out of content.
why does this list even exist? I think most people are capable of distinguishing between reality and fiction so why bring the point up?
Yes, people are able to distinguish between fiction and reality, but the point of this post is to highlight the stupidity of some tropes.
Load More Replies...1. All phone numbers start with 555- 2. Nobody locks their front doors - they arrive home and simply open the door 3. Those who DO lock their doors, store the key under a flowerpot right next to the front door 4. Nobody ever has to go pee. 5. Suspecting a killer in the house - calling out: "hello!". As if the killer is going to reply: "yes be with you in a minute, just sharpening my knife quickly and getting a beer from your fridge"
Any portrayal concerning sex or pregnancy. It's never accurate. People answering their phones at any time of night and coming out. No, I'm not coming out at 2am just cuz you call and say "hurry!"
I get what people are saying, sort of. Because movies are supposed to be entertaining and not realistic. That's the part of literally making up a story. It's the opposite of real life it's a fantasy a movie to take you out of this world, so to speak. It can't be realistic for the simple fact that it would take too long to watch. I just feel like people don't really have imagination anymore. Probably because of stress and real life things going on now a days. So calling this stuff out is obvious but that's literally the point of movies, books, and theatre. To be the complete opposite of reality.
Changing many of these would have no effect on the length of the movie. And even the ones that would, like a random phone call that's not related to the plot, could be inserted every now and then. At least I hate knowing that everything that happens relates to the big picture, usually in a very predictable way to boot.
Load More Replies...Women maintaining perfect eyebrows, shaved legs and pits, light makeup, plus never worrying about their periods when they're on long wilderness journeys and when they're stuck somewhere, like captured or stranded for over a month.
PEOPLE ENTERING A HOUSE AND LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN! Really irritates me. close 2nd and third - Not saying goodbye after a phone convo ends. And a woman throws up, turns out she's of course pregnant.
How about the villain that has 10 henchmen that a-) always want to fist fight rather than just whip out the pistol and cap the hero, b-) are so committed to villainous scheme that they never run even when 5 of their buddies just got killed c-) have nothing to do but hang out with the leader. The expense of feeding and housing these guys over a period of months is not insignificant.
No one talking about how a laptop webcam suddenly have the hollywood image quality with perfect lighting when talking via video call? Also 60fps HD security camera footage.
Did you notice during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake that Japan seems to have MUCH better quality security cameras than everywhere else in the world? It was eerie cinematic quality footage from inside grocery stores and dry cleaners. While in my part of the world the police are looking for a robbery suspect who looks something like a blurry potato.
Load More Replies...Real life is not that eventful ,you also don't want it to be.All the good things is a fantasy but Psychological trauma,abuse ,cheating,no money,those are real. 🙂
I would absolutely love for you all to see a movie that takes all these suggestions to heart. You would quickly say, "Oh, never mind".
I stopped watching the movies, because: 1. All (or most) of the movies has to have a romantic man/woman pairing, and it is the main plot. No matter that the original plot was adventure, and romance was somewhere in third plan (looking at "Lord of rings") 2. Most cases when I start watching movie, after a several minutes I am dying from second hand embarrassment - like "who talks like this in real life"?. I usually end up turning it off. Haven't watched any movies for quite a few years. At best check some tv series that are police/etc rated, especially with dog - even if I know they are not realistic, at least the dog is nice, and romantic interest with super dumb dialog usually is not in first plan.
No morning breath, after a night of lovemaking. Full kisses and more sex at 8:00AM
my MAJOR is the not reloading, or even when the scene cuts you can imagine they reload... But theres no way your .45 has 27 bullets in one single unbroken take. I get it for the movie, but it pisses me off so much that I cant help myself but bullet count since I was like 14
Action movies where heroes in one-piece costumesshenanigans are never interrupted by the urgent need to pee, poo or even to drink or eat.
It's a movie. I'm more concerned about the numbers of people whose lives are so wrapped up in fantasy and fiction on the big and small screens they begin to think the show is real life or should be like real life.
Could this be why none of the above is a "documentary"? Plus: you only found 70 "unrealistic" things in the movies? Wow...