40 Times Men Revealed Their Delusional Expectations Of Women Online And Were Rightfully Shamed For Them
The subreddit 'Sad Cringe' is a tricky one. It's a place for awkward and embarrassing situations that also make you feel sad, and the ambiguous emotional cocktail really tests you.
As you may have seen from our publications on this popular online community here and here, the subject matter varies from post to post. From questionable baby gender reveals to unfortunate exchanges with Uber drivers, you never know what you're gonna see scrolling through.
However, one of the recurring themes is men and women. And there's a good reason for it. While both of these groups are responsible for a lot of messed up romances, many guys seem to have totally unreasonable expectations of ladies. I mean, just see for yourself!
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Sometimes I Read Stuff Like This And Pray Those People Are Joking
Guys lets start wearing some revealing clothes so we can help with equality.
Guy Thinks A Girl Was Begging For Sex When She Was Nice To Him At Lunch
Are there really so many entitled males in that country? All these posts and others seam to suggest so. I have never in my life (I‘m f38) met, seen or heard of any man behaving like this in real life. Every man I know and have ever known is a normal human being with whom I can talk about anything and be nice to as much as I want. Regardless if it is a friend, a neighbour, the husband of a friend, a random stranger, a cashier or a coworker! I never met a „nice guy (tm)“. Why are your men so deranged?
It's not a cliché that men just don't understand women. There's actual research suggesting guys really do struggle to read women's emotions. At least from their eyes.
We know this because Boris Schiffer, a researcher at the LWL-University Hospital in Bochum, Germany, and his colleagues put 22 men between the ages of 21 and 52 (with an average age of 36) in a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner, which uses blood flow as a measure to measure their brain activity.
The scientists then asked the men to look at images of 36 pairs of eyes, half from men and half from women, and guess the emotion those people felt.
A Woman In My Neighborhood Was Followed By A Man While She Was Jogging And Posted A Safety Warning To Let Others Know. This Guy Pops Up In The Chat
This Guy Who Expects Gifts On His Girlfriend's Birthday, And Who Clearly Doesn't Know What Birthdays Are
The men then had to choose which of two words, such as distrustful or terrified, best described the eyes' emotion. The eye photographs depicted positive, neutral, and negative emotions.
Men took longer and had more trouble correctly identifying emotion in women's eyes.
Well That's Not Creepy
Found On Twitter
Additionally, their brains showed different activation when looking at men's versus women's eyes. Men's amygdala — a region in the brain linked to emotions, empathy, and fear — was activated more strongly in response to men's eyes.
Also, other brain areas tied to emotion and behavior didn't activate as much when the men looked at women's eyes.
Found One In The Wild!
And by the way, men also write sex scenes as fantasy. You think they write them as journalism?
This Dude Is Being Hateful Towards A Man In A Photo, By This Comment He Thinks He Should Be The One. Jealous Af
At Least I Asked
Now thats a romântic question....... I have 44 almost 45 years old, had 2 serious relationships, and a few more casual ones, never once in my f*****g life i asked that to a woman.
The results indicate that men are worse at reading women's emotions. This "theory of mind" is one of the foundations for empathy, so the scientists suggest this could mean that men can have less empathy for women relative to men.
But the cause that leads to this is still unknown. While men could be culturally conditioned to pay less attention to women's emotional cues, there's also the possibility that their differential response is hard-wired by humans' evolutionary past.
Boobs Only Exist To Serve A Man’s Sexual Pleasure
Wait till you hear about babies and what they need to live!
I'm Too Amazing For Any Woman Out There *yawn*
Sad Because Nice Guy Finishes Last Again
"As men were more involved in hunting and territory fights, it would have been important for them to be able to predict and foresee the intentions and actions of their male rivals," the researchers explained in the paper.
He’ll Never Show His Face In That Place Again
Poor Guy
Redditor Gets A Job To Try To Get Laid With Coworkers
He's Sincere
I have no words for this… Bored Pandas, look away while I deal with this monstrosity of a twat of a human being, preferably with wrecking his internet connection
When it comes to simple biology, the picture is a bit easier to read. A YouGov study conducted in the UK in 2019 asked British men to label a diagram of female genitalia, and the results were actually abysmal. Well, over half of surveyed men could not label the vagina or labia, and the majority could not point out where it is that urine comes out.
Instagram Questions Aren't Anonymous
I prefer when men at least ogle both breasts. When they make it singular, the other one feels so left out. /j
O-O Okay Then
And As Long As You Stay In The Eloncult You Never Will
Am I The Nice Guy For Staring Down A Guy Talking To My Crush?
It’s obvious what you did wrong: You forgot to beat your chest with both fists.
As you can see from the pictures, these problems are also evident in the way men approach women. While most Americans who are on the market say their dating life is not going well and that it’s been hard to find people to date, men and women report different reasons for it.
Men tend to say it's difficult for them to approach people, while majorities of women say it’s hard to find someone looking for the same type of relationship as them and who meets their expectations.
Nice Guys Finish Last
He’s Just A Nice Guy, Megan
"I bid you a good evening" - literally pictured him tipping his fedora as he typed that XD
Saw This On Twitter The Other Day And Thought It Fit—nice Guy Expects To "Netflix And Chill" After Helping Woman Get A Job He Recommended
Also, women are much more likely than men to say someone they have dated or been on a date with has pressured them for sex (42% vs. 19%) or touched them in a way that made them feel uncomfortable (35% vs. 9%).
The gender gap is smaller, but women are still more likely than men to report that someone they have dated sent them sexually explicit images they didn’t ask for (25% vs. 19%) or spread rumors about their sexual history (16% vs. 11%).
Homie Just Kept Going
":) haha" that is not how you end something like what you just said?!
I’m So Sorry For Your Troubles But Iphones Don’t Boost Your Chances Of Getting A Girlfriend
Nice Guy Did An Oops
It's unclear whether these trends are about to change. A majority of the overall public (65%) says the increased focus on sexual harassment and assault in the last few years has made it harder for men to know how to interact with someone they’re on a date with.
Such A Nice Guy
Even The Wings Were Bad This Time
I bet what he sees as them „flirting“ was just them being friendly, too
I Thought You Were A Good Person
Nice Guy Stops Gangster With Katana
I Winced
I Felt This In My Soul
This seemed innocent to me, red flag on the jealous boyfriend though...
Who Hurt This Man
I'm female and I find it kind of sad that the woman in the original tweet equates playing League of Legends as (apparently) rendering a guy un-dateable XD However, she can have her own preferences, and that reaction/reply though, yikes!
Now That's Some Sadcringe
B-But, M'lady, I Thought We Were... Friends?
You Aren't Dating The Right Guy If You Aren't Dating This Guy
The fact that he thinks he can make changes to my house and things without permission and think I'll be grateful for it...shudder
They've Been Dating About A Month And Are In Their 30s
I'm seeing a trend on this one. Some men seem to think women 'owe' them. Ladies, don't smile at a man or sit next to him okay, it means you want to marry him and have his babies and god forbid if you say 'thank you' as that is all kinds of whacked up s**t right there. In the language of man love, that means you want to spend three weeks with him in the Bahamas getting jiggy with it on a hotel balcony every night. You have been warned!
It’s like there’s a shared delusion of women being sex dispensers, where if you insert a certain amount of nice sex will automatically come out. If women don’t like you you’re doing something wrong, man. Like seeing them as sex dispensers.
Load More Replies...Well with Valentines day a couple of weeks away we're bound to see an influx of this kind of content. Brace yourselves friends.
Cripes on toast. I'd completely forgotten it was so close. Well, I plan on spending it with my cats and my puppy XD
Load More Replies...I'm seeing a trend on this one. Some men seem to think women 'owe' them. Ladies, don't smile at a man or sit next to him okay, it means you want to marry him and have his babies and god forbid if you say 'thank you' as that is all kinds of whacked up s**t right there. In the language of man love, that means you want to spend three weeks with him in the Bahamas getting jiggy with it on a hotel balcony every night. You have been warned!
It’s like there’s a shared delusion of women being sex dispensers, where if you insert a certain amount of nice sex will automatically come out. If women don’t like you you’re doing something wrong, man. Like seeing them as sex dispensers.
Load More Replies...Well with Valentines day a couple of weeks away we're bound to see an influx of this kind of content. Brace yourselves friends.
Cripes on toast. I'd completely forgotten it was so close. Well, I plan on spending it with my cats and my puppy XD
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