30 Times Food Packaging Was So Wrong, People Couldn’t Stay Silent Any Longer
We know what a lot of you Pandas are like. You care about Mother Earth and its delicious bamboo groves, lush forests, and comfy nooks and crannies where you can nap. So you recycle. You also cycle to work instead of driving your Pandamobile. And you buy products that are more eco-friendly and use less plastic. Because every little step really does matter.
But let’s face it, if you’re like us, sometimes when you walk into a grocery store you might lose hope when you spot just how much unnecessary packaging is used to pack some food products. And by unnecessary packaging, we mean U n N e C e S s A r Y to the point that you feel all of your environmentally friendly actions suddenly mean very little when faced with systemic issues on an industrial scale.
We wanted to show you just how plastically insane things can get, so our bamboo-loving Bored Panda team hiked all through the internet wilds to bring you the most egregious examples of wasteful food packaging. Have a scroll down below, upvote the pics that made you want to throw your recycling bin at somebody, and let us know how you feel about all of this plastic waste in the comments.
This post may include affiliate links.
Ridiculously Redundant Over-Packaging
Hong Kong Supermarket Selling Individually Plastic Wrapped And Boxed Strawberry. For $21. One Strawberry
Replacing The Egg Shell With More Plastic To Go Into The Ocean
Setting aside the practical long-term economic and ecological worries that we have for our own survival, we have to realize that our attitudes toward our environment, plastic pollution, and consumption reflect who we are inside.
Not to sound too cheesy (don’t worry, it’s vegan), but the fight for a clean and healthy planet is also a fight for our very souls. We can either live wastefully, destroying everything around us for short-term pleasure and profit or we can choose to live with wisdom, respecting our role as a part of nature. Now, this certainly doesn’t mean living as ascetically as a monk would, but it doesn’t hurt to have a more minimalist outlook to counter the throwaway society that we live in.
Packaged Chopped Parsley
Plastic Has To Removed From Every Single Mini Sausage Before Cooking
I don't know in other countries, but here in México that isn't plastic, is some sort of gelatin film completly edible, you can choose if you eat it or discard it.
If Only Oranges Came With Their Own Protective Packaging So We Didn't Have To Use Plastic
FYI Those are mandarins... Not hating, just stating facts. Incredible post and caption though!
Single-use plastics currently account for more than a third of all plastics produced each year. What’s more, 98 percent of single-use plastics are manufactured from fossil fuels. Tackling this issue, then, is a vital part of protecting our environment and our future. The BBC reports that an analysis of the business network behind plastic production found that a mere 20 companies are the source of more than half of all the single-use plastic items that are thrown away all over the world.
Individually Wrapped Grapes In Japan
Your Coke Needs That Plastic
The Three Layers Of Plastic Protection For These Oranges. How Is This Even Allowed?
“Plastic bottles, food packages, and bags are among billions of items that are used once and then thrown away, often ending up in the oceans,” the BBC writes about the impact these companies, the largest producer of single-use plastic of which is ExxonMobil, have on the world.
Such A Waste Of Plastic
Asparagus Water???
What Can You Even Make With 1 Tomato?? The Styrofoam Bedding
According to the research, conducted among others by the London School of Economics, part of the increase in single-use plastic waste is due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with protective and medical equipment having to be discarded for health and safety reasons.
I Can’t Even Imagine How Much Plastic Waste Is Just Sitting In Landfills Because Of Pointless Things Like This
Do you see the stickers on the potatoes? "Microwave ready". They are for bringing into work and bunging in the microwave with the plastic still on. Because if you're stuck with only a microwave, plastic wrapped potatoes apparently taste better when microwaved and not every workplace has cling wrap. Actually saves some plastic use with how some people trail cling wrap.
That's stupid, you can microwave potatoes as they is. Buy already washed ones and put them in a paper towel.
Load More Replies...If you want one potato, what would you place it in….a produce baggie? Not sure how that’s much different.
This is different though. This packaging makes the potatoes microwave-ready.
It’s a POTATO. Do you really think that wrapping is necessary?? 😂
We get these. You can cook it in the plastic and they are really nice and soft.
Generally you have to poke a potato with a fork or it will explode in the oven or microwave.
Because if I only need 2 potatoes for one recipe and my only options at my local grocery store are these microwave individual potatoes or a 5 pound bag of potatoes, i'm going to choose plastic waste over food waste. If that makes me a moron then I'm a moron.
Load More Replies...Do people really microwave a whole potato? No offense, but I mean, really, does it get cooked that way? Idk, I would just use the microwave to heat food and make it warm again, or defrost something, but never for cooking. 🤔🤔
Yes they do - a warm jacket potato is a nice work lunch and they usually only have microwaves, and some people are stuck in such tiny living spaces tht nothing other than a microwave actually fits.
Load More Replies...Why is this comment being down voted? This person is just pointing out what the wrapper says, not endorsing it; or at least that's how I read it. I'm not being snarky - I'm honestly curious.
Load More Replies...Pre Peeled Bananas In Plastic. There Is So Much Wrong With This!!
Spraying Water Over Vegetables Wrapped In Plastic, Complete Waste
The United Kingdom is in fourth place in its plastic consumption, with each citizen generating over 40 kilograms of single-use plastic waste per year. Australia is in first place, meanwhile, the United States stands in second place.
Looks Like Some People Are Still Grapeling With Their New Year's Resolutions
Harry & David Strawberries
Wouldn't It Be Nice If Fruit Like Bananas Had Their Own Natural Packaging To Help Reduce Plastic Pollution?
Essentially, what the report showed is that the future of the plastic waste crisis lies in the hands of a handful of companies. Therefore change that affects our environment on a global scale ought to start from there.
This Is Some Next Level Laziness
My Wife Wanted Peeled Garlic. They Peeled, Then Individually Wrapped Them
A Packaged Lemon, With The Slogan "Waste Less, Enjoy More"
“It's an extraordinary point of leverage for regulators, for finance institutions, to influence them in order that rather than producing from fossil fuels, they produce plastic that's recycled,” said Dominic Charles, the Minderoo Foundation’s director of finance and transparency. The Minderoo Foundation published the research findings.
"We need to go after the tap, to turn off the tap of fossil fuel plastics and we need to create plastics from recycled material,” Charles from the Minderoo Foundation said.
My Hellofresh Meal Kit Came With 4 Individually Bagged Carrots And A Bagged Slice Of Bread
This Individually Packaged Slice Of Whole Wheat Bread
Cannot Beleaf This From M&s
In short, there’s a need to put a stop to the production of single-use plastics from non-recyclable materials, in order to counteract the report’s grim prognosis: within the next 5 years, plastic production is set to expand by a whopping 30 percent.
If Only Bananas Had Robust, Natural, Bio-Degradable Packaging Of Their Own. Some Sort Of Peelable Skin, Perhaps
It's Getting Hot In Here, So Take Off All Your Cloves
The Most Ridiculous Part About Living In Japan: Plastic Everywhere!
Individually Wrapped Gummy Bears
These Peeled Avocados Wrapped In Plastic
Individually Wrapped Peppers That Are Used For Salad And Pre Cut Into 1/4s Just To Have To Be Cut Again Into Smaller Pieces
This whole post literally makes me seethe. Boycott boycott boycott people.
I do. I buy my food from my local grocery who supports our community, and fruit and veg from the roadside stands. I never shop in a department store or buy stuff on the net, I buy everything I need from thrift stores, from my furniture to my underwear I support my local instead of corporations. Our charities support women, men and families in time of need and every dollar i spend there helps someone.
Load More Replies...Simple solution to this plastic pollution: Do not buy products packed in excessive amounts of plastic.
I try incredibly hard to not buy plastic at the grocery store but my God it is hard. A lot of things I just don't buy at all now. Produce section is the most infuriating because it doesn't need plastic but all the fruit my local store sells comes in plastic. I miss berries.
Load More Replies...As someone whose arthritis makes dinner-prep excruciating, I can see how the pre-peeled fruit would be great for people with disabilities who might otherwise struggle to peel an orange or something like that. Once you start individually wrapping them though it goes back to causing the issue that it was resolving (those individually-wrapped garlic cloves are ridiculous). Individually-wrapped grapes don't need to exist, non-peeled fruit doesn't need plastic, and why does it all have to be plastic??????? There are other options! Like letting the non-peeled orange breath free!
I see that this is very common in Asian countries specifically Japan and China.
I really don't think Japan is that bad, most of these photos are extreme examples from around here. People are pretty eco-conscious in general, separating and recycling their waste, and mostly using ecobags since the government introduced new legislation and incentives a couple of years ago. I think our use of reusable bags has gone up to around 85% of purchases since then. Waste disposal is also managed really well, particularly compared to the US, with most of what isn't recycled being incinerated with high-scrub systems. It's not perfect, but I think these images paint Japan in an inaccurate light.
Load More Replies...The fact that Japan uses that amount of plastic is worrying. Then again, if they get away with hunting whales, what harm does a little plastic do to the environment, eh? Also, most of these abominations exist because lazy and uneducated people buy them. Even in this shïthole people know better than putting extra plastic where it's not needed. In fact, we've had a zero plastic bags law for a few years, and even though it's not perfect, people understood rather fast and now no one goes out without a shopping bag.
Although, let me also add that I've discussed both plastic pollution and the whale hunts with numerous people here. People are extremely concerned about marine plastic pollution, and it's on the news pretty frequently. On the other hand, most people I've spoken to are unaware or uninformed about the whale hunting expiditions. While saving the whales is something I agree with, it hasn't been ingrained in the Japanese psyche. Also, there's something of a dearth of investigative journalism, and that's a subject that hasn't been discussed too much here. As for those that I've spoken with that were well-informed about it, nearly all of them find it deplorable.
Load More Replies...In Australia a few lads did a short series called the "War on Waste" ,they did a fruit and veg shop for a week for a family of 5, paid for thier stuff, and while in the shop unpacked everything out of the plastic and styrofoam and put the waste in a trolley that got filled to the top and left it for them. They did this at several of our largest supermarkets. The amount of waste was ridiculous. People don't demand this "convenience" it's the supermarkets way of forcing you to buy more than you need ( which is MORE waste) to make a better bottom line for them. It doesn't matter how much we've complained, they won't change it.
So stupid. How can consumers save on plastic when companies essentially force it upon us. They need to be held more accountable and should pay for clean ups with their profits.
Yes it's really hypocritical to put the whole blame and responsibility on the consumer when it's the companies that should have some restrictions and follow specific policies about these things
Load More Replies...And yet, people in my country are obsessed with using a plastic straw, and are getting a carbon tax added to everything. How is this helping when some country, like we've seen, over use plastic
If you’re over 15, you held out long enough anyway lol
Load More Replies...My local store has a bulk-section, with hoppers of various items, but they always look at me like I'm from another dimension when I bring my own containers. They used to have very thin plastic bags, but since COVID started they've had plastic deli containers instead. I folded my own paper bag out of newsprint and filled it with popcorn kernels, the cashier promptly put it in its own plastic sack... Ugh. We need to quit this stuff, and fast.
....... literally at my grocery store, no vegetables or fruit are packaged, unless it's something that needs to be. Meat is packaged, cheese is packaged, water is packaged.... but not fruits and veggies!
The plastic isn't justified, but I do wonder if some of it is a result of customers panicking about Covid.
In the UK it’s not just a simple case of putting any plastic that says it’s recyclable in your recycling bin. Every local authority has rules on what it will and won’t accept. For instance, if I was to put a carefully washed yogurt pot or 4 in with the rest of my recycling, my bin wouldn’t be emptied and would have a sticker slapped on it demanding I remove the offending items. If I refuse or forget I run the risk of the council taking the bin away - which defeats the object. If every recycling centre was run in the same way and accepted all types of recyclable plastic the country as a whole would have a much higher percentage recycling rate. Mind you, after looking at all these examples why should I bother doing the best I can to recycle?
In Australia we were so angry that we had to pay 10c for a plastic shopping bag. Shown around the world at how unreasonable we are and how Australians are happy to destroy the environment. No, we were angry that we had to pay to carry our overpriced groceries that were individually wrapped in plastic out of the supermarket so we could be more environmentally friendly. It just didn't make sense. Oh and you should see the bags we are forced to buy for 10c.... HEAVY DUTY plastic. So much worse than the old thin bags. Or we can buy the woven plastic ones which take a billion years to decompose. I use material but I can see why people are angry. It's all about making money and destroying the environment
Load More Replies...I may well have encountered the single most wasteful frozen food packaging ever! The outside was wrapped in extra-slippery plastic (which of course means it doesn't want to stay put in a conventional freezer), the box beneath the plastic was heavily waxed (same problem, also prevents recycling in some territories), said box had zero sealing options for when it was opened, and the inner bag was made of plastic so thin that it tore open when I tried to close it (and it too was made of absurdly slippery material). In the end I had to throw away ALL of that and use an additional freezer bag just to store the fish fillets that were so haphazardly put in there in the first place. Shameful.
Japan has a beep load of plastic. BUT, they also have a awesome recycling program as well compared to other parts of the world like say, America. They have a trash can for every piece of trash, and they are placed everywhere. Literally everything is presorted by these trash bins and it’s all recycled. So yeah, allot of plastic, but a great program in place.
so many people have problems with plastic on everything. well in case you do not know, there is plastic literally everywhere! not buying it is not a solution. that plastic is still there. the real problem is how we handle the plastic afterwards. recycle and things should be okay. no need to freak out and be a karen.
This whole thing makes me cry. Is this a lot of old posts or here, today, now?
Lately I have been thinking that there should be some kind of mandate on single use items like this type of packaging, grocery bags, etc. An international or national law that requires all such items to be completely biodegradable and nontoxic within 6 or 12 months after being used. This way we could seriously reduce garbage buildup all over the world.
Notice that most photos come from Asia. People here wrap essentiallly everything in plastics and it's an everyday thing. The main reason is thievery, e.g. the grapes and bananas. Secondly, it sustains to whole industry of plastic packaging. In Singapore where I live, it's a norm that I'm given a plastic straw whenever I buy a canned drink or a plastic bag even for the tiniest item that could have gone into my pocket. I used to be frowned upon when I stuck a barcode directly to my capsicum. Though we are now allowed to carry our own cloth bag to supermarkets, it is impossible to eradicate plastics from Asia.
I think some countries have/had a big problem with unauthorized, pre-purchase sampling and/or consumption.
This is one of the most frustrating post I've seen here. I need a cool drink to chill now.
This seems like one of those posts that get people butt hurt just to be butt hurt
The prices though, seem a bit ridiculous. I dont live in a first world country, but looking at both the packaging & pricing, im actually glad im not.
A lot of plastic packaging gets removed in the stock room in North American shops. Not so much grocery stores, but clothing stores will get boxes of things like socks or underpants and each individual item will have it's own plastic bag, which are all stuffed into a bigger bag. All that comes off in the back room and the items are hung on a rack without it.
Finally in my country FINALLY, FINALLY they are starting a campaign about "Bring your own reusable bags to the supermarket, no more plastic bags". I'm really happy.
Many of these are ridiculous, but a few are actually useful. Disabled people can benefit from pre-peeled and sliced produce and pre-cracked eggs, as it may be hard for them to do these tasks on their own
We don't deserve this planet. When humanity vanishes one day the planet will celebrate
While packaging already packaged foods or individual whole items is wrong, there is a different viewpoint on some of these. Take the peeled oranges for example. To a regular person, that's packaging overkill. To a person who has dexterity issues (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) or who is an amputee, that packaging makes a food accessible that might not otherwise be.
I’m not all Save the World Plastic is everywhere! We’re all gonna die! I find that there are bigger problems (not that this isn’t big), but this is just sad. Some are just so unnecessary I wonder what motivates people to do this. 🤦🏽♀️ Just sad really.
Most of the things are for lazy people, cut peeled and packed. If people stopped shopping at supermarkets, hypermarket and start visiting local grocery all this waste of packaging wouldn't happen. Some times growing up in the 80s 90s is uch better than these 2010s and now 2020s
Babybells piss me off....I love em but why individually wrap each one when they're covered in wax? Then packed again into a little plastic net...utter bullshit and these companies should face huge levies and fines for the garbage they produce
Singapore is notorious for this...unless I missed on, i'm surprised i didnt see any posts from there. they would individually wrap grapes if they could. just terrible.
I call bullshit. Whoever came up with these packaging designs is so stupid. And they don’t even care about the turtles!! :(
This is geared to hyperinflate the cost of food the same way all those selling house and renovator shows are designed to hyperinflate property prices. It is beyond disgusting and infuriating the lengths the big so called marketing gurus etc will go to rip out an extra buck for big business from struggling average Joe. We seriously don't have that kind of spare change anymore, its already been milked thru utilities, rents, mortgages, insurances and taxes, give us a break already.
We saw an increase of this in the US during the pandemic, even though it's always been common practice to wash our produce before eating, and it was later established that the contagion was mainly spread airborne not via surface contact. But, in our post-9//11 society, it was another display of Security Theater as well as marketing opportunity excuse: the more packaging, the higher its perceived value and the greater the markup margin.
This whole post literally makes me seethe. Boycott boycott boycott people.
I do. I buy my food from my local grocery who supports our community, and fruit and veg from the roadside stands. I never shop in a department store or buy stuff on the net, I buy everything I need from thrift stores, from my furniture to my underwear I support my local instead of corporations. Our charities support women, men and families in time of need and every dollar i spend there helps someone.
Load More Replies...Simple solution to this plastic pollution: Do not buy products packed in excessive amounts of plastic.
I try incredibly hard to not buy plastic at the grocery store but my God it is hard. A lot of things I just don't buy at all now. Produce section is the most infuriating because it doesn't need plastic but all the fruit my local store sells comes in plastic. I miss berries.
Load More Replies...As someone whose arthritis makes dinner-prep excruciating, I can see how the pre-peeled fruit would be great for people with disabilities who might otherwise struggle to peel an orange or something like that. Once you start individually wrapping them though it goes back to causing the issue that it was resolving (those individually-wrapped garlic cloves are ridiculous). Individually-wrapped grapes don't need to exist, non-peeled fruit doesn't need plastic, and why does it all have to be plastic??????? There are other options! Like letting the non-peeled orange breath free!
I see that this is very common in Asian countries specifically Japan and China.
I really don't think Japan is that bad, most of these photos are extreme examples from around here. People are pretty eco-conscious in general, separating and recycling their waste, and mostly using ecobags since the government introduced new legislation and incentives a couple of years ago. I think our use of reusable bags has gone up to around 85% of purchases since then. Waste disposal is also managed really well, particularly compared to the US, with most of what isn't recycled being incinerated with high-scrub systems. It's not perfect, but I think these images paint Japan in an inaccurate light.
Load More Replies...The fact that Japan uses that amount of plastic is worrying. Then again, if they get away with hunting whales, what harm does a little plastic do to the environment, eh? Also, most of these abominations exist because lazy and uneducated people buy them. Even in this shïthole people know better than putting extra plastic where it's not needed. In fact, we've had a zero plastic bags law for a few years, and even though it's not perfect, people understood rather fast and now no one goes out without a shopping bag.
Although, let me also add that I've discussed both plastic pollution and the whale hunts with numerous people here. People are extremely concerned about marine plastic pollution, and it's on the news pretty frequently. On the other hand, most people I've spoken to are unaware or uninformed about the whale hunting expiditions. While saving the whales is something I agree with, it hasn't been ingrained in the Japanese psyche. Also, there's something of a dearth of investigative journalism, and that's a subject that hasn't been discussed too much here. As for those that I've spoken with that were well-informed about it, nearly all of them find it deplorable.
Load More Replies...In Australia a few lads did a short series called the "War on Waste" ,they did a fruit and veg shop for a week for a family of 5, paid for thier stuff, and while in the shop unpacked everything out of the plastic and styrofoam and put the waste in a trolley that got filled to the top and left it for them. They did this at several of our largest supermarkets. The amount of waste was ridiculous. People don't demand this "convenience" it's the supermarkets way of forcing you to buy more than you need ( which is MORE waste) to make a better bottom line for them. It doesn't matter how much we've complained, they won't change it.
So stupid. How can consumers save on plastic when companies essentially force it upon us. They need to be held more accountable and should pay for clean ups with their profits.
Yes it's really hypocritical to put the whole blame and responsibility on the consumer when it's the companies that should have some restrictions and follow specific policies about these things
Load More Replies...And yet, people in my country are obsessed with using a plastic straw, and are getting a carbon tax added to everything. How is this helping when some country, like we've seen, over use plastic
If you’re over 15, you held out long enough anyway lol
Load More Replies...My local store has a bulk-section, with hoppers of various items, but they always look at me like I'm from another dimension when I bring my own containers. They used to have very thin plastic bags, but since COVID started they've had plastic deli containers instead. I folded my own paper bag out of newsprint and filled it with popcorn kernels, the cashier promptly put it in its own plastic sack... Ugh. We need to quit this stuff, and fast.
....... literally at my grocery store, no vegetables or fruit are packaged, unless it's something that needs to be. Meat is packaged, cheese is packaged, water is packaged.... but not fruits and veggies!
The plastic isn't justified, but I do wonder if some of it is a result of customers panicking about Covid.
In the UK it’s not just a simple case of putting any plastic that says it’s recyclable in your recycling bin. Every local authority has rules on what it will and won’t accept. For instance, if I was to put a carefully washed yogurt pot or 4 in with the rest of my recycling, my bin wouldn’t be emptied and would have a sticker slapped on it demanding I remove the offending items. If I refuse or forget I run the risk of the council taking the bin away - which defeats the object. If every recycling centre was run in the same way and accepted all types of recyclable plastic the country as a whole would have a much higher percentage recycling rate. Mind you, after looking at all these examples why should I bother doing the best I can to recycle?
In Australia we were so angry that we had to pay 10c for a plastic shopping bag. Shown around the world at how unreasonable we are and how Australians are happy to destroy the environment. No, we were angry that we had to pay to carry our overpriced groceries that were individually wrapped in plastic out of the supermarket so we could be more environmentally friendly. It just didn't make sense. Oh and you should see the bags we are forced to buy for 10c.... HEAVY DUTY plastic. So much worse than the old thin bags. Or we can buy the woven plastic ones which take a billion years to decompose. I use material but I can see why people are angry. It's all about making money and destroying the environment
Load More Replies...I may well have encountered the single most wasteful frozen food packaging ever! The outside was wrapped in extra-slippery plastic (which of course means it doesn't want to stay put in a conventional freezer), the box beneath the plastic was heavily waxed (same problem, also prevents recycling in some territories), said box had zero sealing options for when it was opened, and the inner bag was made of plastic so thin that it tore open when I tried to close it (and it too was made of absurdly slippery material). In the end I had to throw away ALL of that and use an additional freezer bag just to store the fish fillets that were so haphazardly put in there in the first place. Shameful.
Japan has a beep load of plastic. BUT, they also have a awesome recycling program as well compared to other parts of the world like say, America. They have a trash can for every piece of trash, and they are placed everywhere. Literally everything is presorted by these trash bins and it’s all recycled. So yeah, allot of plastic, but a great program in place.
so many people have problems with plastic on everything. well in case you do not know, there is plastic literally everywhere! not buying it is not a solution. that plastic is still there. the real problem is how we handle the plastic afterwards. recycle and things should be okay. no need to freak out and be a karen.
This whole thing makes me cry. Is this a lot of old posts or here, today, now?
Lately I have been thinking that there should be some kind of mandate on single use items like this type of packaging, grocery bags, etc. An international or national law that requires all such items to be completely biodegradable and nontoxic within 6 or 12 months after being used. This way we could seriously reduce garbage buildup all over the world.
Notice that most photos come from Asia. People here wrap essentiallly everything in plastics and it's an everyday thing. The main reason is thievery, e.g. the grapes and bananas. Secondly, it sustains to whole industry of plastic packaging. In Singapore where I live, it's a norm that I'm given a plastic straw whenever I buy a canned drink or a plastic bag even for the tiniest item that could have gone into my pocket. I used to be frowned upon when I stuck a barcode directly to my capsicum. Though we are now allowed to carry our own cloth bag to supermarkets, it is impossible to eradicate plastics from Asia.
I think some countries have/had a big problem with unauthorized, pre-purchase sampling and/or consumption.
This is one of the most frustrating post I've seen here. I need a cool drink to chill now.
This seems like one of those posts that get people butt hurt just to be butt hurt
The prices though, seem a bit ridiculous. I dont live in a first world country, but looking at both the packaging & pricing, im actually glad im not.
A lot of plastic packaging gets removed in the stock room in North American shops. Not so much grocery stores, but clothing stores will get boxes of things like socks or underpants and each individual item will have it's own plastic bag, which are all stuffed into a bigger bag. All that comes off in the back room and the items are hung on a rack without it.
Finally in my country FINALLY, FINALLY they are starting a campaign about "Bring your own reusable bags to the supermarket, no more plastic bags". I'm really happy.
Many of these are ridiculous, but a few are actually useful. Disabled people can benefit from pre-peeled and sliced produce and pre-cracked eggs, as it may be hard for them to do these tasks on their own
We don't deserve this planet. When humanity vanishes one day the planet will celebrate
While packaging already packaged foods or individual whole items is wrong, there is a different viewpoint on some of these. Take the peeled oranges for example. To a regular person, that's packaging overkill. To a person who has dexterity issues (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) or who is an amputee, that packaging makes a food accessible that might not otherwise be.
I’m not all Save the World Plastic is everywhere! We’re all gonna die! I find that there are bigger problems (not that this isn’t big), but this is just sad. Some are just so unnecessary I wonder what motivates people to do this. 🤦🏽♀️ Just sad really.
Most of the things are for lazy people, cut peeled and packed. If people stopped shopping at supermarkets, hypermarket and start visiting local grocery all this waste of packaging wouldn't happen. Some times growing up in the 80s 90s is uch better than these 2010s and now 2020s
Babybells piss me off....I love em but why individually wrap each one when they're covered in wax? Then packed again into a little plastic net...utter bullshit and these companies should face huge levies and fines for the garbage they produce
Singapore is notorious for this...unless I missed on, i'm surprised i didnt see any posts from there. they would individually wrap grapes if they could. just terrible.
I call bullshit. Whoever came up with these packaging designs is so stupid. And they don’t even care about the turtles!! :(
This is geared to hyperinflate the cost of food the same way all those selling house and renovator shows are designed to hyperinflate property prices. It is beyond disgusting and infuriating the lengths the big so called marketing gurus etc will go to rip out an extra buck for big business from struggling average Joe. We seriously don't have that kind of spare change anymore, its already been milked thru utilities, rents, mortgages, insurances and taxes, give us a break already.
We saw an increase of this in the US during the pandemic, even though it's always been common practice to wash our produce before eating, and it was later established that the contagion was mainly spread airborne not via surface contact. But, in our post-9//11 society, it was another display of Security Theater as well as marketing opportunity excuse: the more packaging, the higher its perceived value and the greater the markup margin.