People Are Sharing Unnecessarily Gendered Products To Show How Wrong And Stupid It Is (30 Pics)
What do you look for when you’re choosing a product? Let’s say the product is something essential but banal, for example, a toothbrush. Do you want it to work how it’s supposed to and be comfortable to use? Obviously. Do you want it to be a color you like? Sure. Admittedly not relevant to how it works, but you do see it several times a day, after all. Do you want it to make you feel like a real man or a woman?
Probably not what most of us think of while we’re brushing our teeth every morning, but apparently, advertisers say yes. Here are some products that we don’t think anyone asked for gendered versions of, as found by people on Twitter.
This post may include affiliate links.
The concept is good, but it should still be a family game. No need to make it just for girls.
Nobody is saying that selling things in a variety of designs is bad—people have different likes and dislikes and we would be bored if everything only came in brown. But is it any wonder why so many girls end up resenting pink and floral patterns when that’s the one look that advertisements and toy packaging tell them they should be choosing, while boys are encouraged to play with toys in red, green, black, and pretty much every other color?
For adults, who have had their whole lives to get to know their own preferences, it seems shallow and infantilizing. And when design comes at the expense of functionality, like pink glue or more fragile razors, it goes from uncomfortable to insulting.
Finally a product for me, I've had enough of using men's shampoo, apricots have delicate hair you know. We need specially formulated shampoos :D
There's actually a purpose behind this. The women's tea promotes estrogen health, bone density and calmness for stress. Them men's promotes healthy testosterone levels, memory wellness and gastrointestinal wellness. You wouldn't want a woman drinking a tea that promotes higher testosterone levels, would you?
Then there’s the opposite phenomenon, when marketers think things should be designated “for men” because apparently it’s not manly in the first place to use soap, eat bread, or have a cup of tea (chili in tea... I didn't know there was something effeminate about drinking things that taste good and don’t hurt.)
To be fair, some products are gendered because of average shape and size measurements or nutritional requirements based on sex. Even in those cases, though, what do we get out of labeling them “for men” or “for women” before said sizing or nutritional benefits? That just confuses and embarrasses people whose needs fall outside of those averages, because our proportions and chemistry vary a lot even within the biological categories of male and female. Further polarizing products by putting nuts and bolts or flowers and glitter on the package adds another uncomfortable layer by conflating our personalities and likes with those physical parameters.
This one doesn’t specifically say any gender. There is nothing wrong with having a choice of pink plane or blue plane. Some people (whether girl or boy like pink and others like blue).
The American Marketing Association has observed that younger consumers are beginning to scoff at advertising that leans on gender, and recommends that brands focus on advertising “what a product is for rather than whom it is for.”
They say that brands could learn more about their consumer base’s habits and do better business by removing gendered marketing that could sway consumers away from products not traditionally associated with their gender, and embracing marketing that presents their products in a positive light for any consumer.
Honestly, this isn't gendered, this is just two different types of products, with different characters/design.
These are just different colors, not gender-oriented. Am I not seeing something?
The bible is one of the most misogynistic books on the planet. It states that a women who has a female child is twice as unclean as a woman that has a male child. It says that if a woman is raped and they are found, the rapist must pay the father some shekels and they must be married. I don't know many women that want to marry their rapist. Just a sickening, disgusting anti-woman book. Evil garbage filth.
This isn't really gendered it's colored. Only if you assign blue to boys and pink to girls can you say it's really gendered. As it doesn't say 'for boys' or 'for girls' on the packaging. I would've probably liked this as a child.
Well, let's just say it's probably because "I went through a whole box of tissues during that movie" means something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT for men and women.
Cards against humanity brought out the “for her” set as a jab at the “pink tax”. Maybe have a read up on it.
Again, I don't really think this is gendered...? Some kids like to play with the rockets and planes while others like to play with the astronauts. I think it's really cool that there's a female astronaut doll and nowhere does it say that it's for girls or that the other one is for boys
Let's hope there's a Girl Genius bib buried in that pile.
Load More Replies...@jon davis not the bibs, whats ON the bibs. its so stupid that theyre implying that girls are simply obssessed with selfies and tht boys are smart.
Load More Replies...Well, holy s**t. This is the s**t that would have made me complain, loudly, to whomever would listen, while my children hid, again.
Let's hope there's a Girl Genius bib buried in that pile.
Load More Replies...Is this what society thinks women are like now? That is so insulting
Dafuq?? This is just outright derogatory... Reality shows that women has absolute serious standing in science, inventions etc. We would not have the field of software development, had it not been for Madame Ada's work... As a professional in IT, some of the absolute sharpest minds in IT that has crossed my path, has been female. Hats off.. I very much favour a meritocracy over anything else.
I don't take selfies but I'm at the top of my class...I just proved you wrong, bibs!
This one really sucks! It focuses on girls,outward appearances, and boys brains. Like girls don't have the capacity for genius.
I really hate this one. It assumes boys are smart and girls are vain. Put Girl Geek on the pink backpack and I am all for it.
I never take selfies. Also, are they implementing that boys are born smarter? ( because they’re for babys)
Very annoying if true, but from the many different colors on each side I think a more likely explanation is that both sides contain bibs with lots of different slogans, and there's probably a "girl genius" in pink and "ready for my selfie" in blue. These two just happened to be on the top.
It's also odd how nobody noticed babies don"t take selfies, but...
Load More Replies...Because baby's have instagram accounts and physics discoveries to their names, right guys?
I understand a lot of baby clothes are gendered and I'm fine with that considering sometimes you can't tell with newborns but like c'mon not ALL girls are social media snobs
I like a kids' shirt that said: "I can't read the stupid stuff on my shirt".
Load More Replies...If you think the word selfie is the only thing wrong with this, then I seriously don't know what to say
Load More Replies...So much pink it makes me want to throw up. Also, Gillette razor blades, female ones being more expensive and easier to dull. We will never move as a society.
I've been using men's razors all my life. Tried a couple marketed towards women a couple times and immediately threw them out. They were useless!
Load More Replies...Historically, pink for girls and blue for boys wasn’t the norm until post-WWII retail in the US. Originally, it was the other way around: “For example, the June 1918 issue of the Infant's Department, a trade magazine for baby clothes manufacturers, said: ‘There has been a great diversity of opinion on this subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy; while blue, which is more delicate and dainty is prettier for the girl.’” See:
Yep. Gendered colours are completely a social construct. Which is part of what makes it so ridiculous. If we want to offer different colours for products, that's fine, but FFS, don't gender them.
Load More Replies...For everyone determined to be so regressive they have to argue every entry on this post: You aren't coming off like a cool, intelligent rebel. You give the impression of either a Martian anthropologist trying to understand "hoo-mahns," a giant numpty who can barely recognize shapes, or someone who has lived under a rock in Antarctica for 70 years. Just accept that gendered marketing is a thing and that we *all* hate it. Here's a really easy test: If those products are "just different colors," how many of you would buy a pink item as a gift for a male work supervisor you didn't know well? How many of you would give a pink item at a boy's baby shower if you didn't know the family well?
As a woman, if I have a choice between a pink item and something else , I chose something else. Usually blue or black.
Honestly as a guy I think that blue and black are the top choice for any gender
Load More Replies...Even if things don't say "for boys" or "for girls" some things are clearly still intended to be that way. Do you really think the kind of person who buys The Arsenal Nail Kit is doing it to break gender norms? Or that kids who have been force-fed stereotypes through adverts, media, peers, and family are going to stop and think about why those toys and food packets have been made to be in those two specific colours in the first place? There's so much subliminal and outside influence on issues like this that, as much as it's true that blue isn't just for boys and pink isn't just for girls, there's clearly a problem here with how products are being made for either one or the other. It doesn't have to be spelled out in lights for you realise what's going on with. Use some common sense and stop believing that this is all an accident or done innocently.
My husband kept taking my can openers to work and leaving them there so I couldn't open cans to make dinner. I bought a pink can opener and that quickly came to an end.
Advertisers do this because it works enough to make it worth their while.
These are just so LAME! Things like this should just stop happening already.
For as long as I can remember pink has been marketed and pushed on girls and blue for boys. Just because it doesn't print the words "male" or "female"/ "boy" or "girl" common sense ( and years of commercial programming) tell me exactly what they are aiming for and what their demographic focus was/is.
I once saw honey for women... Did not understand that in the slightest. Still don't, actually.
What's with all the people saying that lots of stuff is just accidentally sold in blue and pink with other typically male or female assigned imageries like flowers? This isn't a coincidence. It's like those people, who say that they don't see any color, and then magically racism vanishes. We all know why they use pink and blue. As someone said even 2 year olds know the color coding, so don't pretend like it has nothing to do with gendered products just because there is no "for men" or "for girls" written on it.
The only problem here is the limited colour schemes, we should branch out and use every colour in the bow.
Girls and womens shopping experience is almost always a unicorn flavored, pastel-tinted nightmare. If we don't want something with cammo on it, or some other ridiculous male stereotyped look, then we have to choose one of the vomit inducing eyesores covered in glitter and a plastic bow. Why not throw in some basic primary and secondary colors?
Have you seen the pink camo .22 rifle aimed (ooh, *bed* pun...) at the 10-year-old female crowd. Daddy buys it to teach his little girl how to shoot. *And I hope he goes the way of the Dodo very soon, now!*
Load More Replies...Honestly most of these are just people getting worked up over something being colored pink or blue. The majority of these have no gender issue and are just overreactions.
I was at a NASA/Navy facility and they actually had men's & women's earplugs.
A lot of these are just ridiculous and people getting outraged over nothing or seeing a gender issue when there isn’t one.
Yeah really. I'm a girl who likes pink and butterflies. If a guy likes them too, great. It if a girl likes cars and tools great.
Load More Replies...In the middle ages blue was girl color and pink was boy color. Becouse pink was soft red and red mean blood and fight. And blue symbolizes sky, where the angels lived. But when 2WW start and Adolf Hitler started sending people to the concentration camp labeled homosexuals with pink triangle. So pink began to be effeminate.
Local Tesco gendered magazines. "Magazines for women" - usually waste of paper - fashion, dieting, romantic stories, tabloid.... And "Magazines for men" - science, technology, nature....all the interesting stuff. It's annoying as hell. Do they think that women can't read National Geographic or what?
I've worked in an advertising profession for the last 34 years. Trust me when I say 99% of the time marketers know how to sell their products and how they make the same products to different people. It works. Its all about human nature. I know it's a politically incorrect thing to say but males and females ARE different!
Or maybe we are all fed with this stereotype s**t from the youngest age and think it must be true then.
Load More Replies...If you want a laugh, have a look at this, specifically the reviews. Bic brought out a biro for 'Her' and the reviews are hilarious. Maybe it's just a Brit thing to use sarcasm to make a point.
If this is America (USA) then my deepest sympathy, dear people! This is sheer madness. Or it's simply consumerism gone berserk....with a pinch of religious nutcase.
so one time in China there was this lady selling dolphin necklaces for $10. I really wanted one so my aunt bought me one. But the saleslady said that the pink one was for girls, but that didn't really make any sense for me since dolphins are blue. So I bought the blue one and the saleslady look embarrassed.
Since we are being told Gender is not a real thing anymore I agree totally with this post.
What the hell is the point of all this how about gender equality guys hello
My humble thoughts - some men (not all men but probably a larger proportion than is the case for women) are less likely to care about personal hygiene than women, and so gendered products like man sized tissues and wipes has a definite purpose. Also some men (not all men.....etc) are much less likely to eat healthy food with nuts, seeds etc in it than women, so gendered bread, crazy as it may seem, might actually be a good thing to encourage men to eat it. Painting things pink to encourage women to pay more for the same thing though is not quite as beneficial, except for the companies. This is an interesting video about this stuff if anyone's interested
If you think from a marketing standpoint, whatever the target market is, the company sees fit. Just because something is pink or blue doesn't mean it's specified as for boy or girl or something that's just for men can be advertised without people getting offended or sensitive over something. You want them to start advertising feminine products as a plain product. Sometimes things just need to left as it is. Business is Business.
I can’t bear to go through this whole damned list of s****y marketing. What stands out to me is the sad number of commentators who think these products aren’t gendered. Either they are culturally uninformed, or they’re willfully rejecting clear signals just to support the whole “I hate how sensitive people are these days” complaint against actually giving a s**t about how we treat fellow human beings, genders, etc...
Does your arm hurt from patting yourself on the back so often, Jace?
Load More Replies...Anyone remember the Dr. Pepper Ten commercials? "Not for women!" Which basically showed MANLY men rumbling around in the jungle with laser guns or something along those lines lol.
I love my SMP Glider bike saddle, but I almost didn't buy one because the company's idea of making a "women's" saddle was to put pink stitching on those models. I thought that was incredibly lame because there was no other difference between them. (I bought a "men's" because I wanted a red one.)
Most of these I can see. One or two of these items is a stretch at saying it's the Tea.
While most of these are infact unnessesarily gendered a few are merely blue and pink not actually gendered. Also the tea is different in the way there are male and female vitamins. For instance Ginseng is often marketed to men because it's considered helpful for men's health. It has far less marketing to women because there is less demand because women don't have the same issues.
The fact people get offended at gendered teas, which are such because the plants in them have particular value for the feminine or masculine reproductive system, is very funny tbh. People live outrage so much, they lack common sense...
The concept of gendered products is a wee bit pathetic, but I have to stick up for the producers of those baby bids. There is usually a HUGE variety with different sayings, for boys and girls. I feel like those two were picked simply to make a 'look how sexist this is' post.
Yes, gendered products that don't need to be are kind of silly. So is getting your panties in a bunch over gendered products.
Yes, being male, you wouldn't see the problem. You've never had it.
Load More Replies...I don't see a problem here. If they keep using this marketing strategy, it's probably working. You can easily buy a thing that's meant for "other gender".
And I do, right down to clothes. Men's clothes are practical, better made, and cost less!
Load More Replies...Part of our problem as a people is that we have been brought up with color-association. We associate gender roles based on color. Blue for boys, Pink for girls. When a couple is expecting, those were the colors used to indicate gender for their coming child. Yellow, green, other colors were meant to keep it secret or indicate they did not know. But somehow marketing seemed to get it in their head that only to gender roles exist and so we have pink vs blue...just buy what you like and move on. No need to get upset over it...
Actually, blue for boys and pink for girls was basically a marketing ploy started by clothing manufacturers and such back in the late 1800s, really taking hold around the 1930s (and ramped up during and after WWII). Before that, blue was thought of as a "gentle, female" color because it was similar to flowers. Pink was for boys because it resembled the faded blood from a battle. Even then, these were interchangeable and no one really cared. Little boys were put in dresses for most of their young childhood and we have pictures of famous 'manly-men' donning these dresses as toddlers, including Teddy Roosevelt. Basically, people have stupidly been getting worked up about gender conformity and colors for only 80+ years of our thousands of years of existence.
Load More Replies...As long as it doesn't say it's for boys or girls, it's not gendered. Color is not the same as gender. And health food/drink that is gendered is not weird, as men and women do have different nutritional needs. It is weird when it's soda or beer.
Realistically, anything pink is not going to be bought by a man. Also, the nutritional differences aren't *that* great.
Load More Replies...Some of these are really gross and problematic and deserve to be called out. Others are literally just different coloured products and that's not gendering. If you see a pink and blue product that doesn't say anywhere which colour is meant for which gender, yet in your head you automatically assume the pink is for girls and blue for boys, then maybe the problem is with you
It's because it's been drilled in our heads for decades even if we don't agree with it. You must be from a younger generation. And if the younger generation doesn't see pink for girls and blue for boys then that's wonderful! I'm being very serious!
Load More Replies...All the retards saying 'these aren't gendered, it's just 2 different designs' make me want to rip my eyes out. Yes, there are two different designs you morons- one aimed at boys/men ( blue, typically ), and one aimed at girls/women ( pink, usually )- you can't possibly be that stupid, really? Oh wait, you're playing the 'woke' card- that's why you think boys want to play with pink toys that are clearly marketed at girls, because they like having a choice, not because it's obvious marketing. F*ck me side ways some people need to pull their heads out of their asses...
Most of these things are either vitamins (which NEED to be gendered because different genders need different vitamins and nutrients) or just pink and blue. Why do y'all assume that because something is a certain color it is for that specific gender! No one is telling you you have to buy things in a certain color. Literally no one. You can buy whatever the hell you want. If you want race car goldfish, go for it. If you want pink ear plugs, go for it. Nobody is stopping you nor expecting you to buy a specific one. Calm down and stop making a problem out of colors.
Maybe you should wear a frilly pink shirt to work.
Load More Replies...So if there are bigger issues in the world, then people shouldn't fix smaller issues? If you have an issue with your car, you wouldn't take it to get fixed because there are much bigger issues in the world?
Load More Replies...Think of baby showers. Most of the time if you are having a girl every gift given is pink. It starts there.
Load More Replies...So much pink it makes me want to throw up. Also, Gillette razor blades, female ones being more expensive and easier to dull. We will never move as a society.
I've been using men's razors all my life. Tried a couple marketed towards women a couple times and immediately threw them out. They were useless!
Load More Replies...Historically, pink for girls and blue for boys wasn’t the norm until post-WWII retail in the US. Originally, it was the other way around: “For example, the June 1918 issue of the Infant's Department, a trade magazine for baby clothes manufacturers, said: ‘There has been a great diversity of opinion on this subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy; while blue, which is more delicate and dainty is prettier for the girl.’” See:
Yep. Gendered colours are completely a social construct. Which is part of what makes it so ridiculous. If we want to offer different colours for products, that's fine, but FFS, don't gender them.
Load More Replies...For everyone determined to be so regressive they have to argue every entry on this post: You aren't coming off like a cool, intelligent rebel. You give the impression of either a Martian anthropologist trying to understand "hoo-mahns," a giant numpty who can barely recognize shapes, or someone who has lived under a rock in Antarctica for 70 years. Just accept that gendered marketing is a thing and that we *all* hate it. Here's a really easy test: If those products are "just different colors," how many of you would buy a pink item as a gift for a male work supervisor you didn't know well? How many of you would give a pink item at a boy's baby shower if you didn't know the family well?
As a woman, if I have a choice between a pink item and something else , I chose something else. Usually blue or black.
Honestly as a guy I think that blue and black are the top choice for any gender
Load More Replies...Even if things don't say "for boys" or "for girls" some things are clearly still intended to be that way. Do you really think the kind of person who buys The Arsenal Nail Kit is doing it to break gender norms? Or that kids who have been force-fed stereotypes through adverts, media, peers, and family are going to stop and think about why those toys and food packets have been made to be in those two specific colours in the first place? There's so much subliminal and outside influence on issues like this that, as much as it's true that blue isn't just for boys and pink isn't just for girls, there's clearly a problem here with how products are being made for either one or the other. It doesn't have to be spelled out in lights for you realise what's going on with. Use some common sense and stop believing that this is all an accident or done innocently.
My husband kept taking my can openers to work and leaving them there so I couldn't open cans to make dinner. I bought a pink can opener and that quickly came to an end.
Advertisers do this because it works enough to make it worth their while.
These are just so LAME! Things like this should just stop happening already.
For as long as I can remember pink has been marketed and pushed on girls and blue for boys. Just because it doesn't print the words "male" or "female"/ "boy" or "girl" common sense ( and years of commercial programming) tell me exactly what they are aiming for and what their demographic focus was/is.
I once saw honey for women... Did not understand that in the slightest. Still don't, actually.
What's with all the people saying that lots of stuff is just accidentally sold in blue and pink with other typically male or female assigned imageries like flowers? This isn't a coincidence. It's like those people, who say that they don't see any color, and then magically racism vanishes. We all know why they use pink and blue. As someone said even 2 year olds know the color coding, so don't pretend like it has nothing to do with gendered products just because there is no "for men" or "for girls" written on it.
The only problem here is the limited colour schemes, we should branch out and use every colour in the bow.
Girls and womens shopping experience is almost always a unicorn flavored, pastel-tinted nightmare. If we don't want something with cammo on it, or some other ridiculous male stereotyped look, then we have to choose one of the vomit inducing eyesores covered in glitter and a plastic bow. Why not throw in some basic primary and secondary colors?
Have you seen the pink camo .22 rifle aimed (ooh, *bed* pun...) at the 10-year-old female crowd. Daddy buys it to teach his little girl how to shoot. *And I hope he goes the way of the Dodo very soon, now!*
Load More Replies...Honestly most of these are just people getting worked up over something being colored pink or blue. The majority of these have no gender issue and are just overreactions.
I was at a NASA/Navy facility and they actually had men's & women's earplugs.
A lot of these are just ridiculous and people getting outraged over nothing or seeing a gender issue when there isn’t one.
Yeah really. I'm a girl who likes pink and butterflies. If a guy likes them too, great. It if a girl likes cars and tools great.
Load More Replies...In the middle ages blue was girl color and pink was boy color. Becouse pink was soft red and red mean blood and fight. And blue symbolizes sky, where the angels lived. But when 2WW start and Adolf Hitler started sending people to the concentration camp labeled homosexuals with pink triangle. So pink began to be effeminate.
Local Tesco gendered magazines. "Magazines for women" - usually waste of paper - fashion, dieting, romantic stories, tabloid.... And "Magazines for men" - science, technology, nature....all the interesting stuff. It's annoying as hell. Do they think that women can't read National Geographic or what?
I've worked in an advertising profession for the last 34 years. Trust me when I say 99% of the time marketers know how to sell their products and how they make the same products to different people. It works. Its all about human nature. I know it's a politically incorrect thing to say but males and females ARE different!
Or maybe we are all fed with this stereotype s**t from the youngest age and think it must be true then.
Load More Replies...If you want a laugh, have a look at this, specifically the reviews. Bic brought out a biro for 'Her' and the reviews are hilarious. Maybe it's just a Brit thing to use sarcasm to make a point.
If this is America (USA) then my deepest sympathy, dear people! This is sheer madness. Or it's simply consumerism gone berserk....with a pinch of religious nutcase.
so one time in China there was this lady selling dolphin necklaces for $10. I really wanted one so my aunt bought me one. But the saleslady said that the pink one was for girls, but that didn't really make any sense for me since dolphins are blue. So I bought the blue one and the saleslady look embarrassed.
Since we are being told Gender is not a real thing anymore I agree totally with this post.
What the hell is the point of all this how about gender equality guys hello
My humble thoughts - some men (not all men but probably a larger proportion than is the case for women) are less likely to care about personal hygiene than women, and so gendered products like man sized tissues and wipes has a definite purpose. Also some men (not all men.....etc) are much less likely to eat healthy food with nuts, seeds etc in it than women, so gendered bread, crazy as it may seem, might actually be a good thing to encourage men to eat it. Painting things pink to encourage women to pay more for the same thing though is not quite as beneficial, except for the companies. This is an interesting video about this stuff if anyone's interested
If you think from a marketing standpoint, whatever the target market is, the company sees fit. Just because something is pink or blue doesn't mean it's specified as for boy or girl or something that's just for men can be advertised without people getting offended or sensitive over something. You want them to start advertising feminine products as a plain product. Sometimes things just need to left as it is. Business is Business.
I can’t bear to go through this whole damned list of s****y marketing. What stands out to me is the sad number of commentators who think these products aren’t gendered. Either they are culturally uninformed, or they’re willfully rejecting clear signals just to support the whole “I hate how sensitive people are these days” complaint against actually giving a s**t about how we treat fellow human beings, genders, etc...
Does your arm hurt from patting yourself on the back so often, Jace?
Load More Replies...Anyone remember the Dr. Pepper Ten commercials? "Not for women!" Which basically showed MANLY men rumbling around in the jungle with laser guns or something along those lines lol.
I love my SMP Glider bike saddle, but I almost didn't buy one because the company's idea of making a "women's" saddle was to put pink stitching on those models. I thought that was incredibly lame because there was no other difference between them. (I bought a "men's" because I wanted a red one.)
Most of these I can see. One or two of these items is a stretch at saying it's the Tea.
While most of these are infact unnessesarily gendered a few are merely blue and pink not actually gendered. Also the tea is different in the way there are male and female vitamins. For instance Ginseng is often marketed to men because it's considered helpful for men's health. It has far less marketing to women because there is less demand because women don't have the same issues.
The fact people get offended at gendered teas, which are such because the plants in them have particular value for the feminine or masculine reproductive system, is very funny tbh. People live outrage so much, they lack common sense...
The concept of gendered products is a wee bit pathetic, but I have to stick up for the producers of those baby bids. There is usually a HUGE variety with different sayings, for boys and girls. I feel like those two were picked simply to make a 'look how sexist this is' post.
Yes, gendered products that don't need to be are kind of silly. So is getting your panties in a bunch over gendered products.
Yes, being male, you wouldn't see the problem. You've never had it.
Load More Replies...I don't see a problem here. If they keep using this marketing strategy, it's probably working. You can easily buy a thing that's meant for "other gender".
And I do, right down to clothes. Men's clothes are practical, better made, and cost less!
Load More Replies...Part of our problem as a people is that we have been brought up with color-association. We associate gender roles based on color. Blue for boys, Pink for girls. When a couple is expecting, those were the colors used to indicate gender for their coming child. Yellow, green, other colors were meant to keep it secret or indicate they did not know. But somehow marketing seemed to get it in their head that only to gender roles exist and so we have pink vs blue...just buy what you like and move on. No need to get upset over it...
Actually, blue for boys and pink for girls was basically a marketing ploy started by clothing manufacturers and such back in the late 1800s, really taking hold around the 1930s (and ramped up during and after WWII). Before that, blue was thought of as a "gentle, female" color because it was similar to flowers. Pink was for boys because it resembled the faded blood from a battle. Even then, these were interchangeable and no one really cared. Little boys were put in dresses for most of their young childhood and we have pictures of famous 'manly-men' donning these dresses as toddlers, including Teddy Roosevelt. Basically, people have stupidly been getting worked up about gender conformity and colors for only 80+ years of our thousands of years of existence.
Load More Replies...As long as it doesn't say it's for boys or girls, it's not gendered. Color is not the same as gender. And health food/drink that is gendered is not weird, as men and women do have different nutritional needs. It is weird when it's soda or beer.
Realistically, anything pink is not going to be bought by a man. Also, the nutritional differences aren't *that* great.
Load More Replies...Some of these are really gross and problematic and deserve to be called out. Others are literally just different coloured products and that's not gendering. If you see a pink and blue product that doesn't say anywhere which colour is meant for which gender, yet in your head you automatically assume the pink is for girls and blue for boys, then maybe the problem is with you
It's because it's been drilled in our heads for decades even if we don't agree with it. You must be from a younger generation. And if the younger generation doesn't see pink for girls and blue for boys then that's wonderful! I'm being very serious!
Load More Replies...All the retards saying 'these aren't gendered, it's just 2 different designs' make me want to rip my eyes out. Yes, there are two different designs you morons- one aimed at boys/men ( blue, typically ), and one aimed at girls/women ( pink, usually )- you can't possibly be that stupid, really? Oh wait, you're playing the 'woke' card- that's why you think boys want to play with pink toys that are clearly marketed at girls, because they like having a choice, not because it's obvious marketing. F*ck me side ways some people need to pull their heads out of their asses...
Most of these things are either vitamins (which NEED to be gendered because different genders need different vitamins and nutrients) or just pink and blue. Why do y'all assume that because something is a certain color it is for that specific gender! No one is telling you you have to buy things in a certain color. Literally no one. You can buy whatever the hell you want. If you want race car goldfish, go for it. If you want pink ear plugs, go for it. Nobody is stopping you nor expecting you to buy a specific one. Calm down and stop making a problem out of colors.
Maybe you should wear a frilly pink shirt to work.
Load More Replies...So if there are bigger issues in the world, then people shouldn't fix smaller issues? If you have an issue with your car, you wouldn't take it to get fixed because there are much bigger issues in the world?
Load More Replies...Think of baby showers. Most of the time if you are having a girl every gift given is pink. It starts there.
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