The cartoon characters named Tom and Jerry demand little to no introduction, as a lot of us have spent their entire childhoods following the adventures of this notorious duo.

Everyone probably recognizes Tom as a determined but a rather silly cat whose only life goal is to catch Jerry the mouse. However, the little rodent always proves to be a force worth reckoning with.

Their clashes on this ever-popular cartoon, which would often result in some undesirable scenario for Tom, were a source of inspiration for an artist from Japan, Taku Inoue. He decided to capture Tom’s most unfortunate mouse-hunting moments in a series of miniature cat figurines.

And while the famous cartoon cat is not particularly blessed with good luck, his charm is very well-fitted for some cool art no matter what shape he takes.

More info:


    Japanese artist, Taku Inoue, dedicated his time to create these amusing sculptures of Tom

    However, instead of showing Tom in his usual cat form, artist decided to take a different approach

    People that have grown up watching Tom and Jerry probably remember Tom as an impulsive cat


    And as a cat that was not particularly blessed with luck

    The idea behind this series of sculptures was to capture Tom at his life’s most unfortunate moments

    While he wasn’t a lucky cat, Tom most definitely had determination in abundance

    And so what, if his determination to catch Jerry often resulted in most hilarious hunting accidents?


    We think these sculptures of Tom’s failures are absolutely adorable!