There is something involuntarily satisfying about cutting a perfectly proportioned line of cake or filling out a coloring book and staying exactly inside the lines. Our world is filled with natural symmetry right down to the human design itself, so when our brains register symmetry it is pleasing to the eyes.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, when something is asymmetrical or ‘off’ it triggers a primal warning that something is not quite right. Sure some of us are more obsessive than others, but even the most relaxed of us can get fixated on a big enough mistake. Bored Panda has collected a list of images that are skewed just wrong enough to make the perfectionist inside you cringe. From a rebel flower turned away from the crowd to misspelled keyboard keys. Scroll down below for the full list and don't forget to upvote your favs!
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This Sunflower Doesn't Want To Face East
The Way My Wife Opens Things
Worst Flight Ever
Spent Hours Completing This Mildly Infuriating Puzzle And Now I Can't
I Lost A Loved One Today. I'm Not Sure Which One Yet, But Whoever Cuts Cheese Cake Like This Is Dead To Me
Someone At Work Asked If They Could Have One Of My Sudafed
This Shitf Key
Toughest Decision Of My Life
37.85 litres for 34.39 euros? I'd consider moving if there weren't so many mass shootings.
Noooo! I struggle with this dilemma, but this one is particularly cruel!
When I was stationed on Guam, I filled up my gas tank, but didn't look at the total on the pump. When I turned to the attendant to pay, he and his friend were staring at the pump with huge, wide, frightened eyes. The pump read $6.66. I decided to play upon the obvious fear they had. I said that 666 means bad luck, so they had to give me the gas free of charge. That woke them up. The attendant gave me a dirty look, and pumped one more penny's worth of gas into the tank.
... Since they did the conversions, I suspect they know that. :) It confused me too at first but I think they are saying that's a good price, they might move to the US for those prices.
Load More Replies...Pretty cheap for me but like 10 gallons only these prices bout to make me move
oh yeah! i was looking though a page of pics sub-titled you probably wont make it to the end, and this cracked me up. My fingers are still twitching!
That's the equivalent of 79 pence a litre versus current UK price of £1.29, a saving of about 40%. Of that UK price, approximately 50% is tax.
This one always gets me. I've actually had the experience myself. Kicks my OCD into overdrive!
Don’t do it! It’s the temptation of the devil’s code 666 upside down
I say you go for it and hope for the best and then if it doesn't work, at least you'll know you tried and never have to wonder if you made the right choice.
Oh, it's even worse...B of A will put .01 into your savings for this treachery.
This Guy's Tattoo
I Asked The Lady To Cut My Sandwich Into Three Pieces
The Monopoly Deed Cards Are Cut Wrong. I Can Barely Focus On Bankrupting My Kids
I've bought a cheap monopoly some years ago, about 5$ (the price for a good, original one here is about 30$+ ), there are so many wrong cards it makes the game almost impossible. One fun card says "Virginica (little virgin translated into my language) while the board says Virginia. All the prices are messed up also, they do not go up up the colors, some cards in the middle of the path are worth less then some from the beginning xD
That One Window
This Elevator Button Panel
This Stovetop
“Just Look At The Time!”
Number Of Holes In These Waffles Doesn't Match The Iron They Are Sitting In
I Opened My New Sketch Pencils Today And Honestly, I Don’t Know What I Did To Deserve This
These Tables At My Teaching Workshop
This Bathroom
My Wife And I Spent The Night In A Quiet Bed And Breakfast Last Night. This Kept Me Awake For Hours
This Is Why I Don't Let Guests Empty My Dishwasher
The dilemma is - restack the plates, smash the plates, or smash the guest?
The Circle On The Netflix Volume Control Isn’t Centred On The Line
Asked If They Could Cut It In Half To Split With My Boyfriend
United Terminal, O'Hare Airport, Chicago
My Door Number Is 308, They Installed It Upside Down Though
My 3-Year-Old Insisted On That Pink One
Stuff the 3 year old - I'd have switched the beads when s/he wasn't looking...
The Color Choice For The Emergency Door Buttons On A Bus
This Woman’s Headphones
What? Oh, Wait, What?
One Tile In The Whole Building
What Lunatic Designed This Church?
He's Been Tailing Us For 20 Miles, I'm Going To Lose My Mind
This Scrabble Wrapping Paper
What? You aren't familiar with tistismascarol, santaanta or reinreindeer?
My Landlord Installed A New Cabinet
Frankly leaving a space above them is just stupid anyway. It just gathers dust and grime and is too small / too high to practically use for storage.
The Back Of This Girl's Shirt
This Line On Every Page Of My Notebook
Somehwere there is a BP poster who knows damned well that s/he has caused hours of lost sleep around the world...
These Tables At My School
When The Robo Vacuum Ruins Its Perfect Track Lines Retuning To Base
Is a shame it's not programmed to start from the furthest point and then work it's way to the power station.
I've Walked On This Bridge Every Weekend For Over A Year And Not Noticed This Until Now. Now I'll Never Be Able To Not Notice It
This Tile In My Bathroom Floor
Why Didn't They Place It In The Circle?
A Show About A Detective With OCD, And This Is How They Design The Box Cover For The Last Season
My Roommate Using The Incorrect Size Screen Protector
Not In Line
This Condiment Pump Station
God Dammit, Papa John's
When My Wife Does The Dishes, I Have To Do A Silent Bit Of Cleanup Just For Myself
I Asked My Girlfriend's Sister To Put My Jenga Away After She And Her Boyfriend Were Done Playing
My Girlfriend Uses Bendy Straws This Way
My Girlfriend's Silverware Drawer At School
The Missing Dot On My To-Do List
Been Living Here For 22 Years And I Just Noticed The Lights Aren't Aligned
This Justice League Promo
Can Something Be Oddly Satisfying And Mildly Infuriating At The Same Time?
This Window And Roof
I Posted The One On The Left About 5 Months Ago At The Gas Station I Work At. They’ve Made Progress Since Then
Why Would They Do That
Not only are the black and white tiles in the middle of the photo swapped around, but a bit further up the photo is a black tile that's missing entirely...
I Was Staring At It All Flight
The "3" Has Been Stencilled Upside-Down
This Gum Packet Bothers Me
Just... Why?
People With Covers Like These
Missed It By That Much
Oh God
The Box Is Right There
My Vet's Office Mixing Up The 'M' And 'W' In This 'Welcome' Sign
Found This At My Hotel In Croatia
The Way This Plaque Was Set In Front Of A War Memorial
People Carrying Their Pizza Like This
Might be using an old pizza box to carry other stuff; art projects, or lighting gels.
This Door I See Everyday At The End Of The Hallway At My Work
This Denny's Sign Isn't Centered
Saw This On The Bathroom Floor Of A Model Home
Don't Think My Mate Understands How Screen Protectors Work
My Dad’s Workshop
The adjustable, double ended wrench on the left. I have one, never used it. This is the only other one I have seen in over 30 years!
This Brickwork On A Philly Apartment Building
My Mother In Law Stopped By And Fed The Dog
Who Lives In A Pineapple Under The Sea, This Set Is Not For You If You Have OCD
When The Water Company Dig Up 150+ Year Old Granite Setts And Patch It Up With Tarmac
Mildly Infuriating Thing At A Local Bowling Ally
The Volume Slider On Youtube. It's At Max Right Now
Does anyone when they read this think what anime show are you watching!!
The Positioning Of This Clock On The Tower
This Sub “Cut In Half”
Does not know the difference between "cut in half" and "cut in two".
The Charging "Icon" Doesn't Line Up With The Charging Port
The Slice Of Pie Is Too Big To Fit In The Hole
Where's The Last Diamond Stitch?
The Two Ends Of The Red Line
I dunno, looks like a fasten your seatbelt sign with a red seatbelt strapped across the chest of a long-haired blonde wearing a strapless pullover.
Buddy Of Mine Ordered These From The Same Publisher As A Set
but if you go carrying books about Chairman Mao you ain't gonna line them up properly anyhow
This Track Is One Second Too Long
This Gas Station Used The "Ñ" For "Oñions" But Not "Jalapenos"
The Placement Of This TV Upsets Me
Fed up with that flipping mistake cropping up so often. Driving me insane.
Red Ticks, Green Crosses
The Way My Pizza Was Cut
My Friend Doesn't Use The Grid Lines On His Graph Paper To Draw His Graphs
I Drive Past This Every Day...
These Door Handles
The Way This Professor Erases The Board
Do I Need To Say Why?
Google's Logo Design Mistakes
There's a difference between "optically correct" and "geometrically correct". Basically all logotypes are corrected to look good to the eye, not to the ruler.
This Statue Is Not Centered
How The Cover Doesn’t Line Up To The Buttons
When Actors Aren't Under Their Names
This 89 Degree Angle
Physics Teacher Refuses To Use Corresponding Colors
Just Moved In And Noticed This
These Windows
Everything About This Minesweeper App Icon
I Have To Use This Elevator Almost Every Day And Die A Little Inside Each Time
This Section Of The Freedom Trail In Boston
The 8 On This Card Is Upside Down
You Had One Job
This Light Switch In My Apartment
I Came Home From Uni To This Monstrosity
Sitting On My Patio Trying To Enjoy The Weather And All I Can Think About Is This Screw
Pick up the drill and a screw and be a man. Or woman. Mostly a carpenter. Just fix the damn thing.
That's Killing You? I've Lived With This For 11 Years. I See It Every Time I Have To Go Toilet (Stupid Error The Tile Layer Made)
Well, I think I would have been able to do my business much faster if I had to stare at that wall tho
Please. Kill. Me.
There, there, Fountain. Don't listen to the haters. I think you're beautiful.
New Office Building Floor
Fork Off Ikea
The Paint Line On The Handle VS The Mug
My Fridge Came With An Egg Tray For 9 Eggs
The First One
You Had One Job
This Is The Most Disturbing T-Shirt I Have Ever Seen
The Keyboard On My Sat Nav Isn't QWERTY
Yea... because querty is for double hand typing. I hope you don't use both hands to type in your location...
The Stand On This Wall-Mounted TV
The Positioning Of This Straw Hole
That actually makes sense. It's awkward to have that hole in the center, especially if it's a big glass. Think about it for a minute...what contortions do you have to go through to get the last little bit of your drink if the hole is in the middle?
Just As Annoyed Now As I Was When I Took The Picture A Year Ago
Then knock the snow down, really. It's not like it's a permanent installation, and nature is very seldom symmetrical.
I Think They Ran Out Of Clear Diamonds
Standard 12-Pack
Get a blowdryer or heat gun and veeeery carefully heat the plastic to bend it outwards. Should do the trick.
One Sink Is Different From The Rest
This Really Bothers Me
4 corners is actually in the wrong spot... so watching people step over the lines and say "look, now I am in Arizona, and now I am in Utah, and now I am in Colorado..." Uh, no, you are in New mexico the whole time you dingbat.
One Cookie Is Facing In The Wrong Direction
The Usb Icon On This Car Display
Where The Tile Meets The Carpet At My School
How Can I Live Like This
The Pause Button Icon In Spotify Is Off-Center By 1 Px
This Belongs Here
This Bathroom Has One Different Urinal
This Tile Display Hurts My Head
Found At My Local Bookstore
The Increase Volume Button Is On The Left, And The Decrease Volume Button Is On The Right
None of this s**t bothers me. Must be horrible to go through life being bothered by nonsense.
Victor, how nice to hear the sound of reason and good old common sense! Cheers mate!
Load More Replies...Loved it! My Mom and I see these things all the time. We make a game out of it... If one of us sees something off, we ask the other to find it.
Can't leave half way so had to finish all and comment about it before exiting
The patterned tile "mistakes" were done on purpose! Sort of a signature thing to say "nothings perfect". It's been done for centuries.
Idk. None of this really bothers me? i think being bothered by these things is just a trend...When I was little, I never heard people say they were bothered by these kind of things and now suddenly this is "torture" and "painful" and "triggering" and just about the most annoying thing in the world? Idk. i think it's a learnt behaviour that has been exaggerated over the past years because of the internet.
Maybe when I am so bored and don't care what I watch will I ever get back to this maybe, maybe not.
I suspected ocd when aligning my carpet withe the tiles line every day. After this, i honestly have a problem.
I find noises more bothersome than imperfections like those. A nearby desk with a squeaky office chair is a nightmare from the deepest darkest corner of the underworld. The way that guy's wife opens things would just result in me fixing them because someone can open them however they want but then they can't give me c**p for fixing them.
I literally feel nothing about any of these. I must be some kind of chaotic monster
Seeing them all at once is pretty damn irritating but otherwise it's no biggie. I've already forgotten them. Most people have bigger problems than this everyday.
Totally 1st world problems but still i feel bad saying it but THEY ARE STILL PROBLEMS that seriously affect me uuh triggerd now!
1st World problems.... Also, I stopped reading in mid, cause I couldn't stand it anymore :D
I did not realize how OCD I am after looking at the first page. I can not bring myself to look at the next one.
Please don't use the term OCD in this way, because it isn't true. If you or someone you know has OCD you would know it is a terrible, debilitating illness, not a preference for neatness.
Load More Replies...If you are disturbed by these images probably you suffer of OCD :))
None of this s**t bothers me. Must be horrible to go through life being bothered by nonsense.
Victor, how nice to hear the sound of reason and good old common sense! Cheers mate!
Load More Replies...Loved it! My Mom and I see these things all the time. We make a game out of it... If one of us sees something off, we ask the other to find it.
Can't leave half way so had to finish all and comment about it before exiting
The patterned tile "mistakes" were done on purpose! Sort of a signature thing to say "nothings perfect". It's been done for centuries.
Idk. None of this really bothers me? i think being bothered by these things is just a trend...When I was little, I never heard people say they were bothered by these kind of things and now suddenly this is "torture" and "painful" and "triggering" and just about the most annoying thing in the world? Idk. i think it's a learnt behaviour that has been exaggerated over the past years because of the internet.
Maybe when I am so bored and don't care what I watch will I ever get back to this maybe, maybe not.
I suspected ocd when aligning my carpet withe the tiles line every day. After this, i honestly have a problem.
I find noises more bothersome than imperfections like those. A nearby desk with a squeaky office chair is a nightmare from the deepest darkest corner of the underworld. The way that guy's wife opens things would just result in me fixing them because someone can open them however they want but then they can't give me c**p for fixing them.
I literally feel nothing about any of these. I must be some kind of chaotic monster
Seeing them all at once is pretty damn irritating but otherwise it's no biggie. I've already forgotten them. Most people have bigger problems than this everyday.
Totally 1st world problems but still i feel bad saying it but THEY ARE STILL PROBLEMS that seriously affect me uuh triggerd now!
1st World problems.... Also, I stopped reading in mid, cause I couldn't stand it anymore :D
I did not realize how OCD I am after looking at the first page. I can not bring myself to look at the next one.
Please don't use the term OCD in this way, because it isn't true. If you or someone you know has OCD you would know it is a terrible, debilitating illness, not a preference for neatness.
Load More Replies...If you are disturbed by these images probably you suffer of OCD :))