Eastern Europeans must have altered adrenaline glands! It hasn’t been long since we shared heart-stopping photos of Russian skywalkers, and this time it’s a former legal adviser Pavel from Ukraine that stops traffic and leaves people in awe. A 26-year-old rooftopper from Kiev, better known as Mustang Wanted, has shocked the world with the pictures of him holding on to various high-rise building with just one hand. It’s hard to believe, but Pavel doesn’t use any safety gear nor ropes.

Even though his pictures and videos might make some heads spin, Mustang Wanted himself claims that he never feels any fear: “Sometimes I think that I’m a robot. I do not feel anything,” he says. Which does seem to be quite true, seeing how Pavel manages to make all these tricks look effortless in the pictures.

It appears that most of the appreciation for the hobby comes from knowing that he is able to do just anything he wants: “Death is not the worst thing that can happen. Everyone dies – but not everyone lives the way they want. If you are afraid of everything – you must live in a sterile laboratory.” Take note, however, that he does not advice anyone to try doing it themselves!

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    Mustang Wanted on 150 meter crane