The Hollywood jokester has become the joke. On Thursday Ryan Reynolds known for being the funny guy on Twitter was the butt of a vey real Christmas prank. While the star of Deadpool is used to getting trolled by his wife, actress Blake Lively, this time the joke came from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal.


    Image credits: vancityreynolds

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine co-star, Jackman, invited Reynolds to an “ugly sweater party” but there was one thing he left out on the invitation – the dress code only applied to him.

    Image credits: VancityReynolds

    People loved the idea

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    Image credits: Fakesosyalotaku


    Image credits: Alli_Rie13

    Image credits: DianeK23502279

    Image credits: kaitlynbristowe

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    Image credits: TheRyanKelleher

    Image credits: NeoParzival829

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    This isn’t the first time Hugh Jackman And Ryan Renolds were involved in a troll battle

    Reynolds once hilariously hijacked an interview with Jackman when he crashed the Eddie the Eagle junket

    And of course there was that time that Deadpool wore a Hugh Jackman mask


    And vice versa

    Of all the Marvel superhero feuds, theirs is most definitely our favorite

    Who knows where this battle will lead? We can’t wait to find out!

    Image credits: vancityreynolds