Roux, an adorable little two-legged kitty adopted by Jackie Deak Akey in Louisiana, has become an Internet sensation due to her playful and inspiring nature. Despite her congenital deformity, this spunky cat hops about and loves to play just like any other cat! Today, she celebrates her 2nd birthday!
She is so adorable... I believe she was recently featured on an episode of "My Cat From Hell" w/Jackson Galaxy (or at least it was another cat w/similar markings and no front paws). This season, he's including segments of "My Cat From Heaven", and she was in that segment. Other "Heavenly" cats have been a cat who saved his owner from a fire, a cat that saved a small child, a cat with no rear legs (Jackson was helping w/a wheeled cart-like device), a family that cares for blind cats, etc. --------------- All of these cats are amazing. Most of all, as Jackson says, the ones we consider "disabled" do NOT think of themselves that way... they're just cats, being cats, & finding ways around any challenges they have. This is why I love cats!!
She is so adorable... I believe she was recently featured on an episode of "My Cat From Hell" w/Jackson Galaxy (or at least it was another cat w/similar markings and no front paws). This season, he's including segments of "My Cat From Heaven", and she was in that segment. Other "Heavenly" cats have been a cat who saved his owner from a fire, a cat that saved a small child, a cat with no rear legs (Jackson was helping w/a wheeled cart-like device), a family that cares for blind cats, etc. --------------- All of these cats are amazing. Most of all, as Jackson says, the ones we consider "disabled" do NOT think of themselves that way... they're just cats, being cats, & finding ways around any challenges they have. This is why I love cats!!