How Lazy Are You? 46 Of The Best Responses That’ll Make You Feel Better About Your Own Mess
Ever feel guilty for being lazy? Well, be prepared to feel better.
Recently, Twitter user Jake Visser asked the Internet "How lazy are you?", and the responses he got were simply next-level. We've put them together in this list below and once you're through it, trust me, you'll feel a whole lot better about your own laziness - maybe even relatively productive.
Like this post? Then click here to see 15+ People Who Took Laziness To Another Level. If you're not too lazy that is....
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Jimmy, your definition of "Comfortable" must be a bit different from mine, eh?
I speed press the start button 6 times to set 3 minutes because I'm too lazy to move around to each different number.
That's just simple migraine attack my dear.. sleeping much causes pain, sleeping more cures :)
I once had to use a measuring cup as a spoon as no one wanted to do the dishes
I don't understand why these people have so much laundry. Sometimes I just wear the same clothes
I just kick it in the floor heater vent and watch it melt though the crevases ;-;
That's OK! I just read an article about how money can you buy happiness: if you spend it on things that save you time. So you are doing it right.
Lol--but the demon on top of the table has issues with that. xD
Sometimes my homework is in my backpack, and I just tell myself it's too much work to get it out of there :)
Too lazy. That cereal needs to be respected more. (you can't even get the optical amount of cereal)
As John L commented on one of them: many of these entries do not truly reflect lazyness but rather unrational demotivation. The described acts often are rather stupid than lazy. If I am a lazy, I want to avoid work and hassles...if I act in a way where not doing a small action now leads to massive work later, just postponed, I am a procrastionator, and most likely also a bit dumb. At least for me lazyness ends where it gets uncomfortable...but probably I am just too practical thinking. (And no, I also quite often just take the fresh cuttlery directily from the dishwasher and am too lazy too put it in the shelf...).
As John L commented on one of them: many of these entries do not truly reflect lazyness but rather unrational demotivation. The described acts often are rather stupid than lazy. If I am a lazy, I want to avoid work and hassles...if I act in a way where not doing a small action now leads to massive work later, just postponed, I am a procrastionator, and most likely also a bit dumb. At least for me lazyness ends where it gets uncomfortable...but probably I am just too practical thinking. (And no, I also quite often just take the fresh cuttlery directily from the dishwasher and am too lazy too put it in the shelf...).