Parkland Students Are Trolling Their Mandatory Clear Backpacks By Carrying Things That Scare Conservatives The Most
Survivors of a mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, returned from spring break to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and were greeted by new security measures. Among other new regulations, the school staff provided the students with the newest mandatory accessories: a transparent backpack. The administration claims that this regulation will boost safety, but the students hate it. One of the biggest issues for this backlash has a lot to do with the female reproductive system - tampons and other menstrual thingies became impossible to hide. Saying they are beginning to feel as if inside a jail, the teens have already come up with a solution that perfectly expresses both their solidarity for natural feminine stuff and rage against the current gun situation in the country. Only it might infuriate a few conservative minds.
Tampons. The students are filling the new backpacks with loads and loads of tampons. "I only got lights. I didn’t know. Getting supers for tomorrow," student Cameron Kasky tweeted. "Sizes, pricing... I'm learning new things about women's health right now. This stuff is expensive. Steps must be taken to make these health products easier to access."
However, Rachel Padnis, a 16-year-old sophomore at Majory Stone Douglas, has a slightly different opinion. "Personally, I think that clear backpacks aren't that big of a hassle. If it even makes one person at my school feel safer, I am willing to make that sacrifice," Rachel told Bored Panda.
"It's actually pretty funny to walk through the hallways and see all the jokes everyone has written on them," she said. "Although there are a whole bunch of complaints about them and I am feeling like my privacy has been taken away, I think they have brought a lot of real laughter back to my school which was missing for a while."
Padnis believes that people could still carry around weapons there if they wanted. "I see many students with lunchboxes in their backpacks that go unchecked as well as zipper pouches which seems to defeat the intended purpose and the police presence has gone down significantly." According to her, the issue is complex. "I feel like metal detectors or some kind of detector wand would be much more beneficial, but there’s also the fact that it would take a really long time for everyone to get scanned upon their entry to my school since there are about 3,200 students who go here."
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
(h/t someecards)
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors returned from spring break to new security measures
Many students expressed their disappointment on social media but Cameron Kasky decided to take a different approach
And it spread like wildfire
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exaclty, if people want to smuggle guns etc in, they aren't going to put them in plain sight, they'll find another way.
let's change everything except what actually needs to change... great idea...
i think this is funny but at the same time i really hope they used the tampons or gave them to someone who actually needs them...
One would have to assume they are cunningly disguised, inflatable, bullet-proof emergency tents. For the horrendous price of $1.05 I would expect no less, really.
The Funny part of this one is that, the NRA would be butthurt over it and not realize that it's intentionally misspelled.
Right on, keep on marching on. Don't let the baby boomers slow you down.
The KIDS don't think tampons and condoms are scary; aren't they out there on display? The moral majority think those items and don't discuss them with kids. Don't you read some of the amazing rhetoric that comes out of Washington?
"ok, so that's everything packed, I'm ready to go... oh no, wait you can totally see the gun in my bag, dammit.. ah well, no killing for me today" - nobody, ever.
I'm less focused on the gun issue and more focused on the fact that a teenage boy brought attention to how freaking expensive our tampons are. I love that kid! Thank you for saying what us women have been thinking for forever. Lmao
"Another shooting, what will we do? More regulation, change laws?" - "Naahhh, arm the teachers and clear backpacks for students, we gotcha covered." -_-
Not that you can hide a small gun between the items stuffed in the backpack placed the way to hide the said gun... Sheesh... Some authorities are frankly dumb and with no imagination.
"Gun free zones' create sitting ducks. The 2nd Amendment permits Americans to protect themselves against criminals. Without it we'd all be sitting ducks. Would 'elites' give up their armed body guards? You bet they wouldn't. And implying conservatives are at fault is divisive bulls*it. btw, Trump supporters include Americans across the political spectrum, all united in support of populism. Liberals and progressives are 'useful idiots' for globalism/world government. Liberal & progressive now mean fascist & regressive - truly Orwellian. Too bad that includes Bored Panda, because your stuff is usually good, sometimes great, apart from your globalist claptrap - fascism in a smiley face teeshirt and Nikes, as George Carlin put it.
I want to be friends with the guy carrying Tampons. You know just in case I forget my own XD
I'm not a gun expert, but if you had an opaque bag of this size, wouldn't an assault rifle just stick out of the top? And if you had a handgun, you could just stick it in your trousers?
Time for our vocabulary lesson of the day. Does anybody know a better word for something you can see through? Give up? The word is transparent. Also I do not know what conservatives are supposed to be scared of.
Parkland is not the only school who has tried to do the clear backpack things. Many schools since I was in middle school (the mid-1990s) have done the clear backpack deal for "safety" whether it was drugs, knives, guns, gang stuff, or any other thing deemed unsafe and able to be hidden in a backpack. It has never really worked out long term. I was surprised no one had a sign saying: "if you think this is the solution, then you don't know what the problem is/ you're a part of the problem/you are the problem.
Dear America: No matter how many people die, every argument for gun control is met with "but it's in the constitution". Have you ever stopped to consider that your constitution might be wrong? It's a product of a different time with different conditions and different social conventions after all...
And then there's the part where that clear plastic is complete s**t. So they're being forced to buy a product that's essentially junk that they'll have to buy over and over because it won't hold up.
Those who march in support of restricting citizens' rights.........getting mad about having their rights restricted....
Thank god these clear backpacks will stop other members of the public going in with semi-automatic weapons. Everyone in America can sleep peacefully now.
So they don't care about their safety they would rather someone sneak a gun in.
Wasn't the Parkland shooter BANNED from bringing a bag onto the school property? In response, we "punish" everyone else by requiring clear bags. Gun control? See the irony?
as a non-American, I always wonder what would it take for America to finally agreeing for a some form of firearms restriction.
How are the items in the bags "things that scare conservatives the most"?
I didn't know AR-15s were compact enough to fit in a backpack ... who knew ...
How can highly educated people be so massively stupid? Inquiring minds want to know? everyone that waltzes into the schools going to be using clear backpacks as well? Because, from I understand, it wasn't a current student that did the killing! This is ridiculous!
Now they know what's it's like to be punished for something someone else did. Join the club, kids.
It is naive to think that gun control will stop anyone who intend to obtain one to kill others. The black market will still have illegal guns and will still sell then to anyone willing and able to pay the right price without any background or mental health check. Those who have ill intentions will still be able to get guns. Fear of the unknown is leading people to strip freedoms from innocent people.
The NRA's agenda? I get why these kids are upset, but they should educate themselves before slamming an organization that's helping us keep our rights. And also, I'd like to add that an AR15 is not an assault rifle. The AR doesn't stand for Assault Rifle. I'm not sure who started that.
So beyond pointless. Their government is supposed to be by the people for the people! Not changing their gun laws is demented thinking. Many more will die, many more will cry.
Tampons make conservatives cringe? Click bait. And Bored Panda should have some shame for allowing something so stupid to be posted.
Great - regulate the potential victims, not the potential perpetrators. Because that worked like a charm in rapes and other crimes.
This is supposed to be cute?! FYI: I'm a Conservative and I'm not scared.
We;ll, they have been required at practically every Music festival I go to now days. Though, it maybe that I don't have a problem with it since I actually want to go to the festival. Oh , try not to generalize and make blanket statements about groups, your starting to act like what you profess to hate most. Feminine hygiene , family planning and other products used for the genitalia of whomever, is scary.... how? Like are they going to jump out and say boo! So scary. Like I have done and will do for any girl who needs it... I've got no problems getting you what you really no choice but to need. The only thing I ever worry about is making sure I get exactly what you want. Besides most female cashiers think I'm awesome for doing just that. Ultra-clea...9df62f.jpg
Um...Conservatives don't really care what they put in their backpacks. Not only that, but we also think clear backpacks are a really stupid idea.
So it's way less ridiculous to carry a clear backpack than to expect the entire country to disarm. This scares no one.
Ha ha. This does not "infuriate conservative minds." It makes conservative minds happy. Welcome to reality kids. Where you've fought to gain safety and lost freedoms in the process.
Yeah....the frustration is real and understandable. Just look at theses backpacks. If you wanted to conceal a weapon do you think you could not do it? Only the outward surface is visible...nothing beneath it can be distinguished. It is not that this is a horrible idea...although WAAAAY is just that it is no solution to the problem...not even a band-aid solution. It is laughable. These kids are right to ridicule it.
Maybe guns could be disguised in something normal. This wont stop gun crime
"Please do everything you can to make us safer"...." no not that". Can't have it all ways kiddos.
People are complaining that nothing is being done, but they try to do something people complain. These clear backpacks get checked before entering the school and despite what people say, it will discourage others from doing bad stuff, because it shows the school isnt playing around!
I had to use a clear bag for a job I had three years ago. It was so annoying, do you know how many cute bags are clear? None.
I'm not seeing anything here that would make a conservative mad other than the hate on the NRA, maybe. We agree that the clear back pack is a stupid idea. We also think that "gun control" is also stupid. This article is very misleading.
Don’t know how what these kids are packing is supposed to upset conservatives. Their just making themselves look stupid whining about a security procedure attempting to keep them safe. They’re reacting like spoiled little kids. Oh that’s right, they are spoiled little kids.
Little bastards need to STFU and realize they are not adults and don't have rights. So you wanna be safe, but still want places to hide weapons? Oh what fun it is, To Whine like a Liberal all night. Gimmie a break. In Baltimore City, they have clear bags as well. In most urban places where crime is high, they do this. But these little white snowflakes feel they are better than everyone else and are so enlightened. Cannot wait til David Hogg and the rest of these turds lose the interest they have gained since Liberal Idiots made them think we actually give a f**k what they think or say.
Know whats sad? Im an adult and ive had a few jobs where we had to have clear bags because they were sooo scared the employees would steal. As if you cant figure out other ways to steal. Plus they ignored actual shoplifter while watching their own employees pick wedgies outta their asses. Good job.
Seek and understand history kids. We had the U.S. Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 that expired in 2004 about the time most of you were born. Here is the wiki quick breakdown... . I don't follow every bit of this issue, but I have not seen anyone sight the laws we had and did not do anything to keep. Now about these backpacks. Your freedoms are being impeded upon and you say " These rules are stupid and will not help anything!" Now you sound just like the NRA. Think and get better informed by multiple sources, research and fact checking. The sunset provision that let the assault weapons ban lapse after ten years is SNAFU. A similar sunset provision is in the Iran Nuclear Deal. That is a much bigger bang for sure. Young people becoming activist need to realize they will loose freedoms in the pursuit of the type of security they want. It is not just a gun issue.
My school won't let us bring our backpacks in because of this. I'm proud of these kids.
sad posts like this one prove the fact America is not relevant in this world anymore. It’s being run by idiots and their even more idiot support. I feel sorry for you guys/girls...
Sorry if I don't take legal advice and debate constitutional law with children who eat Tide Pods and inhale condoms for fun.
Have there been ANY mass shootings at schools where one already occurred? Perfect way to teach kids what "Shutting the barn door after the horse has run off" means in r/l.
it's like America is filled with tigers hungry for humans.People like Trump are safe in their mansions and they are not affected by the "tigers" but instead of helping he's like "let's throw in some meat, that might help!"
I feel so bad for teenagers these days having to deal with these moronic bandaid "solutions".
I kinda want a clear backpack now. It could be a fun way to make strangers feel bit uncomfortable depending on the items inside. That's the only thing they are good for, though.
Thank you, Cameron, for taking this opportunity to understand some of what your femal classmates deal with on a monthly basis. Well done, sir 👍🙂
This is completely stupid. Every school I went in small town Georgia had clear back packs. This isn't a new thing. We had them in 96-2006.
That gated sidewalk was new to me. It seriously isn't accomplishing anything. No individual going to shoot up a school is going to even consider walking where you are designated and through a bag check. They practically need it to happen again so it gets through their 'safety' procedures don't work.
Clear backpacks are just the government's way of slapping a band aid on the problem of safe schools. A waste of everyone's time and energy.
Ok... just use some logic... like some people said in the comments
This will only be useful if someone can actually fit an AR 15 into a standard sized backpack. And wait... if they can fit it, they can hide it with binders.
The left should be delighted the clear back pack is the obvious outgrowth of the zero tolerance policy we've been laughably trusting to protect kids for years now. Why use armed guards when we can just suspend kids for eating pop tarts instead? And lets be honest most of these kids are going to get sent home before first period ends.
Oh, and furthermore, we are tending to the ridiculous to allow the news media to blast the 'facts' of a mass murder) into the lead stories on TV (they should not be there, at all), or list them as headlines on page one of the paper (they should be buried in tiny print deep inside the rag), thus denying the perps their "fifteen seconds of fame". Take away the notoriety, and most of the 'fun' goes out of the action.
It's sad people no longer think. Clear backpacks don't equal safety. Neither do 'gun-free zones' (sheep killing pens) or laws (the killers don't care) or even scanners (any teen who has taken shop class can make a deadly weapon that does not register on one or even look like one. The answer is to allow anyone who has taken a concealed carry course to go anywhere with an openly-displayed firearm. And teach our people to swarm the shooter, like the Israelis do. Put them down and out.
Ok. I see. So even if the government did ban guns, this would also stop kids bringing other illegal objects and substances to school. If students have nothing to hide, clear backpacks shouldn’t be an issue. It may not be the solution they want, but it is at least a step in the right direction. In fact all schools should be given a school uniform - removes stigma and reduces bullying...and every school should have clear backpacks - it’s school, they should have anything to hide. Phones should also be handed in at the start of the school day or banned from schools too.
This shows how much growing up these children have to do. It's pathetic to act this way just because you have to show you're not carrying a gun. Why shouldn't the teachers/schools do everything they can to help try and protect other students and themselves from gun violence? It's not like this is a rare occurrence in America, is it? Until they make the smart decision to ban guns, or make it harder to purchase them, then I say good choice. And stop being so childish!
F**k off BP with your political leanings yet again. Some of these are trolling conservatives, but most are trolling the backpacks themselves. F**k your stupid clickbait political posts. Can't you ever be neutral about anything? I know that's how the internet is these days, but it's pathetic.
Quality control at the backpack factory: "Hey, Nick? Are these supposed to be transparent?!?" "I they hold books?" "Sure, but..." "Then shut-up and approve 'em."
Who the heck makes Clear Backpacks?!? And how did they get through quality control? "Hey, Nick? Are these supposed to be transparent?" "I they hold books?" "Sure, but..." "Then shut-up, and approve 'em!"
It won't be harder to get guns with stricter laws. Cali is considered a "gun free" state but there was a shooting at youtube hq. Maryland has pretty much every gunlaw there could be yet there was a school shooting there. NJ has pretty strict gun laws and there's still felons ans criminals walking around with them.
If I lived in the US, I'd be nice to everyone, it's too easy to get a gun.
I love that most of the students left the price tag on... have Morgan Freeman do a psa...$1.05 will save a life, please give...
To me, (sorry if this offends anyone) these backpacks don't solve a whole lot. An AR-15 wouldn't even fit in a backpack. Its also just as easy to sneak a smaller gun under your coat as it is into your bag. We need stronger gun control!
These children are obnoxious. If you want to be taken seriously and have an adult conversation, then act like you are one. Eeewww, moderates & conservatives are afraid of tampons, condoms and weed. Really? So young and so jaded. Narrow minded little fascist.
Is it a thing to carry backpacks to every class now? I never did just my books and my purse!
I don’t want to say it like na a*****e. But i’m from Brazil, and i honestly want to know what is supposed to happens if guns ar banned from USA?
Nothing solves all problems, but anything in the right direction is a start. For example, most sports venues require clear or very small bags. At least it's something. Things don't happen over night, this was something they could do quickly. Stop whining about something that is no big deal.
I keep seeing the orange tags that say $1.05. Is that a real price tag or an homage to Team America (the song in the movie says freedom isn't free and that freedom costs a buck oh five). I'm really hoping it's a Team America joke.
hmmmmmmmmm....... just read the Constitution (that a few of the MSDHS kids have yet to read) and there is no section about what kind of backpack they are allowed to have -- guess they do not like having strict rules imposed on them even though they have always followed the rules........
They want to remove everybody's guns, but don't want to use clear backpacks -oh boo hooo -
So.......If they didn't have the clear backpacks and the demanded random searches, these little snowflake a******s would claim its a violation of their privacy. Damned if you do, damned if you don't LOL. I remember when I was in school and I tried that activist s**t. My parents said "You're a kid. Go to school, we pay for your housing, food, clothing....That is your right. Want rights? Graduate, get a job and pay taxes LOL. When did we start letting underaged little privileged shits dictate policy? LOL
I have no intention of talking legal advice or debating constitutional law with teenagers -- children -- who probably spend their free time eating Tide Pods abd inhaling condoms. They have probably never taken a civics or poli sci class and have never read the Constitution.
Not sure just what these kids want! This is just a beginning,it will take some time to figure out what works. Nothing happens overnite, but... we are in the age of children wanting everything right now!! This, they may finally be learning, is just how the government works.
We do not need politics in bored panda. I am a republican, and I am insulted by this. I support partial gun control, yet stereotyping makes me a racist, sexist, bigot.
I agree with many that say the school is "trying" to do something... however, the kids complain. I do disagree the notation that it will discourage others from doing bad stuff. All the metal detectors, clear backpacks, and security guards will not stop someone who is bent on destruction and taking others with him/her. Unfortunately, where there is a will, there is a way. And instead of complaining that "nothing" is being done, come up with a potential, realistic solution.
Stupidest thing Ive ever seen! May I ask these students, WHY they are not pissed at the FIRST people they should be pissed at?? Because, while that kid came in and shot people, THEIR school board were having DISCUSSIONS as to whether or not to install METAL DETECTORS!!! DISCUSSIONS?! WHAT was there to DISCUSS?!If they hadnt been discussing, and had just installed them, that kid wouldnt have been able to get into their school with a gun!!! If insane people get it into their head that they want to kill someone, they are going to attempt it!! Be it with a gun, a bomb (easy online instructions for that!), a knife, a vehicle, drop a big ole rock on their head!!! See where Im going???
If my school had such regulations I'd see it as an oportunity to desighn new translucent bags made from up-cycled materials. Two birds, one stone.
you know it's not just guns... It's drugs, knives, and other things which teens may be bringing in that metal detectors wouldn't see. However the effecacy is diminished when bags, boxes, and pockets exceeding a certain size are still allowed. but seriousely, there's really nothing all that harmfull about a clear backpack. It's substantially easier on everyone than turning the entire school into a TSA check station and obviousely it's promoted a wide range of expression.... Aside from welcoming theraputic animals on campus and keeping open office hours for confidential councilors, this is probably one of the least extream and most sensible measures toward keeping weaponry off campus. Best of all, people who couldn't afford a back pack are recieving donations... We honestly don't live in a discreate culture anymore, everything is posted on the internet for everyone to see and at best, the translucent backpacks may also prevent students from stealing from eachother.
I don't think it's the worse idea in the world to be honest, but as a means to stop gun nuts shooting up a school it's flat out stupid. The NRA and it's supporters are going to dance around the issue.
I'm all for doing away with guns... but can we take a moment to think about what has gone wrong when so many school shootings are taking place?
Why don't we ever talk about Bullying being the issue? If they don't have guns, they'll just find something else to use.
So smart they want to change the world — too dumb to imagine consequences
These kids just handed the adults even more reasons to ignore whatever they have to say.
"ok, so that's everything packed, I'm ready to go... oh no, wait you can totally see the gun in my bag, dammit.. ah well, no killing for me today" - nobody, ever.
I'm less focused on the gun issue and more focused on the fact that a teenage boy brought attention to how freaking expensive our tampons are. I love that kid! Thank you for saying what us women have been thinking for forever. Lmao
"Another shooting, what will we do? More regulation, change laws?" - "Naahhh, arm the teachers and clear backpacks for students, we gotcha covered." -_-
Not that you can hide a small gun between the items stuffed in the backpack placed the way to hide the said gun... Sheesh... Some authorities are frankly dumb and with no imagination.
"Gun free zones' create sitting ducks. The 2nd Amendment permits Americans to protect themselves against criminals. Without it we'd all be sitting ducks. Would 'elites' give up their armed body guards? You bet they wouldn't. And implying conservatives are at fault is divisive bulls*it. btw, Trump supporters include Americans across the political spectrum, all united in support of populism. Liberals and progressives are 'useful idiots' for globalism/world government. Liberal & progressive now mean fascist & regressive - truly Orwellian. Too bad that includes Bored Panda, because your stuff is usually good, sometimes great, apart from your globalist claptrap - fascism in a smiley face teeshirt and Nikes, as George Carlin put it.
I want to be friends with the guy carrying Tampons. You know just in case I forget my own XD
I'm not a gun expert, but if you had an opaque bag of this size, wouldn't an assault rifle just stick out of the top? And if you had a handgun, you could just stick it in your trousers?
Time for our vocabulary lesson of the day. Does anybody know a better word for something you can see through? Give up? The word is transparent. Also I do not know what conservatives are supposed to be scared of.
Parkland is not the only school who has tried to do the clear backpack things. Many schools since I was in middle school (the mid-1990s) have done the clear backpack deal for "safety" whether it was drugs, knives, guns, gang stuff, or any other thing deemed unsafe and able to be hidden in a backpack. It has never really worked out long term. I was surprised no one had a sign saying: "if you think this is the solution, then you don't know what the problem is/ you're a part of the problem/you are the problem.
Dear America: No matter how many people die, every argument for gun control is met with "but it's in the constitution". Have you ever stopped to consider that your constitution might be wrong? It's a product of a different time with different conditions and different social conventions after all...
And then there's the part where that clear plastic is complete s**t. So they're being forced to buy a product that's essentially junk that they'll have to buy over and over because it won't hold up.
Those who march in support of restricting citizens' rights.........getting mad about having their rights restricted....
Thank god these clear backpacks will stop other members of the public going in with semi-automatic weapons. Everyone in America can sleep peacefully now.
So they don't care about their safety they would rather someone sneak a gun in.
Wasn't the Parkland shooter BANNED from bringing a bag onto the school property? In response, we "punish" everyone else by requiring clear bags. Gun control? See the irony?
as a non-American, I always wonder what would it take for America to finally agreeing for a some form of firearms restriction.
How are the items in the bags "things that scare conservatives the most"?
I didn't know AR-15s were compact enough to fit in a backpack ... who knew ...
How can highly educated people be so massively stupid? Inquiring minds want to know? everyone that waltzes into the schools going to be using clear backpacks as well? Because, from I understand, it wasn't a current student that did the killing! This is ridiculous!
Now they know what's it's like to be punished for something someone else did. Join the club, kids.
It is naive to think that gun control will stop anyone who intend to obtain one to kill others. The black market will still have illegal guns and will still sell then to anyone willing and able to pay the right price without any background or mental health check. Those who have ill intentions will still be able to get guns. Fear of the unknown is leading people to strip freedoms from innocent people.
The NRA's agenda? I get why these kids are upset, but they should educate themselves before slamming an organization that's helping us keep our rights. And also, I'd like to add that an AR15 is not an assault rifle. The AR doesn't stand for Assault Rifle. I'm not sure who started that.
So beyond pointless. Their government is supposed to be by the people for the people! Not changing their gun laws is demented thinking. Many more will die, many more will cry.
Tampons make conservatives cringe? Click bait. And Bored Panda should have some shame for allowing something so stupid to be posted.
Great - regulate the potential victims, not the potential perpetrators. Because that worked like a charm in rapes and other crimes.
This is supposed to be cute?! FYI: I'm a Conservative and I'm not scared.
We;ll, they have been required at practically every Music festival I go to now days. Though, it maybe that I don't have a problem with it since I actually want to go to the festival. Oh , try not to generalize and make blanket statements about groups, your starting to act like what you profess to hate most. Feminine hygiene , family planning and other products used for the genitalia of whomever, is scary.... how? Like are they going to jump out and say boo! So scary. Like I have done and will do for any girl who needs it... I've got no problems getting you what you really no choice but to need. The only thing I ever worry about is making sure I get exactly what you want. Besides most female cashiers think I'm awesome for doing just that. Ultra-clea...9df62f.jpg
Um...Conservatives don't really care what they put in their backpacks. Not only that, but we also think clear backpacks are a really stupid idea.
So it's way less ridiculous to carry a clear backpack than to expect the entire country to disarm. This scares no one.
Ha ha. This does not "infuriate conservative minds." It makes conservative minds happy. Welcome to reality kids. Where you've fought to gain safety and lost freedoms in the process.
Yeah....the frustration is real and understandable. Just look at theses backpacks. If you wanted to conceal a weapon do you think you could not do it? Only the outward surface is visible...nothing beneath it can be distinguished. It is not that this is a horrible idea...although WAAAAY is just that it is no solution to the problem...not even a band-aid solution. It is laughable. These kids are right to ridicule it.
Maybe guns could be disguised in something normal. This wont stop gun crime
"Please do everything you can to make us safer"...." no not that". Can't have it all ways kiddos.
People are complaining that nothing is being done, but they try to do something people complain. These clear backpacks get checked before entering the school and despite what people say, it will discourage others from doing bad stuff, because it shows the school isnt playing around!
I had to use a clear bag for a job I had three years ago. It was so annoying, do you know how many cute bags are clear? None.
I'm not seeing anything here that would make a conservative mad other than the hate on the NRA, maybe. We agree that the clear back pack is a stupid idea. We also think that "gun control" is also stupid. This article is very misleading.
Don’t know how what these kids are packing is supposed to upset conservatives. Their just making themselves look stupid whining about a security procedure attempting to keep them safe. They’re reacting like spoiled little kids. Oh that’s right, they are spoiled little kids.
Little bastards need to STFU and realize they are not adults and don't have rights. So you wanna be safe, but still want places to hide weapons? Oh what fun it is, To Whine like a Liberal all night. Gimmie a break. In Baltimore City, they have clear bags as well. In most urban places where crime is high, they do this. But these little white snowflakes feel they are better than everyone else and are so enlightened. Cannot wait til David Hogg and the rest of these turds lose the interest they have gained since Liberal Idiots made them think we actually give a f**k what they think or say.
Know whats sad? Im an adult and ive had a few jobs where we had to have clear bags because they were sooo scared the employees would steal. As if you cant figure out other ways to steal. Plus they ignored actual shoplifter while watching their own employees pick wedgies outta their asses. Good job.
Seek and understand history kids. We had the U.S. Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 that expired in 2004 about the time most of you were born. Here is the wiki quick breakdown... . I don't follow every bit of this issue, but I have not seen anyone sight the laws we had and did not do anything to keep. Now about these backpacks. Your freedoms are being impeded upon and you say " These rules are stupid and will not help anything!" Now you sound just like the NRA. Think and get better informed by multiple sources, research and fact checking. The sunset provision that let the assault weapons ban lapse after ten years is SNAFU. A similar sunset provision is in the Iran Nuclear Deal. That is a much bigger bang for sure. Young people becoming activist need to realize they will loose freedoms in the pursuit of the type of security they want. It is not just a gun issue.
My school won't let us bring our backpacks in because of this. I'm proud of these kids.
sad posts like this one prove the fact America is not relevant in this world anymore. It’s being run by idiots and their even more idiot support. I feel sorry for you guys/girls...
Sorry if I don't take legal advice and debate constitutional law with children who eat Tide Pods and inhale condoms for fun.
Have there been ANY mass shootings at schools where one already occurred? Perfect way to teach kids what "Shutting the barn door after the horse has run off" means in r/l.
it's like America is filled with tigers hungry for humans.People like Trump are safe in their mansions and they are not affected by the "tigers" but instead of helping he's like "let's throw in some meat, that might help!"
I feel so bad for teenagers these days having to deal with these moronic bandaid "solutions".
I kinda want a clear backpack now. It could be a fun way to make strangers feel bit uncomfortable depending on the items inside. That's the only thing they are good for, though.
Thank you, Cameron, for taking this opportunity to understand some of what your femal classmates deal with on a monthly basis. Well done, sir 👍🙂
This is completely stupid. Every school I went in small town Georgia had clear back packs. This isn't a new thing. We had them in 96-2006.
That gated sidewalk was new to me. It seriously isn't accomplishing anything. No individual going to shoot up a school is going to even consider walking where you are designated and through a bag check. They practically need it to happen again so it gets through their 'safety' procedures don't work.
Clear backpacks are just the government's way of slapping a band aid on the problem of safe schools. A waste of everyone's time and energy.
Ok... just use some logic... like some people said in the comments
This will only be useful if someone can actually fit an AR 15 into a standard sized backpack. And wait... if they can fit it, they can hide it with binders.
The left should be delighted the clear back pack is the obvious outgrowth of the zero tolerance policy we've been laughably trusting to protect kids for years now. Why use armed guards when we can just suspend kids for eating pop tarts instead? And lets be honest most of these kids are going to get sent home before first period ends.
Oh, and furthermore, we are tending to the ridiculous to allow the news media to blast the 'facts' of a mass murder) into the lead stories on TV (they should not be there, at all), or list them as headlines on page one of the paper (they should be buried in tiny print deep inside the rag), thus denying the perps their "fifteen seconds of fame". Take away the notoriety, and most of the 'fun' goes out of the action.
It's sad people no longer think. Clear backpacks don't equal safety. Neither do 'gun-free zones' (sheep killing pens) or laws (the killers don't care) or even scanners (any teen who has taken shop class can make a deadly weapon that does not register on one or even look like one. The answer is to allow anyone who has taken a concealed carry course to go anywhere with an openly-displayed firearm. And teach our people to swarm the shooter, like the Israelis do. Put them down and out.
Ok. I see. So even if the government did ban guns, this would also stop kids bringing other illegal objects and substances to school. If students have nothing to hide, clear backpacks shouldn’t be an issue. It may not be the solution they want, but it is at least a step in the right direction. In fact all schools should be given a school uniform - removes stigma and reduces bullying...and every school should have clear backpacks - it’s school, they should have anything to hide. Phones should also be handed in at the start of the school day or banned from schools too.
This shows how much growing up these children have to do. It's pathetic to act this way just because you have to show you're not carrying a gun. Why shouldn't the teachers/schools do everything they can to help try and protect other students and themselves from gun violence? It's not like this is a rare occurrence in America, is it? Until they make the smart decision to ban guns, or make it harder to purchase them, then I say good choice. And stop being so childish!
F**k off BP with your political leanings yet again. Some of these are trolling conservatives, but most are trolling the backpacks themselves. F**k your stupid clickbait political posts. Can't you ever be neutral about anything? I know that's how the internet is these days, but it's pathetic.
Quality control at the backpack factory: "Hey, Nick? Are these supposed to be transparent?!?" "I they hold books?" "Sure, but..." "Then shut-up and approve 'em."
Who the heck makes Clear Backpacks?!? And how did they get through quality control? "Hey, Nick? Are these supposed to be transparent?" "I they hold books?" "Sure, but..." "Then shut-up, and approve 'em!"
It won't be harder to get guns with stricter laws. Cali is considered a "gun free" state but there was a shooting at youtube hq. Maryland has pretty much every gunlaw there could be yet there was a school shooting there. NJ has pretty strict gun laws and there's still felons ans criminals walking around with them.
If I lived in the US, I'd be nice to everyone, it's too easy to get a gun.
I love that most of the students left the price tag on... have Morgan Freeman do a psa...$1.05 will save a life, please give...
To me, (sorry if this offends anyone) these backpacks don't solve a whole lot. An AR-15 wouldn't even fit in a backpack. Its also just as easy to sneak a smaller gun under your coat as it is into your bag. We need stronger gun control!
These children are obnoxious. If you want to be taken seriously and have an adult conversation, then act like you are one. Eeewww, moderates & conservatives are afraid of tampons, condoms and weed. Really? So young and so jaded. Narrow minded little fascist.
Is it a thing to carry backpacks to every class now? I never did just my books and my purse!
I don’t want to say it like na a*****e. But i’m from Brazil, and i honestly want to know what is supposed to happens if guns ar banned from USA?
Nothing solves all problems, but anything in the right direction is a start. For example, most sports venues require clear or very small bags. At least it's something. Things don't happen over night, this was something they could do quickly. Stop whining about something that is no big deal.
I keep seeing the orange tags that say $1.05. Is that a real price tag or an homage to Team America (the song in the movie says freedom isn't free and that freedom costs a buck oh five). I'm really hoping it's a Team America joke.
hmmmmmmmmm....... just read the Constitution (that a few of the MSDHS kids have yet to read) and there is no section about what kind of backpack they are allowed to have -- guess they do not like having strict rules imposed on them even though they have always followed the rules........
They want to remove everybody's guns, but don't want to use clear backpacks -oh boo hooo -
So.......If they didn't have the clear backpacks and the demanded random searches, these little snowflake a******s would claim its a violation of their privacy. Damned if you do, damned if you don't LOL. I remember when I was in school and I tried that activist s**t. My parents said "You're a kid. Go to school, we pay for your housing, food, clothing....That is your right. Want rights? Graduate, get a job and pay taxes LOL. When did we start letting underaged little privileged shits dictate policy? LOL
I have no intention of talking legal advice or debating constitutional law with teenagers -- children -- who probably spend their free time eating Tide Pods abd inhaling condoms. They have probably never taken a civics or poli sci class and have never read the Constitution.
Not sure just what these kids want! This is just a beginning,it will take some time to figure out what works. Nothing happens overnite, but... we are in the age of children wanting everything right now!! This, they may finally be learning, is just how the government works.
We do not need politics in bored panda. I am a republican, and I am insulted by this. I support partial gun control, yet stereotyping makes me a racist, sexist, bigot.
I agree with many that say the school is "trying" to do something... however, the kids complain. I do disagree the notation that it will discourage others from doing bad stuff. All the metal detectors, clear backpacks, and security guards will not stop someone who is bent on destruction and taking others with him/her. Unfortunately, where there is a will, there is a way. And instead of complaining that "nothing" is being done, come up with a potential, realistic solution.
Stupidest thing Ive ever seen! May I ask these students, WHY they are not pissed at the FIRST people they should be pissed at?? Because, while that kid came in and shot people, THEIR school board were having DISCUSSIONS as to whether or not to install METAL DETECTORS!!! DISCUSSIONS?! WHAT was there to DISCUSS?!If they hadnt been discussing, and had just installed them, that kid wouldnt have been able to get into their school with a gun!!! If insane people get it into their head that they want to kill someone, they are going to attempt it!! Be it with a gun, a bomb (easy online instructions for that!), a knife, a vehicle, drop a big ole rock on their head!!! See where Im going???
If my school had such regulations I'd see it as an oportunity to desighn new translucent bags made from up-cycled materials. Two birds, one stone.
you know it's not just guns... It's drugs, knives, and other things which teens may be bringing in that metal detectors wouldn't see. However the effecacy is diminished when bags, boxes, and pockets exceeding a certain size are still allowed. but seriousely, there's really nothing all that harmfull about a clear backpack. It's substantially easier on everyone than turning the entire school into a TSA check station and obviousely it's promoted a wide range of expression.... Aside from welcoming theraputic animals on campus and keeping open office hours for confidential councilors, this is probably one of the least extream and most sensible measures toward keeping weaponry off campus. Best of all, people who couldn't afford a back pack are recieving donations... We honestly don't live in a discreate culture anymore, everything is posted on the internet for everyone to see and at best, the translucent backpacks may also prevent students from stealing from eachother.
I don't think it's the worse idea in the world to be honest, but as a means to stop gun nuts shooting up a school it's flat out stupid. The NRA and it's supporters are going to dance around the issue.
I'm all for doing away with guns... but can we take a moment to think about what has gone wrong when so many school shootings are taking place?
Why don't we ever talk about Bullying being the issue? If they don't have guns, they'll just find something else to use.
So smart they want to change the world — too dumb to imagine consequences
These kids just handed the adults even more reasons to ignore whatever they have to say.