Despite how much we might wish to, it’s impossible to live a life without encountering a rude person every once in a while. There are many kinds of rudeness; however, today, let’s focus on people who tend to forget that they’re not the only person on public transport. Everybody appreciates silence in there, wants to relax and not deal with constant noise. Headphones exist – if people want to listen to music, podcasts, or watch some films, they do it while using headphones, right? 

However, getting a phone call can be a little tricky. There are a few options on how to not make all passengers hate you, such as trying to keep it as quiet as possible, calling them back later or finding a spot where you will not disturb anybody. At the end of the day, nobody wants to hear what you ate for breakfast.

More info: Reddit


    While not disturbing others on public transport seems like an unwritten rule that everybody is aware of, turns out it most definitely is not

    Image credits: JancickaL (not the actual photo)

    Woman gets revenge after man kept talking way too loud on the phone in the train


    Image credits: skanus_cepelinai

    Image credits: DT (not the actual photo)

    He started speaking on the phone for about 10 minutes so loudly that even using headphones, the author couldn’t hear her film


    Image credits: skanus_cepelinai

    Image credits: Photos_Worldwide (not the actual photo)

    After this came another phone call, to which this time she asked him to go speak in the corridor, but got shushed for this suggestion


    Image credits: skanus_cepelinai

    Then finally came time for revenge – she started eating chips as loudly as possible once he started talking on the phone

    Recently a Reddit user shared her story of a rude train passenger who kept loudly talking on the phone and how she finally managed to shut him down by eating chips extra loudly. Netizens loved this story as in just 4 days it got more than 4.5K upvotes and 330 comments.


    So to begin with, a man sat across from the OP on the train. She was watching a film on her laptop when suddenly his phone rang. He answered and kept talking about everything possible like he was alone in the room. After this conversation, which lasted about 10 minutes finished, came another one. She already started glaring at him, hoping to make him understand that he was disturbing others, though despite him looking uncomfortable, nothing changed.

    Then, he took out his phone to call somebody and at that point OP had enough. She asked him to take his call to the corridor to which he raised his finger, shook his head and shushed her. You know, how mums do. And that was it for the OP – she opened her bag of chips and started eating them as loudly as possible. But when he stopped talking, she also would stop eating. Long story short, for his last phone call, he went to the corridor to take it as he had ‘trouble hearing.’ Haha, good one.

    Community members said that OP did a good job and shared a few more ideas for the future. “I always like to join in on these ‘public’ phone calls,” one user wrote. “Oh, I thought it was a public conversation since you were having it publicly,” another added. One of the main suggestions that folks wrote was to start playing music out loud. But you know, that annoying kind of music.


    Image credits: Tim Samuel (not the actual photo)

    Bored Panda got in touch with the author of the story and she kindly agreed to share more detailed insights with us!

    To begin with, speaking about how she decided to use this technique to respond to the passenger’s behavior, the author says that she was really frustrated about being shushed like a toddler as that’s not how adults behave, thus she followed the lead and also stopped behaving like an adult.

    “I could sense the frustration,” the author shares. “Then the relief as I put away the chips when his phone call ended. And then the moment of horror on his face when he realized I was not just having a snack but eating specifically when he was talking on the phone.”

    However, the woman says that this man didn’t make any additional attempts to shush her or address the situation directly. And finally, she shares that after the man took his call to the corridor she felt “Schadenfreude!” which, according to Cambridge Dictionary, means pleasure from another person’s misfortune.


    And finally, the author notes that “since the war is still going on, I would be very thankful for a link to a Support Ukraine donation site.”

    Folks shared more revenge options for how to deal with people who are being too loud in public transport