After seven years on the road, adventurous teddy bear Bill is finally reunited with his owner Alice Taylor. During his time on the road Bill has met with ex-presidents, visited Freedom Square in Kiev, appeared on TV in Hollywood, and been on a date in San Diego.
Alice contacted the last known carer, located in Berlin, to send Bill home. For a while nothing happened, and then suddenly and quite out of the blue, he turned up in the post! But Bill is already restless, so who knows where his next adventure will take him!
More info:
Niagara Falls
Bill Visits The Windy City
Relaxing On The Beach At Le Lavandou
Hanging Out At Mount Rushmore
Bill checking out some fine ex-presidents!
Florida Space Coast
If you’re going to go round dressed as an astronaut, why not?
Checking Out The Jenny Lake
Looking Cool In Warsaw
Sunglasses indoors! Only for cool bears like Bill.
The Big Apple
It’s an Empire State of Mind.
Salt Lake City
The Badlands
7 Years Later…
Travel Ted Bill Bear is finally back after 7 years on the road!
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