RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of 15 April 1912, after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. Here is a photo gallery of the treasures found under the ocean which embodied the tragedy of the Titanic.


    Whom the bell tolls…

    A bronze ship’s bell used in the movie ‘A Night to Remember.’ Was found at the wreckage site.

    Dollar Disaster

    Dollars were found with the wreckage. Maybe a passenger was going back home to America and had money on him for when he reached the states?

    Titanic Tag

    Reads, ” One portion to be retained by the purser.”


    There was a first class gymnasium on the ship for the passengers of first and second class to exercise.

    First Class Cabin

    The first class cabin show cases elaborate decor and fancy furniture.

    Down With The Ship

    In this picture you can see the grave site of the passengers who passed away with the Titanic.

    Olympic Titanic Advertisement


    Advertisement for the vessels.

    Amy Artefact

    This beautiful garment was found. There is something spooky about it. You can only imagine the person who may have worn this. This piece of stunning jewellery belonged to a lady whom one might suppose was called, Amy.


    Beautiful Belongings

    Ladies Garment, gloves and purse found with a piece of paper stating, ‘Boarding Pass ; White Star Line.’