Hammy The Chinese Hamster is on a mission to rebuild the Kids Castle Playground in Doylestown Pennsylvania.
Hammy has over 15,000 followers on twitter & Instagram and is hoping to now fundraise by starting his Youtube Channel.
The Kids Castle Playground was originally built by donations and over 3,000 volunteers in 1997. Due to age the playground surrounding the playground had to be removed.
Hammy will be Kids Castle’s smallest volunteer yet but through his super power of cute he is hoping to catch people’s attention on Youtube where all monetization from his videos will go to this playground that is designed for children of all abilities – including those with special needs.
We are hoping to use the power of social media to help a really great cause! Not everyone may be able to donate but by watching a video or sharing it with others we can all help this playground get rebuilt – making it even better than before with specialized sensory equipment for children with autism as well as specialized surfacing and ramps for kids who are assisted by mobility devices to be able to get onto all the equipment just like everyone else!
Please share and subscribe. Hammy truly hopes to show everyone that no one is ever too small to do great things!
To find out more about kids Castle please visit SaveKidsCastle.org
Cute Hamster Goes To The Candy Store
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