You Will Need A Magnifying Glass To Truly Appreciate The Effort With Which These Animal Sculptures Were Made
Art comes in many forms, but is there any form better than a super adorable, minuscule version of an animal? We didn't think so!
To celebrate Japanese artist Kakuho Fujii's marvelous creations, we want to know which is your favorite tiny animal?
The miniature creatures are all 5mm long or smaller and are carefully crafted using various tools, including toothpicks!
More info: Instagram
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Une belle petite crevette, mon mari en a pêcher pendant plus de 25 ans…. alors on en a vu et manger des tas et on aime toujours ça, années après années!!!
With this level of meticulousness, the artist could probably knit sweaters for ants or something. Amazing.
With this level of meticulousness, the artist could probably knit sweaters for ants or something. Amazing.