Around 7 months ago we shared the story of Tiga, the little disabled Bali dog who wouldn’t give up on life:
I am now sharing part 2 of Tiga’s tail. For the past year, Tiga has finally been living the happy life he always deserved with the Tiga Foundation in Bali. He was running around the yard with his two front legs, playing with other dogs (he was even the pack leader!) and giving and receiving cuddles whenever he could. Unfortunately, this was cut abruptly short two months ago after he hurt himself and developed two deep wounds – one on the base of his tail and the other just below his little (incontinent) butt. The wounds were deep, 7 centimetres wide and not looking good. He was rushed to the vet, where the vets had to keep re-stitching his wounds and then cleaning them as they kept coming open. Tiga was was miserable. We were not in Bali at the time and it was hell on earth listening to daily updates from the vets telling us the wounds weren’t looking good and that perhaps there was not much they could do for little Tiga anymore. The final straw was when a friend of ours in Bali went to the vet to check on him and she contacted us crying, saying how miserable and depressed Tiga seemed and that he wasn’t himself at all. Tiga had been broken, again. Upon hearing this news, we booked flights to Bali and until we arrived, we moved him from the vet to an excellent dog hotel with amazing facilities. The team there carefully monitored him, cleaned his wounds three times a day and gave him some love that he was so desperately in need of. When we finally arrived a few weeks later, we took him into our care and nursed him and continued to clean his wounds. When we picked him up, he wasn’t the same Tiga we knew and loved. His eyes were empty and his energy was low. We knew his spirit had once again been broken, but we hoped with the right amount of love and care, this could be fixed. We took him to our place, where I changed his bandages and cleaned his wounds three times a day and showered him with love. One night, after a difficult time cleaning his wounds (he had accidentally pooped and we had to re-clean and bandage him all over again), I felt emotionally exhausted. I took him into my arms and sat there quietly, stroking his head gently as he looked up into my eyes. I knew I had to ask him the question, though I had no idea if I was expecting something back in return or not. I looked at him and I said ‘Tiga, I need to know if you want to keep fighting. You need to let me know somehow’. Two seconds passed and Tiga gingerly lifted his right front paw and placed it on my knee. My heart started beating faster – ‘Tiga, if this is a sign you are giving me because you want to keep fighting, do it again’. And with that, he lifted his left paw onto my other knee. I know it may sound unbelievable to some, but this is the kind of connection I have always had with Tiga and it was coming back. From that moment onwards, no matter how hard the cleaning and physical care was, it was important Tiga got better so I could give him back the happy life he was leading until he got sick.
Tiga is now back at the dog hotel, as I had to once again leave Bali. His wounds are on the mend and his spirit has awakened again. He is slowly turning back into the Tiga we know and love. Unfortunately, it has also left us with a medical bill of $2300 USD, an amount we were able to pay without the help from donations. To help Tiga get back to his complete old self he needs two more months of medical care with costs being estimated at $1200 USD. He needs around the clock medical care, boarding fees, medication food and special care. We really need people’s help, any amount is much appreciated and can be donated at:
We know that with the right medical care he is currently receiving, he can hopefully take his position back as the pack leader at the Tiga Foundation.