This Chin Was Dumped Next To A Bin.
Honey was found next to a bin in North London during freezing temperatures. When I rescued her she was suffering from mild shock and heartbreak, her distress was extreme. Now eating & drinking well, her rehabilitation continues as she relaxes in her new Forever Home.
Unfortunately there are not that many good homes for chinchillas and the rescues are overflowing with abandoned chins, this is why I only breed to order. If you’d like to help a chin like Honey then visit your local rescue centre. :)
Honey was found next to a bin in North London during freezing temperatures. When I rescued her she was suffering from mild shock and heartbreak, her distress was extreme. Now eating & drinking well, her rehabilitation continues as she relaxes in her new Forever Home.
Unfortunately there are not that many good homes for chinchillas and the rescues are overflowing with abandoned chins, this is why I only breed to order. If you’d like to help a chin like Honey then visit your local rescue centre. :)
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