This A. I. Creates Inspirational Quotes, And The Results Are Hilarious (15 Images)
When a person is feeling down, they need to find something to help them feel better. That person needs something hopeful. Something uplifting. Something… inspiring. Usually, humans use an event in their life that changed their view of the world, but… what happens when we run out of inspiration?
Inspirobot is an AI that creates inspirational images for the delight of humans. However, some of these “inspirational” quotes don’t quite make sense. Wether you try do decode Inspirobot’s messages, or choose to simply enjoy them, I hope you find these 15 unusual quotes to be amusing!
Inspirobot: The A. I. that makes inspirational quotes
Telephones exist to kill your sense of self. That is classic! I'm going to frame that one.
Telephones exist to kill your sense of self. That is classic! I'm going to frame that one.