The job market is constantly changing and with it, so are CVs. The stuff recruiters weren’t even thinking of yesterday might become important to their decisions today and conversely, some of the information they were looking at when selecting their candidates previously can fade into irrelevance.

To help job hunters secure their next position, a career strategist who goes online by The Real CV Guru has shared a list of things she believes no longer belong in a CV in 2021.

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    Nowadays, everyone in search of a job needs every edge they can get. As the world is trying to beat the pandemic, people are still having a tough time getting interviews, callbacks, and offers. According to Jack Kelly, the CEO, founder, and executive recruiter at one of the oldest and largest global search firms, there are two big issues that companies are preoccupied with—the ability to quickly roll out the vaccine and its efficacy, and how President Joe Biden’s policies and programs impact the economy. Both of these actions will influence the health of the job market, Kelly wrote.


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    With the before-mentioned uncertainties, it’s too easy for hiring managers to do nothing. “They’re afraid of making a decision without possessing sufficient knowledge about what will happen next,” Kelly said. “In my experience as a recruiter, it’s been demonstrated that companies hire aggressively when they feel confident about the future. When they lack clarity, they hold off, enact hiring freezes and downsize workers to cut costs—just in case things get worse.”

    So when can we expect change? Kelly believes that the government and corporations are waiting for a large percentage of Americans to get vaccinated before the economy can be reopened.

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, recognizing the dilemma added that the only way to solve a problem is to own it. “Everybody wear a mask, everybody adhere to the public health measures, get the vaccine out as expeditiously as possible, do everything we can to get the doses available and to get them into people’s arms,” Fauci said.


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    After you have a killer CV, some career advisors think you can up your chances at landing a job during a downturn by trying virtual networking. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your network who you think might be able to help you find work.

    It might also be a good time to consider a career pivot. Think about the skills you have, and how those can apply to jobs in a variety of industries.

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    Here’s what people said after they went through the list


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