They say money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you new teeth. Or therapy. Or a few members of Congress. And if these things don't make you smile, I don't know what does.
A few weeks ago, Redditor u/TheDeathSummoner posted a question: "What would you like to buy for yourself, but can't afford it?" Other users immediately started replying, listing all the things they wish they could invest in.
The honest answers paint a vivid picture of what's important to people and honestly, it's sad to see that so many folks lack basic necessities. They do, however, remind us to stay humble and respect each other as everyone is fighting their own battle.
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I’m homeless and have been living in a shuttle bus for a year so my prospective might be not be as exciting as others. I’d like to buy shelter. A home or a condo would be great but even an acre of land where I could build a small home. Just some place to call home.
My babies.
Chemo made me infertile at 34 before I had the chance to have a baby.
I have 12 embryos in a testube. Can't afford to use them.
The cost of living is notoriously high in the US but it varies by state. Last year, GoBankingRates determined the necessary living wage in each one using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the 50/30/20 budgeting rule. This popular general budgeting principle allocates 50% of annual income to necessities like housing, 30% to discretionary expenses like travel, and the remaining 20% to savings.
The median necessary living wage across the entire US was $67,690. The state with the lowest annual living wage turned out to be Mississippi, with $58,321. The state with the highest living wage was Hawaii, with $136,437. Other expensive states (surprise surprise) included New York and California, which have notoriously high costs of living and expensive housing markets.
A future where I can live comfortably. Not rich. Just not having to choose between paying all of rent and electricity or food
If you wanna talk, I'll talk with you. I'm serious. Maybe we could help each other out with a little listening. Not enough people listen when people talk. I have no one to hear me when I have something to say. I am a listener and would like to have someone hear me when I do talk. It's hard. People wonder why I was always so quiet. This is why.
u/TheDeathSummoner said they came up with the idea for this post out of curiosity. "I took a second job earlier this year to be able to buy extra things besides necessities for my family, so I just wanted to see what other people want but can't afford," the Redditor told Bored Panda.
All the replies made u/TheDeathSummoner really grateful for what they do already have. "They made me realize that I currently own the majority of things that are on people's minds, like a house, health insurance, a car, a PC, etc. I'm blessed."
The Redditor said they don't know if money can make you content. "It does, however, relieve a great amount of stress that casts a shadow over your life," they added.
New teeth.
It's like....thousands and thousands of dollars to get dental implants. Or anything not dentures. It sucks.
India thrives on medical tourism. We get quite a few patients from countries like USA because they cannot afford the treatment in their country.
A mountain cottage deep in the wilderness. With endless views, forests on its doorstep and a stream nearby. No neighbours for miles, plenty of wildlife and a massive fireplace that is on permanently when the snows arrive.
I would love to be out of debt. It would only take 35k
Seriously I would love that more than any single item
A really good, actually water-resistant raincoat and/or a pair of rain trousers.
For context, I live in the Netherlands where it rains for maybe 3/4 of the year (this is how it feels,anyway) and as I’m on a bike for much of that, a good raincoat or other rain gear is necessary. But the good ones are pretty expensive so I just end up buying the cheap ones, which wear and tear pretty quick, so I guess in the long run I’m spending more money but I can’t avoid it. It’s like the Vime’s Boots theory but with rain gear.
I had to think about Vimes while reading this, and at the end you mention it yourself!
right? Yet, Vime's cheap boots were useful for him, and a lousy rain gear will only get you wet and probably sick in a bad, cold day
Load More Replies...Get a cheaper one, spray it with waterresistant spray from Kruidvat, and save for a better one
Yeah, exactly! Just don't spray anything else or breathe in the gas 🤮
Load More Replies...I am so sorry. The netherlands is a wonderful country but it has deteriorated a lot due to capitalism. Now if you are poor its really difficult to get by.
I know the feeling, I cycle in Flanders. Manage to get by with work trousers (like construction) and spray them with water resistant aerosol. I don't like aerosol but it's better than shelling out lots of money to not be soaking wet. Waterproof jackets are easier to come by. I have more issue getting hit by cars than the weather!
Too bad you couldn't put your name and address on here so we could all do this for you. It would be a fun story to read about. I'd totally send you the best that I've ever used. You'd end up with the best of the best from around the world. It'd be fun.
Buy a dizabone coat, even second hand they're absolutely waterproof. Not much works trouser wise though, especially on a bike :/
The really sad part is that it is VERY expensive to be poor. You will end up spending 10x the amount of money on the cheap crap, but if you want to eat - you can not afford the initial down payment on quality.
Not only that, the places you rent are very inefficient and you lose a lot through heat etc.
Load More Replies...There's more than enough rain gear that's just fine for a normal price. And the weather is not that bad. If you can afford to live a normal live, you can set aside ten euro's a month and get your pricey gear too. This sounds like someone who just wanted to bring up the story of the boots.
I disagree. Yes the cheaper stuff is 'fine', it does its job more or less. But a high-quality breathable rain pant is high on my list of splurges if I could afford it as well.
Load More Replies...Nonsense is a rather harsch word to use here: (A) What defines as a 'wet day'? In 2020 >1mm rain/snow/hail was registered at 'De Bilt' on 139 different days. (B) 'Affordable' is all about perspective: €100 can feel like very much or very little, depending on someones situation.
Load More Replies... Operation for my eyes…
I can’t drive and I’m 28…, no one knows but I hate it so much…
The hardest part is to look for a job if you have really bad eyes…
And glasses don’t work well.
I have 60% with my glasses
Life sucks sometimes but we have people that have bigger problems so…
Looking on zillow and seeing housing that's considered safe, clean, and in a good area starts at 500k and that's just depressing.
I wouldn't mind owning some members of Congress. Get some laws passed that I want.
It would be expensive, but big companies have shown that it's possible.
A month-long all expenses paid trip to Scandinavia to chase the Northern Lights
An island to live out the remainder of days on. Strolling up and down the beach, sleeping under coconut trees in a hammock, fishing, swimming and generally living a quiet and peaceful life to the end!
A breast reduction.
I saw a meme or something the other day that said "Wouldn't it be great if the the women that wanted a reduction could send boob to women that wanted an enlargement. Kinda like Venmo or Paypal for titties. And going along with the theme of this article, I'd buy a cure for cancer so all the newly reduced or enlarged ta ta's would be safe and secure on their chests.
A place to live. A vehicle. Real privacy. The capacity to make enough money to take a week off ever. Insurance. I know it seems like I am young based off the lack of things. I live on my own, and have for a number of years. I will be married soon. Trying to make a living wage is very difficult.
Best wishes for your marriage and you will get all of these things. Just work hard and keep your priorities in line.
A college degree in the United States. Still paying back student loans from 1996.
A house
Who wouldn't? It's just outrageous that young people can't buy a house because they are either too expensive or just aren't there. In the Netherlands people are paying exorbitant prices for terraced houses that do not stand out in anything, except for the fact that they are for sale. In Amsterdam people pay €1 million for a house that would have costed them less than €250 000 10 years ago.
An early retirement.
I don't even need early retirement; I just want to know I don't have work until the day I die
Always wanted to buy my nans house and my house and make them into 1 (we live next door) but if i won the lottery id buy the street"
A Sprinter van that’s been converted into an RV. I would take that thing camping everywhere.
A good office chair. The one I have at my home desk now kills my back, but the good ones are all too much for a student like me.
A hot tub. I’ve got a number of health issues and sitting in the hot water is extremely helpful. I know there are super cheap ones that are inflatable and for like one person, but my dad had one of those and got an electric shock touching the water after having it only a few months, so now I’m afraid of the real cheap ones.
An air conditioner.
I have aircon for the first time in my life - I felt like a brand new person last summer! Where I live in Australia, it regularly gets over 40c in summer.
A car. A farm. Some animals to keep me company. And a fancy water colouring set. Oh and my dream wardrobe
I wish I had a lot of money so I could start a animal shelter. Working with animals was my dream and it was the happiest time of my life. I wouldnt be able to do it anymore but i could manage it, give an opportunity to abandoned animals and give jobs to kind animal lovers
You can still do it,let's plan and make it happen?
Load More Replies...I wish i had enough money to do some splurging if not all... buy that good chocolate once in a while.. get some amazing books without getting anxiety attacks over cost. Buying a good tablet for work purpose. Replacing my washing machine with a fabulous one and once in a while, going a trip without the need to break my bank account.
I get all my books second hand from Abe books for £2-3.50- bargain!
Load More Replies...What I am going to say may seem judgmental. I don't know. Maybe it is. But I guess I don't understand why people feel the need to pass on their genes so much. What am I getting at? Folks who talk about wanting to have children. Well, there are thousands and thousands of orphans out there who are waiting for parents. No special technology required. No elaborate details or huge amounts of money needed. Just the desire to have children and to love them. Even being a foster parent for a few years can help someone. Just do it.
While you‘re basically correct, have you actually looked into the whole matter more closely? My husband and I wanted to adopt, but there are way more people who want to adopt than adoptable children in my country. International adoption was our next plan, but it’s also difficult because a) many of the rich countries also have more potential parents than parentless children, so they won‘t even consider international adoption b) many of the poor countries didn‘t sign the Haager convention which means you‘re completely on your own if you want to adopt from there c) even if you find a country willing to consider you as an adoptive parent, you and your SO have to spend about 3-6 months with the child in the foreign country. My husband and I legally can’t take that much time off work. Now we‘re applying to be foster parents, but foster kids are usually meant to go back to their biological parents. A couple we know had a little boy for nearly two years and now he‘s sent back to his mother.
Load More Replies...A leg amputation!!! I suffer chronic pain in my legs , the left one I can live with but the right one has me suicidal. I would hate to see the state of my stomach due to medicating with pain relief. I wear straps on both legs and walk like I've pooped myself. No dignity at all. I hate it.
Lyn, this is hearbreaking. I'm so sorry. If I win the lottery I'll contact you, promise. Is the amputation not possible where you live? If you want to talk I'm here.
Load More Replies...I can afford what I need to buy (Food and stuff, tight budget, but I do my best). However, I cannot afford thing's I'd want to buy. But, if I had Michelangelo’s David in my front garden, well, my house would definitely be tagged or something on google view. Visitors would be a problem, but I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. [Edit] I would make them a sandwich though and certainly give them a refreshing drink.
I'm lucky enough to have gotten to the point in my life where most of my material wants are taken care of. Yes, a better laid out house in a quieter area would be nice, as would the ability to retire early and swap our car for an EV. But above these things, the things I want, really *want*, don't have a price tag i can find - a decent night's sleep; the time, energy and motivation to do the things i should want to do; the desire to exercise. I cannot afford the cost of fixing inside my own head because it doesn't have a monetary value.
For me, the big goal is to retire early because my work takes almost all the energy I have. I want to be able to sleep as much as my body desires. I want to have that energy and motivation for more exercise, rather than forcing myself to do it when I'm already exhausted, and not really doing enough. I want to spend time on hobbies and volunteering, not being compelled to work 40+ hours a week whether or not I feel like it. I don't do as much fun stuff as I would like not because I lack the money to do it. I lack the time and energy to do it because that's taken up making the money. So there is, in effect, a price tag on what I really want.
Load More Replies...To hold my mother’s hand again and tell her again how much I love her. She died last week and I don’t know how I will cope without her.
Enough electricity and gas to not have to go without or choose between the 2. Enough food to not have to hungry again. And maybe some jeans that aren't about a decade old
And good shoes too. Maybe some fresh fruit and that is. Complete happiness for me
Load More Replies...Just not having to worry about having money for things. Most of us are one emergency away from bankruptcy and that’s a sad way to live.
Dental care. Fresh fruit. Good shoes. Healthcare. Education for my children. These for starters. And if I can spare some money a good sewing machine to make it possible for my family to have new clothes at least once.
what i would like to buy...and i have been unsuccessful due to fixed a van w/a lift or ramp in the back so i could take my power wheelchair. right now, i have ability to walk short distances with support but that is leaving due to my degenerative disease. manual wheelchair isn't an option as my elbows and hands are shot. my current car can't be modified for a trailer/rack. my mind is active; my desire to be active is on fire; my independence is secure. but, it is so limited because going anywhere has to weighed with how far i will have to physically walk. it sucks.
I just want a job that I like and can do in my field and move away as far far as I can from where I live now.I really really want to study and learn more.It would be nice to fix my mind a bit but I hear therapy is very expensive .But most of all,I would want to trust someone without being scared now that's something no one can buy me.
You can trust me. What is your field and what kind of job do you want?
Load More Replies...I have a chunk of land with an amazing view. I would build a holiday house for families with a special needs family member like cancer or disabled who can then have a holiday with the whole gang. All one story, special beds, bathrooms, make the garden easily accessible for wheelchair, etc.
Aunt Caro, I have deemed thee the most selfless being on BP.
Load More Replies...The privacy one speaks to me. Living in the U.S. with hearing sensitivity is agonizing (especially with annoying loud/active upstairs neighbors). I want to afford to live in a quiet place with privacy. I'd also like money to pay off debts. Those are the biggest things.
I hear you! Am currently living in a very old house with thin walls and wooden floors in the middle of the city. Constant noise, my burn-out will not go away... Have been trying for 2 + years and finally managed to find a quieter home (I hope) in a nearby village which I am going to move into in 2 months. I wish the same for you!!!
Load More Replies...My goal / wish would be the “retire early” one. I want enough money to not need to work again. I have a target number for that as well, but it’s a lot.
It’s kind of a selfish one compared to many of the others, but I wish I had enough money to try glass sculpting with a blowtorch. I’ve tried the type that uses the long pipe, but torchwork is insanely expensive ($200 for the first session, which is just learning safety). My grandma does sometimes give me gift cards to the glass and pottery studio for Christmas, but if I use it for glass I won’t have any left for pottery.
I can't actually think of anything I want *for myself* that money would solve. Unless it's enough for me to live comfortably for the rest of my life without being a burden on the state. Plenty of things I'd do for the people I love, but nothing pressing for myself. Edit: Maybe lipo.
All of these are so sad. And they say money can't buy happiness; maybe it can't but it can help a lot
Money do not only help. Without money you CANNOT find happiness. So it is kind a requisite
Load More Replies...That's a challenge! Since I've gained weight, I now know this pain! Who sales a good bra at an affordable price!? $40 for one bra is way to rich for my blood.
Load More Replies...It is so so sad to read many of them don't have basic things for life. Like a shelter, a painless life, good teeth, sometimes food. Sad. ☹️
I just want a tiny house and land to put it on. All paid for so I know I will never have to pay rent again
I would get a new kidney and get off of dialysis. I have the means to travel, but being in kidney failure, it's not easy. Usually, you have to pay out of pocket for dialysis anywhere but in the US and then try to get reimbursed by your insurance company. I don't have that kind of money.
I wish I could afford all the healthy things that I’m sure would make me feel better, alternative treatments, healthy food etc, I have a rare autoimmune disease and chronic fatigue, so I try but it makes it hard. Keep hoping for that lottery win!
I just want two things. A home that is mine and no one can ever kick me out onto the street again and a decent, reliable vehicle so I can be more independent.
Some of these really make you think of how fortunate you are. We all have problems but when you see other that wish for a home or therapy or healthcare, your problems dont seem as big anymore. We really take things for granted.
If I had access to a lot of money I would open a homeless hub, an all in one place with ALL the services they need. Unfortunately homelessness is quite complicated and they need various services to help but they aren't always easily accessible. A homeless hub would have everything, from accommodation, education/training, counselling, rehabilitation and so much more.
A chain of schools for gifted music teachers, each with enough land for pleasant things like orchards, aviaries, and maybe some wild-flower meadows. Then I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony...... grow apple trees...and honey bees....and snow white turtle doves.
A mortgage. A "get out of debt" card for my family and my parents. Adopt another cat. An ACTUAL vacation. You know, where take off to some popular destination for a week or more and it's nothing work or family related. I've never had one of those before. A six month or so hiatus from work so I can claim back my life a little.
I'd love to be able to afford a car. Mine is almost dead (so many repairs done). But I can't get a car loan because my ex-husband ran up mental amounts of parking tickets in my car, and I'm still paying that off. Ex-husband is in the USA, so we're better off, but he just inherited several hundred-thousands from his mothers death (he and his sister didn't even have a funeral for her), and he won't shed a bit of his money for his kids. IF he does, they have to promise to pay it back. Currently eldest child is paying him $100 a month, which is about $10 more than he pays for child support for his youngest daughters (4 kids, two are now 18 so he's not obligated to pay anything to them.)
If I could afford to I would pay all my childrens debt from school, and cars. This way they wouldnt have to be so stressed about money all the time. Then I would take what I had left and send my mom to the Netherlands with her sisters and if I had anything left after that I would buy myself a new couch.
This is one of the saddest things ever. Most of us just want in life is a little bit of quiet and a place to call our own and feel relatively safe. All over the world. I just feel really down right now. How are we ever going to turn this around in any meaningful way? Is there even a future anymore or are we past that point?
I wish I had a lot of money so I could start a animal shelter. Working with animals was my dream and it was the happiest time of my life. I wouldnt be able to do it anymore but i could manage it, give an opportunity to abandoned animals and give jobs to kind animal lovers
You can still do it,let's plan and make it happen?
Load More Replies...I wish i had enough money to do some splurging if not all... buy that good chocolate once in a while.. get some amazing books without getting anxiety attacks over cost. Buying a good tablet for work purpose. Replacing my washing machine with a fabulous one and once in a while, going a trip without the need to break my bank account.
I get all my books second hand from Abe books for £2-3.50- bargain!
Load More Replies...What I am going to say may seem judgmental. I don't know. Maybe it is. But I guess I don't understand why people feel the need to pass on their genes so much. What am I getting at? Folks who talk about wanting to have children. Well, there are thousands and thousands of orphans out there who are waiting for parents. No special technology required. No elaborate details or huge amounts of money needed. Just the desire to have children and to love them. Even being a foster parent for a few years can help someone. Just do it.
While you‘re basically correct, have you actually looked into the whole matter more closely? My husband and I wanted to adopt, but there are way more people who want to adopt than adoptable children in my country. International adoption was our next plan, but it’s also difficult because a) many of the rich countries also have more potential parents than parentless children, so they won‘t even consider international adoption b) many of the poor countries didn‘t sign the Haager convention which means you‘re completely on your own if you want to adopt from there c) even if you find a country willing to consider you as an adoptive parent, you and your SO have to spend about 3-6 months with the child in the foreign country. My husband and I legally can’t take that much time off work. Now we‘re applying to be foster parents, but foster kids are usually meant to go back to their biological parents. A couple we know had a little boy for nearly two years and now he‘s sent back to his mother.
Load More Replies...A leg amputation!!! I suffer chronic pain in my legs , the left one I can live with but the right one has me suicidal. I would hate to see the state of my stomach due to medicating with pain relief. I wear straps on both legs and walk like I've pooped myself. No dignity at all. I hate it.
Lyn, this is hearbreaking. I'm so sorry. If I win the lottery I'll contact you, promise. Is the amputation not possible where you live? If you want to talk I'm here.
Load More Replies...I can afford what I need to buy (Food and stuff, tight budget, but I do my best). However, I cannot afford thing's I'd want to buy. But, if I had Michelangelo’s David in my front garden, well, my house would definitely be tagged or something on google view. Visitors would be a problem, but I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. [Edit] I would make them a sandwich though and certainly give them a refreshing drink.
I'm lucky enough to have gotten to the point in my life where most of my material wants are taken care of. Yes, a better laid out house in a quieter area would be nice, as would the ability to retire early and swap our car for an EV. But above these things, the things I want, really *want*, don't have a price tag i can find - a decent night's sleep; the time, energy and motivation to do the things i should want to do; the desire to exercise. I cannot afford the cost of fixing inside my own head because it doesn't have a monetary value.
For me, the big goal is to retire early because my work takes almost all the energy I have. I want to be able to sleep as much as my body desires. I want to have that energy and motivation for more exercise, rather than forcing myself to do it when I'm already exhausted, and not really doing enough. I want to spend time on hobbies and volunteering, not being compelled to work 40+ hours a week whether or not I feel like it. I don't do as much fun stuff as I would like not because I lack the money to do it. I lack the time and energy to do it because that's taken up making the money. So there is, in effect, a price tag on what I really want.
Load More Replies...To hold my mother’s hand again and tell her again how much I love her. She died last week and I don’t know how I will cope without her.
Enough electricity and gas to not have to go without or choose between the 2. Enough food to not have to hungry again. And maybe some jeans that aren't about a decade old
And good shoes too. Maybe some fresh fruit and that is. Complete happiness for me
Load More Replies...Just not having to worry about having money for things. Most of us are one emergency away from bankruptcy and that’s a sad way to live.
Dental care. Fresh fruit. Good shoes. Healthcare. Education for my children. These for starters. And if I can spare some money a good sewing machine to make it possible for my family to have new clothes at least once.
what i would like to buy...and i have been unsuccessful due to fixed a van w/a lift or ramp in the back so i could take my power wheelchair. right now, i have ability to walk short distances with support but that is leaving due to my degenerative disease. manual wheelchair isn't an option as my elbows and hands are shot. my current car can't be modified for a trailer/rack. my mind is active; my desire to be active is on fire; my independence is secure. but, it is so limited because going anywhere has to weighed with how far i will have to physically walk. it sucks.
I just want a job that I like and can do in my field and move away as far far as I can from where I live now.I really really want to study and learn more.It would be nice to fix my mind a bit but I hear therapy is very expensive .But most of all,I would want to trust someone without being scared now that's something no one can buy me.
You can trust me. What is your field and what kind of job do you want?
Load More Replies...I have a chunk of land with an amazing view. I would build a holiday house for families with a special needs family member like cancer or disabled who can then have a holiday with the whole gang. All one story, special beds, bathrooms, make the garden easily accessible for wheelchair, etc.
Aunt Caro, I have deemed thee the most selfless being on BP.
Load More Replies...The privacy one speaks to me. Living in the U.S. with hearing sensitivity is agonizing (especially with annoying loud/active upstairs neighbors). I want to afford to live in a quiet place with privacy. I'd also like money to pay off debts. Those are the biggest things.
I hear you! Am currently living in a very old house with thin walls and wooden floors in the middle of the city. Constant noise, my burn-out will not go away... Have been trying for 2 + years and finally managed to find a quieter home (I hope) in a nearby village which I am going to move into in 2 months. I wish the same for you!!!
Load More Replies...My goal / wish would be the “retire early” one. I want enough money to not need to work again. I have a target number for that as well, but it’s a lot.
It’s kind of a selfish one compared to many of the others, but I wish I had enough money to try glass sculpting with a blowtorch. I’ve tried the type that uses the long pipe, but torchwork is insanely expensive ($200 for the first session, which is just learning safety). My grandma does sometimes give me gift cards to the glass and pottery studio for Christmas, but if I use it for glass I won’t have any left for pottery.
I can't actually think of anything I want *for myself* that money would solve. Unless it's enough for me to live comfortably for the rest of my life without being a burden on the state. Plenty of things I'd do for the people I love, but nothing pressing for myself. Edit: Maybe lipo.
All of these are so sad. And they say money can't buy happiness; maybe it can't but it can help a lot
Money do not only help. Without money you CANNOT find happiness. So it is kind a requisite
Load More Replies...That's a challenge! Since I've gained weight, I now know this pain! Who sales a good bra at an affordable price!? $40 for one bra is way to rich for my blood.
Load More Replies...It is so so sad to read many of them don't have basic things for life. Like a shelter, a painless life, good teeth, sometimes food. Sad. ☹️
I just want a tiny house and land to put it on. All paid for so I know I will never have to pay rent again
I would get a new kidney and get off of dialysis. I have the means to travel, but being in kidney failure, it's not easy. Usually, you have to pay out of pocket for dialysis anywhere but in the US and then try to get reimbursed by your insurance company. I don't have that kind of money.
I wish I could afford all the healthy things that I’m sure would make me feel better, alternative treatments, healthy food etc, I have a rare autoimmune disease and chronic fatigue, so I try but it makes it hard. Keep hoping for that lottery win!
I just want two things. A home that is mine and no one can ever kick me out onto the street again and a decent, reliable vehicle so I can be more independent.
Some of these really make you think of how fortunate you are. We all have problems but when you see other that wish for a home or therapy or healthcare, your problems dont seem as big anymore. We really take things for granted.
If I had access to a lot of money I would open a homeless hub, an all in one place with ALL the services they need. Unfortunately homelessness is quite complicated and they need various services to help but they aren't always easily accessible. A homeless hub would have everything, from accommodation, education/training, counselling, rehabilitation and so much more.
A chain of schools for gifted music teachers, each with enough land for pleasant things like orchards, aviaries, and maybe some wild-flower meadows. Then I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony...... grow apple trees...and honey bees....and snow white turtle doves.
A mortgage. A "get out of debt" card for my family and my parents. Adopt another cat. An ACTUAL vacation. You know, where take off to some popular destination for a week or more and it's nothing work or family related. I've never had one of those before. A six month or so hiatus from work so I can claim back my life a little.
I'd love to be able to afford a car. Mine is almost dead (so many repairs done). But I can't get a car loan because my ex-husband ran up mental amounts of parking tickets in my car, and I'm still paying that off. Ex-husband is in the USA, so we're better off, but he just inherited several hundred-thousands from his mothers death (he and his sister didn't even have a funeral for her), and he won't shed a bit of his money for his kids. IF he does, they have to promise to pay it back. Currently eldest child is paying him $100 a month, which is about $10 more than he pays for child support for his youngest daughters (4 kids, two are now 18 so he's not obligated to pay anything to them.)
If I could afford to I would pay all my childrens debt from school, and cars. This way they wouldnt have to be so stressed about money all the time. Then I would take what I had left and send my mom to the Netherlands with her sisters and if I had anything left after that I would buy myself a new couch.
This is one of the saddest things ever. Most of us just want in life is a little bit of quiet and a place to call our own and feel relatively safe. All over the world. I just feel really down right now. How are we ever going to turn this around in any meaningful way? Is there even a future anymore or are we past that point?