What if we lived in a world with flying cars zipping through skies, no governments to deal with, and sunny days all year round? Sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it?
Well, not quite. These Redditors have thought it through and argue that fantasies like these would actually be disastrous in practice. Scroll down to read their takes and decide if they’ve got a point!
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Flying cars. So many people can't handle the X and Y axis, god help us all if these idiots were dealing with the Z axis as well.
The election of a fascist government. It may feel like a great idea if you consider yourself one of them, but one way or another, you're going to end up being the victim right alongside your enemies.
Good thing nobody's that stupid eh?
The country being run like a business. If you switch all our essential services into a for profit model it means that only the wealthy get mail, roads, healthcare, housing, food, water, emergency services, etc. It would be bad.
Already heading very much that way in the US ! Ultra capitalism.
Being famous. For a normal non-narcissistic person it would be pure hell. .
Mass deportations. I don’t think people really think through what the reality of that looks like.
It’s going to cost a whole lot of money and it’s going to devastate some industries that rely on immigrant labor, and that includes LEGAL immigrant labor. You want to send everyone back when unemployment is at record lows and we don’t have enough ‘Americans’ to fill these jobs. The math ain’t mathing. It’s just veiled racism and xenophobia.
War and forced draft. I don’t get it at all. Anyone who is pro forcing people to march to their deaths should be the first to get sent to the front lines.
Religious people believe they would prefer if everyone converted to their religion. But much of the reason people love their religion is the feeling of the being separate from others. As long as there's a group outside of your in-group, they are the lower "other". If everyone was uniformly Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim, or Scientologist, etc. nobody would feel chosen or righteous.
My husband's nana is Jehovah's witness and they believe only 144,000 get into heaven. Why are they trying to convert people? Those new recruits are just gonna take to your spot!
Civil War here in the US. I'm appalled at how many people I know around here think this would be a good thing, or that it will somehow "restore Christian values".
No. 99.999% of these chucklefucks would die by their own peers fighting over toilet paper.
Even if there was some semblance of social order, they have not a f*****g clue whar it is to do without.
Source: grew up in a country that had a lot of "without".
I am convinced the people who actually want a zombie apocalypse to happen just have fantasies of brutally and indiscriminately killing strangers without any moral consideration.
I think this person is reading into it a bit too much… For those in first world countries, life can get boring and feel sanitized. A zombie apocalypse would be the opposite and force people to use survival skills rather than typing or going to a meeting. I’m not saying I want a zombie apocalypse, but that’s my take.
All those "booktok girlies" who say they'd want to be with a crazy, obsessive, possessive, or stalking guy, even going so far as to romanticizing actual criminals. Then once they end up in a relationship with a guy who's like this they realize how toxic and sick the guy is and freak out.
"Burn down the system"
Maybe check how revolutions usually turn out for the revolutionaries, first.
This is just a sign of poor knowledge of history... 1776, the American Revolution led to US independence. 1688, "Glorious Revolution" earned Englishmen parliamentary sovereignty and individual liberties. 1989 Velvet Revolution led to parliamentary democracy in Czechoslovakia. 1974 Carnation Revolution overthrew the Portuguese dictatorship in a peaceful manner. in 1991 Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania revolted through massive demonstration in the Singing Revolution, leading to independence from USSR
Hoping trump crashes the country.
that's like saying you hope your pilot crashes the plane to kill someone you don't like.
You gonna do down to.
"Oh I wish it could be Christmas, every day"
Can you imagine how s**t it would be after a week?
It depends on how you celebrate, really. A constant low-key celebration of life, no real obligations beyond just enjoying the company of your dearest loved ones? Pure bliss.
To go back to the 50s.
Some people look at Jim Crow and think "I'll have some of that".
Secession is a popular comment among a very small minority of Texas residents. The people who most commonly talk about secession from the Union are the weak, poor, and uneducated...IE the first people who will starve to death in the even that Texas secedes from the Union.
Saying " please don't grow , stay small like this " about their baby.
After several decades it would get tiresome quickly. Source: my opinion.
Ooooh global warming, I'm cold , I can't wait for a bit of warming!
Must not live in Florida. Thirty years from now nobody is going to be living in Florida though.
Earlier I said "I wish the sun would just f**k off."
But after some thought that would not be very good would it.
I feel like that about “rain, rain go away, come again another day”. It’s gotta rain at some point
For a lot of people i'd say threesome. Especially if you are a couple it can really effect you dynamic irreversibly.
“If I wanted to disappoint two people I could just call my parents “
Zombie apocalypse. While I appreciate it would spice things up, I wouldn't ever get to find out how my book series ends and that, is unacceptable.
Anarchists often say they want prisons abolished, police abolished, and borders abolished.
Trust me, guys. That would NOT be fun.
The ruling rich are what I call selective anarchists. They want no laws covering their predations but plenty of laws to restrain their victims.
Collapse of the Housing Market so they can “finally afford a home.”
If you couldn’t afford it during a good housing market, you absolutely will not afford it in a collapsed housing market. It’s not like only the house prices go down and everything else hums along unbothered.
How quickly they forget the lessons and examples of 2008..So Mom and Dad bought their home for $400k, market crashed, they are now paying on a $400k house worth $200k. SO many people just walked away. I was SO enraged, daughter and son-in-law got an "exciting offer" from the lender to borrow against the increased equity in their house a couple months back. Me: "Are you gonna borrow?" SIL/Daughter: "Hell no, that's what screwed people the last time"...me: "correct"
“I would have killed him.” No you wouldn’t have. And you wouldn’t want to live with that.
I'd like to witness an extinction level event, whether it be a super-volcano eruption, an enormous asteroid collision, etc. Whatever it is, I want it to happen and I want to witness it.
This would be 'bad' for obvious reasons.
The human race IS an extinction level event. Look up Anthropocene on Wikipedia.
Civil war.
Nobody wins. Literally nobody
I've heard from "both sides" that they hope something pops off so the "other side" will finally get their s**t pushed in and be destroyed.
That's not how it will work at all. Go talk to someone who lived through The Troubles and ask them if they want to go through that again. Because US civil war part 2 won't be like part 1. It won't be battle lines and uniformed armies. It'll be horrific sectarian violence all over.
Nobody wants that.
EDIT: To whomever deleted their comment saying it's not "both sides", yes you can find numerous Republicans saying s**t. But Democrats do it too.
[Eric Swalwell implying he's ok with Nuking American Citizens](https://x.com/RepSwalwell/status/1063527635114852352)
There's also r/shermanposting who constantly make "jokes" about burning down red states. Honestly surprised that sub hasn't gone the way of r/Me_IRA or r/Physical_Removal.
Alien species arrival.
More likely they would communicate by radio first. Just knowing we aren't alone in the universe would be a major paradigm shift. At the very least it would be a kick in the balls to ALL the religions of the world.
The downfall of the US.
Yes it will probably happen eventually and maybe it's even necessary to get things to change here and on the global scale for the better but the actual process of it is going to be hell. The most vulnerable populations that have the most to gain from what America could be after being rebuilt are also the same populations that will suffer the most during the downfall and rebuilding processes.
Build community! Mutual aid and communal support are key! These things are necessary if we want to make it to the other side of it in a better place than we enter it.
I'm french. Google "la Terreur".
To be famous.
When people hear i've worked in jails they joke about "3 hots and a cot" like they'd want to go to jail. No you don't.
First it's not 3 hot meals. Breakfast and lunch will be packaged sack meals somewhere between frozen and lukewarm. Dinner is a s****y TV dinner and cold dinner roll. They might have some s****y cookies or something in there.
Next, the 'cot' is a like a 3" plastic covered mattress pad on a metal shelf they call a bed. 100s of other inmates have slept on the pad and stanked up. They get wiped down after each use, but how much do you trust that facilities janitor or inmate on cleaning duty to do a good job?
Other issues:
It stinks: people come in super stinky, BO cause they don't shower everyday, toilets just in the open in the cells (no bathroom fan), and no good overall ventilation because its a jail.
Sound: it could be anything in-between totally silent and you are left with your thoughts, to crazy people screaming and kicking their door all night. Also tied to bad sleep, your cell will have a fairly bright night light so they can do routine checks.
Temperature in the jail will be heavily influenced by the temperature outside. Likely little to no AC in the summer and just enough heat in the winter to make it tolerable.
edit: lots of great comments here! Like a lot of you have said:
1) this is just my experience which can vary from jail to jail, county, state, or country. My experience is only in one small municipal jail, and occasionally doing transfers.
2) yes there are tons of other things that are more difficult to articulate: privacy, irritable staff, solitary conferment, etc... Plus you have the cumulative effect of all of these happening at the same time, coupled with that you are locked up against your will.
3) there are some creatures of comfort in commissary, phone calls or video chatting. Y'all know how much that s**t costs???? Some places its should be a crime for how much they charging. Don't have those where I worked, but I've seen "care packages" where are some dry snacks and treats, and maybe a few instant noodle's for like $70.
For some it's better than dying on the streets my father knew a homeless man that got hit by a car dragged himself into a gas station and tried to rob it just to get arrested so he could get treated and have a place to recover. I heard other similar stories it's a sad world we live in
I've heard people say they wish mosquitos or spiders would just disappear. I'm allergic to mosquito bites and spiders scare the ever loving heck out of me, but I do not want that. They're important to the ecosystem.
ETA: I can't respond anymore, but I've answered some questions below. Yes, not all species of mosquitos are asshats. But the answer to the question was "all" in reference to conversations I've heard. Just because something isn't *THE MOST* important to the ecosystem, or can be replaced (just like every other organism) in their impact, does not mean they aren't important. Minimal impact is still impact, which is the point I was trying to make. Humans have f****d up a lot of things, as someone said below, but it doesn't mean we have to continue to do so. Balance, y'all.
If America actually defunded the police it would be an absolute nightmare to live in.
Not that I agree with it but the Defund the Police thing was loosely defined and then defined by those opposed as some sort of abolish the police. From what I remember the initial thought was to reduce the portion of budgets that were buying surplus military gear and use that money for pro-community efforts instead. Since 1996 police departments have bought billions of dollars worth of military equipment
Christians obsessing over the rapture 🙄.
I hear this so frequently from family and their friends. Actively hoping that everything gets worse, especially in the middle east, thinking that it means soon they get to go directly to heaven and smugly leave everyone who didn't listen to them behind to suffer. This is a huge reason why so many of them support what Israel is doing in Gaza. It's f*****g insane
There are some things so vile, people wouldn't go so far as to admit in any context that the secretly desire it. They know what they seek is terrible, and yet that thirst remains.
National divorce. Every time I try to think about how that would actually work, I can't wrap my brain around it. Except that it would end in violence.
"The end of capitalism"
There is a lot that is crappy about how the US works, but "capitalism" isn't the problem. Communist systems are universally terrible. Countries with the highest living standards are ones like Sweden and Denmark, that have a capitalist, business-friendly system, and use the prosperity created by that system to fund generous social programs. .
Not true. Sweden, Denmark and Norway have a lot of Socialst - leaning policies and initiatives. Politicians in America have always used Communism ( and Socialism, to a certain extent) as bogeymen - to scare the hell out of the American public!
Sometimes I fantasize about living off the land, no worldly possessions, separate from all of society. It definitely wouldn't end well.
Used to think “how great would it be if there were more Star Wars stories?”
Same, but with Star Trek >.< Sometimes you get what you wish for, and it's, um...not good.
Load More Replies...I think most people realize that these would be universal disasters in reality. They're often just expressing frustration with a given situation.
Exactly. Like when I was in my 20s and worked in an office that was always over-air conditioned so I was constantly freezing. I'd jokingly remark how I was looking forward to the hot-flashes of menopause. Anyone who doesn't recognize "I wish there'd be a zombie apocalypse" as hyperbole is either criminally pedantic or unhinged.
Load More Replies...One of my favourite sayings is "be careful what you wish for, lest you end up getting it."
"You know what would be cool some sort of epidemic"-me january 2020 it was not cool
Probably not a popular one but, 'A Cure For All Sicknesses'. We have to die, quite apart from too many people and aging populations, new ideas and new brains are the only things that would possibly (I say possibly) avert the planetary desolation the human race currently seems intent upon.
Sometimes I fantasize about living off the land, no worldly possessions, separate from all of society. It definitely wouldn't end well.
Used to think “how great would it be if there were more Star Wars stories?”
Same, but with Star Trek >.< Sometimes you get what you wish for, and it's, um...not good.
Load More Replies...I think most people realize that these would be universal disasters in reality. They're often just expressing frustration with a given situation.
Exactly. Like when I was in my 20s and worked in an office that was always over-air conditioned so I was constantly freezing. I'd jokingly remark how I was looking forward to the hot-flashes of menopause. Anyone who doesn't recognize "I wish there'd be a zombie apocalypse" as hyperbole is either criminally pedantic or unhinged.
Load More Replies...One of my favourite sayings is "be careful what you wish for, lest you end up getting it."
"You know what would be cool some sort of epidemic"-me january 2020 it was not cool
Probably not a popular one but, 'A Cure For All Sicknesses'. We have to die, quite apart from too many people and aging populations, new ideas and new brains are the only things that would possibly (I say possibly) avert the planetary desolation the human race currently seems intent upon.