“Man, I Freaking Hate People”: 35 Habits That Make Others Lose Their Cool
In some sense, the fact that humans still exist is nothing short of a miracle. After all, we’re not exactly the easiest species to get along with.
Just take a look at this Reddit thread, where people have gone on a rant about the things others do that drive them mad. From slow walkers and rude shoppers to buzz killers and law breakers, the list is long—and let’s be honest, probably not long enough. Check out their posts below and feel free to vent your own frustrations in the comments!
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Animal cruelty and people who abuse children.
I'll never not feel enraged/sick and upset at the same time by it.
People who say "Oh it's their job to clean up after me" or "I'm making sure that they're still employed" as an excuse for not cleaning up after themselves in public.
Like NO.
You don't leave a soda spilled everywhere and then not even *attempt* to clean it up.
You don't leave rolls and rolls of toilet paper all over the floor in the bathroom.
You don't leave bags of popcorn and drinks and popcorn all over a theater floor and seats.
Take responsibility.
*Clean. Up. Your. Mess.*.
As a café/restaurant worker cleaning people's mess is my job, but serving them is too and we don't have a separate cleaner. So what pisses me off the most is people whining about a slow service. Well, I would be right there serving you If I wasn't forced to clean the pigsty some people leave in their tables.
After working as a critical care nurse for years now, you’d think it would be the countless IV d**g abusers or alcoholics that’s I treat in the MICU.... but it’s not my patients that make me think that. It’s their families.
I get that *most* of the time, people are nervous for their loved ones...they don’t want to lose their parent. But I see this situation happen over and over... when it’s time, people can’t just let go.
So 95 year old nana comes in and has trouble breathing. We ask her if she would want to be intubated if necessary and says no. She doesn’t want that or CPR. But there isn’t a form and her daughter is healthcare proxy... too bad the family doesn’t respect that.
So we tube her. But her blood pressure can’t handle the sedation, so we need to start pressors. Then she develops a pneumonia, so we’ve got to pump her with antibiotics. But oops, too bad she’s already gone septic. Start some more pressors, who care if she loses a few fingers and toes in the process, we’ve got a BP right!? Get some bedside dialysis going too, might as well. Until ultimately, we tell the family it’s getting to be futile and we should really just make her comfortable for her own sake.
But no. They don’t agree. F**k your years of schooling and experience. So nana codes. I do chest compressions and break all of her ribs in the process. We shock her and slam her with d***s and fluids for a half hour until eventually there’s literally nothing more to do.
I’m sorry I know this was such a long rant. I just got off an overnight. But his happens so often and every single time I just think of the agony we put this person through in their last days on earth all because a family couldn’t respect their loved one’s wishes.
Please. When it’s time just let me pump them with morphine and Ativan and let them go in peace and comfort.
People who litter. Especially when there is a bin literally a metre away.
Might seem trivial but it f*****g drives me nuts when people get off an escalator and just stop and decide where they want to go next... It's like I can't stop this thing you need to keep moving. Also people who stand in doorways.
Edit: Wow I am soo glad others feel the same.
Also thank you kind stranger for my first gold!
Plastic litter on nature trails is really f****d up to me, like how does one enjoy a nature trail and at the same time think it's ok if we all toss Gatorade bottles there?
People who mistreat animals. I just can't fathom the mindset that enables someone to hurt truly innocent creatures.
My sentiments exactly. Nothing makes my blood boil more!
People who do not care about others in public. Watching a movie/playing music on their phone without headphone. Playing loud music in a park. Taking all the space in public transport. Talking loudly. Letting dirt behind them.
I have noticed people setting up phones to watch videos on speaker in restaurants now. I took my Mother out to lunch and the couple at the next table set up their cell and played a sporting event at full volume while they ate. Never mind that there was already music in the restaurant. I complained and the waitress told me " that's the new normal now" NO it is not normal people. It will never be normal.
That I've seen old men whistle and harass 11-14 y.o girls! That happened to me as well, but I have the courage to call them out with people around. I can't imagine what shy 11 year old girls feel when they get treated that way. I'm fourteen but I've already got slapped on the butt by an older dude, and when I talk about it with people they say " Oh, you should have not dressed S O S L U T T Y " ( I literally wore a t-shirt and jeans )
Ps. And I know I'll get a response saying something in the lines of " oH bUt iT hApPeNs tO mEn tOo ", yes but come on! How many times have you seen a grown woman harass a tween boy, and how many times have you seen a man doing the same thing to a girl? That's like a 2:10 ratio, if not more.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that wise men do nothing" - Don't just watch harassment, speak out against it - at the time !
People who don’t return their grocery cart. Like, who do you think you are?
It should not be free: in Europe you'd need to use a coin to unlock it. Of course, that's not the reason I'm returning it, but might be the reason for an American.
People who drive drunk or texting.
Possible exception if their drink was spiked - but, in general, I'd support a lifetime ban from ever driving again. At a minimum
Youtube/Instagram/social media "influencers" who make a living off being an obnoxious piece of s**t, with thousands/millions of mindless drones rooting them on, buying their merch, giving them advertising power, and imitating them.
Edit: And to clarify, I'm not talking about *all* "influencers", I'm specifically talking about ones who harass, annoy, and distress people (usually completely random bystanders), cause drama, and have a mindless legion of followers who support it all the way.
We live in the era where being a nasty human has become normalized. Thanks, Donald!
Working in retail. Makes you realize grown adults still act like spoiled toddlers when they don't get what they want.
*Some* adults - there are polite people but the a******s do stick in your memory, I agree
The fact that people at festivals "care about earth" and the amount of litter on the ground is disgusting. Not to mention even if every bit of it was picked up it would still end up on the ground and these people somehow think okay... kind of a GIANT double standard if u ask me...
Lately there have been quite a few instances of someone or potentially multiple people putting poisoned meat out near dog parks.
There is absolutely no valid reason to do that and I hope they catch the a*s wipes.
When they did something obviously wrong and still openly denies it.
It's called "Doubling Down" and also "Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender" (DARVO Defense). The incoming US administration are past masters at this.
I hate extremism in people. Their extreme becomes their entire being. Every aspect of their life becomes tainted by their chosen extremism. From Health to Gaming. From Christianity to Islam. From Left wing to Right wing.
Nothing good comes from extremism.
I don't believe the miraculous and spiritual claims of the Bible, but if someone actually genuinely believes that stuff, as many Christians *claim* they do, then it makes complete sense it would absolutely be the most important thing in their lives, the very thing they define their identity by and the filter by which they see all of reality. Of course, even then you can have basic respect for people that don't believe the same as you. That's where I draw the line. You want to believe all these incredible things and structure your life around that? Great, I celebrate your freedom to do so, because that's a freedom that all people should enjoy. But, the second you try to force any of that on someone else, you've gone too far.
People who can't take "no" for an answer and will push you to agree/accept what they say.
People who can't accept criticism when they f**k up and affect other people's lives.
People who can't have a discussion where they are being told a fact and they disprove it because "back in the day..." or authority arguments should always win.
It teaches you some hardcore patience when you have to deal with people like these on the daily.
Do, however, check that your 'facts' are fully true; we all make mistakes. Also, 'back in the day', they were taught to accept authority no matter how crazy it might sound, so be gentle with them. But your ground-level position can always be "I don't see it that way" - end of discussion.
When a coworker decides to "correct" me by sending a passive aggressive email and copying the boss and the whole group instead of just saying something to me privately and in person.
... and then come around, SIT on your desk and explain why they were being a snitch, depicting it as "helping you grow". And then, being at fault with their so-called correction, come crying for being snitched out, as what corrects their attempt and confirms your view/method/solution, because you aren't as dumb as they supposed you were, was send by "answer-all" instead of just answering them. Oh my, what a relief it was they never shared a smoke with me again. Silence, finally!
Supervisors and coworkers who flat out tell you that their time away from work is more valuable than yours, because they have kids waiting for them at home. Therefore you as a single, childless person should understand that they need to leave and you are the natural choice for whom can stay and finish what needs to be done.
Anyone who parades their opinion around as if it is solidly factual.
No, your emotional reaction does not = fact.
No, your deeply held “gut” feeling is not a fact.
No, getting belligerent and offended doesn’t make it a fact.
F****n’ hate people man lol.
The lines between facts and opinion are being more and more blurred, but depending on topic, it isn't that this is any news in principle. It's always been easier to consider inconvenient facts an opinion, and has been done since forever. The entire Trumpish defactualization is just extending it, but hasn't taken off from nothing.
How some people have the “f**k you as long as I get mine” mentality to a degree where they do it with petty s**t. The people who want to fight you when they cut in line at the grocery store; the people that cross the street without giving a s**t about traffic; the people who buy hyped products just to resell; the people who rush to the front of the line at a catered lunch and then take extra portions to take home for later.
There are enough people screwing most of us on a SUPER large scale - now I have to deal with you taking all the Halloween candy out of the “take one” bucket just because you feel like you are more important than everyone? SMH.
Sydney Morning Herald? Alternatively, I've heard that taking the mickey out of entitled line-jumpers can work well - bow, address them as "Your Majesty", ask for autographs, just don't take them seriously. They'll struggle to handle sarcastic "respect"
Porch pirates. People thinking "hey I know thats not mine but I want it so I'm taking it " makes my blood boil.
I don't understand how USA postal companies get away with dumping packages outside the front door (based on YT videos I've seen) and you pay for that service? In UK if you're out when the delivery comes then it doesn't get left unless you've nominated a safe place or a neighbour can take it.
People who abuse their power and get away with it scot free.
Student Paramedic in the UK here, for context you don't pay for healthcare in the UK including the ambulance service.
We often have patients who will ring us up and say over the phone things like "I have chest pain" chest pain is a high priority case and often gets dispatched as quick as possible. But upon arrival they will tell us "I never said I had chest pain" Yet we ring and ask for a transcript of the conversation and there it is.
9/10 times we have to take them into hospital to check they're okay just incase there is any heart or lung issues, but people will lie to get things seen quicker through the emergency pathway. But people will get us out for anything because they can't be bothered to: A) Drive themselves, B) Pay for a taxi, C) get public transport or D) wait too see their GP (Family doctor)
You can leave people at home and tell them you won't take them but if they ring back another crew will be sent out or even worse something bad could actually happen and you're stuck with the liability.
It makes me so annoyed people see it as a taxi and not as an emergency service. But let me clarify this is a small amount of people but they're definitely there.
EDIT: (My personal opinion) For all those saying "This is why things shouldn't be free" This is a minority of people who do this, all of my patients are treat with dignity and respect, I've had people who've come off motorbikes, attempted suicide, heart attacks, pulled muscles, chest infections the works. I know each and every one of them no matter how dire the circumstances will be treat fairly and equally for their condition with a care plan to look after them after they leave hospital.
The NHS has saved my life and countless others and takes a small sum out of my taxes at the end of the month without the worry that I need too fork out for insurance.
From all the comments for American and other EMS colleagues from around the globe (you guys are rocking it by the way, keep up the stellar work) the situation is similar in their work, people just don't pay as a result your insurance premiums go up and to pay the difference, in the end everyone pays for everyone else.
Edit Edit: IMPORTANT: please don't let this put you off calling an ambulance, if you are genuinely worried about yours or someone's health call us up, we'd rather arrive and find it was nothing than be called when you're at your worst.
Just give us some snacks, Yeah.
Thanks for the gold! And the platinum!!
Working in customer service.
Whenever i see a video of someone doing something f****d up to someone else in public. like a man hitting a woman on a bus or something. what makes my blood boil is the people who film and post it. like why do you not f*****g help!!! don’t film help!!! f**k.
Maybe don't watch that sort of stuff, you're not doing yourself any favours
I really hate those alpha male movements, the radicalization of young men to hate women. That is so freaking scary! If you hate women so much, don't date them, don't marry them, we really don't want to do anything with you! But they do want women they just don't see them as people. Scary!
I watched a horrifying BBC docu today about Andrew Tate. At least there were fun parts, like experts pointing out when he becomes extremely agitated or is lying. Geez; even if all the disgusting charges are dropped he still needs to be exiled to a remote island without Wi-Fi so he can’t endanger women anymore. 😰
Load More Replies...I was an auditor (now retired). I used to say that I hate everybody equally. Except you, you I hate personally.
Haha, as a former auditor I get that. But the auditees probably hated us equally, except for me that they hated personally ;)
Load More Replies...I really hate those alpha male movements, the radicalization of young men to hate women. That is so freaking scary! If you hate women so much, don't date them, don't marry them, we really don't want to do anything with you! But they do want women they just don't see them as people. Scary!
I watched a horrifying BBC docu today about Andrew Tate. At least there were fun parts, like experts pointing out when he becomes extremely agitated or is lying. Geez; even if all the disgusting charges are dropped he still needs to be exiled to a remote island without Wi-Fi so he can’t endanger women anymore. 😰
Load More Replies...I was an auditor (now retired). I used to say that I hate everybody equally. Except you, you I hate personally.
Haha, as a former auditor I get that. But the auditees probably hated us equally, except for me that they hated personally ;)
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