Remember how John Gray said that men and women are from distinct planets – it is still believed by our society that no matter how hard we try, women won't understand men and vice versa. The common idea is that women are much more communicative and tend to express their feelings, whereas men are seen as more introverted and even apathetic. The myth about women and men having different brains has been busted, so how could it be explained that we both have such behavioral differences? 

One neuropsychiatrist suggested that the male brain reads emotions very quickly and then shuts it down behind the mask of masculinity. So, could it be that those differences come from the toxic societal norms? While our world is slowly trying to introduce a healthy atmosphere towards its people, an online user decided to find things out through men themselves and asked the community: "men of Reddit, what's the most difficult thing to explain to women?"

The question received 13.4K upvotes and 8.3K comments where men listed a bunch of random things that they personally had a hard time explaining to women. However, If there's anything on your mind that you would like to add, don't hesitate to comment down below.

More info: Reddit


That, despite what movies/TV/literature hammer into your brains, fathers can be emotionally available, engaged, great parents.
I'm the sole parent of a son and two daughters and I've had to listen to "what does mom think of her getting this haircut?", and "tell mom to schedule an appointment" for years.
Mom's in a halfway house you f%*kwit, and I'm plenty capable of making decisions for my own children.

TecumsehSherman , Alice Keeler Report

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Lord Mysticlaw
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well done good sir. I do know that there are many fantastic fathers our there, single or not. And as a single mother I also hate the assumptions about "mom stuff" and "dad stuff"... really, do not even get me started on that subject.

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    That many men only have meaningful physical contact with their SO.
    Single men often exist in touch isolation. For a variety of reasons and social pressures, many men experience a lack of physical contact.
    Most men I know won't even feel comfortable hugging their best friend. For a long time, the only physical contact I had with other people was either sexual or a part of a competitive sport. Getting closer to middle age I've learned to hug my friends and have platonic physical contact.
    It really helped my mental health. I used to feel alone all the time even when I was with friends. Hug your male friends and help them normalize platonic physical affection.

    zzSc0tchzz , Iain Farrell Report


    I do not pick up on "signals." Please ask us out or tell me, to my face, like a 5 year old, what you want or are thinking. I am kind of dumb.

    CptBifkin , Ewen Roberts Report

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    Elliot Fowler
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That probably won't be enough. Since the probabily of this happening is so rare, a man might think that this is a trick or prank. Kinda like finding a gold chest in the moddle of the road. Too good to be true

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    When I'm asked what I'm thinking about and I say nothing, it's because I'm usually thinking of something dumb like who would win a fight. Godzilla or Megatron?

    DisThrowaway5768 , Martin Lopatka Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I really enjoy asking my SO what he's thinking about right now. He's always thinking about something, he always replies when I ask and the subjects are so random!

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    That I really want to dress up in full plate armor and own a warhorse.

    BINGODINGODONG , Quinn Dombrowski Report


    When you ask me how my day was or what I did today, nothing in my day usually stands out as special, so I just dont remember. I usually dont remember what I do, I just live.

    Ok--Masterpiece , Tony Alter Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Chaps, I'm happy to share the secret with you. It's not a memory test, it's about feeling connected and (in a marriage or LTR) the shared life. You could talk about a thought you had, something you saw, an idea you had for the weekend. Just share.

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    When I tell you I don’t need anything for Christmas it really means you should get me the 7541 piece Lego Millennium Falcon set.

    familiarfate01 , Chris Devers Report

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    Terilee Bruyere
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This kind of goes against the "I don't pick up on signals" bit. Just say what kind of thing you want. You don't need to get specific but just say "I'd like something like _____".

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    That I feel like a creep just by simply existing. I'm always so worried I'm making someone uncomfortable just because I'm a sorta tall, kinda big guy just quietly existing.

    I know it's because I've heard from so many people that "guys are such creeps" during middle/high school with no further explanation.

    Saviourality , SparkFun Electronics Report

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    Lord Mysticlaw
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aw, this is sad. Personally, big quiet guys don't freak me out or make me uncomfortable, they're usually the ones I like. And I swear I really don't assume that "all guys are creeps", I really do give all people a fair chance. I know that the creepy guys make life difficult for the genuinely good guys, especially if you're the shy and quiet type, and it's really really sad.

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    I can’t tell if you’re flirting with me or not.

    note71 , Carlos Ebert Report


    That the more guys you have hanging out together, the dumber s!#t they get into increases exponentially.
    You get two guys, and they might throw a water balloon against a glass window, breaking it over the others face. Get four together, and they fire an airsoft gun into an empty room and break the lightbulb.
    God help you if you get more than that... And yes, those do seem to be very specific examples.

    Onlyhereforthelaughs , Stephanie Young Merzel Report

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    Immortal Emperor Paradox
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True. In my engg. dorm, guys used to wear those containers used to store design sheets over their arms and legs and fight with each other believing they were transformers. Crazy days.

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    That they need to stop being so f%@king mean to themselves.

    par163 , Quinn Dombrowski Report


    That dudes can have a 2 hour conversation with each other (phone, down at the pub, playing online games) and not talk about any personal things.

    My SO finds it super bizarre that I can talk to my brother for an hour and not know how his family is going, how his work is, what holiday plans are. Sometimes some bros just want to talk about movies or make fart jokes.

    Russell James Smith , W2ttsy Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you do it ocasionally thats great. But it sounds as if he never talks seriously to his brother. It is important to ask your loved ones how they are doing.

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    That when you can’t decide between two outfits and you ask us we literally would be ok with you wearing a garbage bag if it means the process could be sped up and we don’t leave the house by midnight.

    jco91595 , Ken Lund Report


    I still love you even though I can’t give you 100 reasons why I love you.

    HoplessAndLonely84 , Mr.TinDC Report

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    Sky Render
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We don't need a hundred reasons. Usually the answer we're after is something along the lines of "because you're you, and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else". (Don't you dare say that insincerely, though!)

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    I genuinely don't care where we go for dinner.

    Jolly_Sea_5587 , daveynin Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I argue with my hubs about going out. Why is it always my decision? Food is pain for me, just pick someplace you know won’t kill me and I’ll find something I can eat.

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    Lack of emotion doesn’t always mean lack of caring.

    PattyFlava269 , Maarten van Maanen Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not expressing emotions doesn't really mean there are none.

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    My missus met my oldest friend at a wedding early last year. Haven't seen him since, or for about ten years before, despite living about three miles away from each other.

    Just before the wedding, she asked me how come we never met up, I said "he's alive, isn't he?". Couple of days later at the actual wedding, she asked him the same things, and he also said "he's alive, isn't he?".

    She never understood that. Never managed to explain that to her.

    Fhjull-Forked-Tongue , sofubared Report

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    Why we can't coo qt babies like they do. I love babies they're the best. But if I do that in public people would give me weird looks.

    Tony Alter , Highlord_Kochei Report


    Idk if most difficult but it sure did took a while to explain to my ex that we don’t look at each other’s d!$ks at the urinals.

    itsOski13 , Jorge Report

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    Alan Gale
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The unwritten rules in a mens loo are really strict! No eye contact, no speaking, and definately no looking!

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    How two or more men can bond just by standing in a room in silence.

    ApatheistHeretic , schmeeve Report

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    Terilee Bruyere
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's not difficult. Have you ever seen that glance between two women when they hear a really crappy pick-up line? They are bonding as well.

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