People Share Times When “There Was An Attempt” And Here Are 50 Of The Most Amusing Ones
We all know very well that things in this world tend to backfire. Call it a law of nature, a frequent twist of fate, or destiny. “Look who’s laughing now” is a phenomenon that has happened to virtually every one of us, and no matter what you do, it repeats again and again, and again.
The Reddit community “There Was An Attempt” is dedicated to precisely the comic absurdity of all the attempts in life that went against the plan, or turned in the wrong direction. Created in August 2015, the subreddit now has 1.9m members that are not immune to the funny attempts that “were there.”
“People enjoy the slapstick comedy of it. At the end of the day, everyone is laughing,” the subreddit’s moderator told Bored Panda in the interview that you can read in full below. And now we leave the stage to the ensued hilarity.
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To Make The Special Olympics Look Bad
To Complain About A Child Selling Hot Dogs
yeah and why would anyone complain about that?
Load More Replies...You know, some people should just mind their own damn business. Denying a kid the chance to make some money just because he’s not white? Get da fug outta here, Karen/Chad. So many of us had lemonade stands when we were kids, so why deny this kid the same thing, especially when he’s got such a valid reason? School clothes can be a huge expense for some parents—-kids just grow out of them so fast—-so this kid decided to take the matter into his own hands and earn the money himself. I agree with the city of Minneapolis that he not only shouldn’t have been shut down, but that he needed as much business as he could handle. Hope he got school clothes money plus a load extra. I also hope the idiot who called the cops was charged for filing a false police report! I can just see this enterprising young man growing up to become a business tycoon. You keep on rockin’, Jaequan!
This is an awesome comment, but i was just wondering.. isn't it karen/keith not karen/chad? just wondering
Load More Replies...A young person who will make a difference in a good way. Instead of complaining he found a way to fix the problem.
The whole story is even better. A whole lot of people banded around him and helped him get his permit (helped him file for it and paid for it) and helped him get his stand up to code (that was necessary for the permit) by building and buying the things Jaequan would need. Then they all became customers. I think now he has upgraded to a hot dog cart. I love it when a community comes together to say "f**k you" to racists and people who want to squash kids' dreams
This is what government should be. Helping people to help themselves. I'm sure the person who called to complain also complains about welfare and food stamps. You can't have it both ways. But somehow, people seem both mad when people don't work, and also mad if they make money.
Why does he have to get permission from the government if he's in his own front yard?
It has to do with making money in service industry. A business needs a permit to operate and even though he is kid it just smooths out any issues like Karen’s.
Load More Replies...City of Housron has an ordinance that allows kids to open small lemonade and food stands without permits.
I’m sure it was some racist Karen. A kid selling whatever isn’t hurting anyone. Not sure why there’s always someone out to steal the joy of others
Could have been a black, Asian, Native American neighbor who called. Calling everything racism with zero proof just dilutes the horror people should feel about actual racism. I'm not defending whoever called, but this thing of calling any bad thing that happens to a black person racist just has to stop. White neighbors call the police on other white neighbors ALL THE TIME. And if that same white neigbor calls the police on a black neighbor, that is probably not racism. Might make them an a**hole, but does not mean racism.
Load More Replies...some people need to be reminded that happiness is a choice. what a sad world
Yeah we all know if this kid was white, no one would have tried to complain about it. Racism through and through.
I agree with Marnie. Not everything is about racism. There's a chance that it might be it, but we shouldn't be so sure about it if it's not 100% proven that it is.
Load More Replies...Nice move from Minneapolis, and a lof of sucess to this brave young man. But I'm a little confused... Everybody seems to find normal that a child has to create an effective business in order to buy essentiels items ? Is it the world we want to live in ? What am I missing ?
There ya go! I understand that it’s a slippery slope - if they let this person have a food stand without a permit, where does it end? So I like when they either get a permit for the kid or just buy all the food. That way the kid still gets a benefit and there’s no slippery slope issue.
"where does it end" - how would food stands without permits cause harm? Why should a willing seller and a willing buyer need other people's permission to exchange goods? I understand that it's important to prevent unsafe food practices, but is it necessary to consider all food unsafe until some bureaucrat approves it? Isn't that like considering all food sellers guilty of fraud until proven innocent?
Load More Replies...No you really don't. There has been a huge increase in crime since the lockdowns and G. Floyd murder. Close to where I used to live, a gang opened fire at each other over the tops of a kid's baseball game. A guy who runs a restaurant nearby was gunned down in his place of business. Took a couple of months to recuperate. Carjackings are on the rise, assaults/muggings are on the rise. "Minneapolis violence surges as police officers leave department in droves":
Load More Replies...To knock down children with a strong sense of entrepreneurial work ethic, is just sad, evil and spiteful and jealous! Too bad you never had this spirit, you might have turned out to be a better, different and appreciative kind of person.
I will always buy something from a kid doing this sort of thing. Shame on those who try to tear it down!
This story gives all the feels. I'd like to give a shout out to Denver TEACHERS. They put together a program where parents in affluent schools donate their kids clothes and teachers take them to other schools where the donations won't be recognized, and where kids need the clothes. Free clothes are then checked over for condition or needed repairs, cleaned and folded or hung up. Several students from poor homes said all their clothes came from those donations.
The title fits the picture well. "To complain About a child selling hotdogs." Nice job, Minneapolis!
Rules around food safety come from the fact no one wants to die from food poisoning. You need a permit to prove you meet the minimum bar of "not likely to kill someone." Imagine if an immunocompromised kid ate one of his death hotdogs and died. Permits exist for a reason.
And s**ew you to the one who complained! I hope your life is a living h*ll!
I remember when this happened. Somebody with some bug up his a$$ decided that what this kid was doing was wrong just like the case of selling lemonade is wrong bc you're avoiding paying taxes on the income. There were enough caring and outraged souls who wanted to shut this troll down. People from all over the Twin Cities donated money to pay for the permit. Love is stronger than hate.
wow that is so nice and this shows that the world is not all mean there is GOOD
Jaequon you rock and Minneapolis..just kudos to you guys for lifting this kid UP instead of bringing him down! Anything else could have crushed his spirit. 🥰🥰🥰
The young lad looks like he's got a professional set-up: looks cleaner and tidier than many 'official' hot dog vendors' stalls I've seen... I'd sure support his business.
You forgot to give it some thought that there might be a legitimate reason for the call.
Load More Replies...Why are so many people in America against these kids selling stuff to be able to raise money for things they need, etc?
To Clean Up After Himself
Bored Panda spoke to redditor u/F4T4-M0RG4N4, the moderator of the r/ThereWasAnAttempt subreddit, who said that the community has evolved a lot since it was created 5 years ago.
“When I first joined the team, it was mostly a screenshot sub. A few months back, there was some drama about how there were only three mods who ran the subreddit (which at the time had around a million members).” As a result, they invited more people to join the moderator team and removed the screenshot posts.
To Get Drinks
To Make Speaking 2 Languages Sophisticated
To Sound Literate
For those who’re wondering what, precisely, “there was an attempt” refers to, u/F4T4-M0RG4N4 explained that it’s basically about “someone attempting something but ultimately failing.”
Conceptually, it’s similar to “if someone tried jumping off a trampoline into a pool but when they tried to jump, the trampoline tore. In that case, you could say, 'Well... there was an attempt, at least' and that’s where our subreddit comes into play.”
The posts are mainly about “some people having a dumb idea, trying out that idea, and failing.” This misery is what makes it so funny.
To Prevent The Homeless From Sleeping Here
To Start Cat Racing
To Prove That Patton Oswalt Is A Failed Comedian
I love him! He is the narrator on the Goldberg's.
Today, the moderator team only allows video submissions and cross-posts, “which are posts that were in one subreddit but were reposted to another (kind of like retweeting.” This format works better for r/ThereWasAnAttempt, since screenshots can more easily become reposts, for one.
Especially when there’s one similar subreddit that’s specifically for social media clapbacks and comebacks, but its content mainly features screenshots.When it comes to their 1.9 million member count, the moderator said that “I don’t think we have the exact same post frequency as, say, a meme subreddit.”
Partly, it’s because it isn’t easy to repost something from r/ThereWasAnAttempt. “I could probably look at the new section for r/memes and see quite a few frequent reposts.” Photograph Birds
To Be Responsible And Uber Home
To Scare Your Boyfriend
At Going Outside
To Shame Atheists And Take Away Their Holidays
I Mean... You Tried..?
'Having Voldemort trying to kill him at every opportunity finally took its toll on Harry Potter'
To Be An Animal Activist
To Arrest A “Drug Dealer
To Make Fun Of A Bird
To Shame Men
To Sound Intellectual
To Take A Cute Picture
To Convince People To Be Pro-Life
To Defend God
Or when he flooded the earth, you know the whole Ark thing.
.... To Find Buried Treasure
To Be Racist
Am proudly a Muslim just like a Christian proudly a Christian and also like an atheist who is proudly an atheist!!!!!!! It's our believe when people think about freedom of speech, they forget about hurting other people's religion, but when we stand for our rights we are themed as paranoid. Just leave us alone, stop looking for trouble which you wouldn't get and exercise Human Rights fairly not partially degrading other people's religion. I quote everyone is different yet you try to make everyone the same religion, race, tribe all " Differences matters, yet that makes us who we are, denying our differences is denying the truth " I am A PROUD MUSLIM, it's me not you allow me to practice my religion in peace and stop popnosing on my affairs, everyone deserves right to religion just as u think!
To Suggest A New Idea
To Glorify The President
To Eat A Mozzarella Stick
To Motivate
To Betray Coca Cola
There Was An Attempt To Run For Mayor
To Replace I'm Sorry With Thank You
But actually this is a technique I used in customer service. For example when you put a customer on hold to go get more info, you ask them if they’re happy to wait. When you get back you thank them for waiting. If you say “sorry for the wait” it suggests you did something wrong, when really you were just doing your job. It leaves a different impression on the customer and genuinely impacts satisfaction.
To Prove How Unfashionable These Jeans Were
To Be Neighborly
To Provide Front, Side, And Rear Photos For The Car Insurance Rep
To Virtue Signal...
To Get A Cardi B Tattoo
I never realized that there is a level of messed up that someone would want to get an Anne Frank tattoo on your damn FACE
To Be Deep
To Display Plus Size Clothes Without Causing Offence
Considering that there are no plus sized mannequins, I think its good improv. (I'm on the larger size myself, and I'm nowhere near offended)
To Stand Up For The Joker
To Get A Heartwarming Tattoo
To Fuck The Police
To Keep A Streak Going
To Befriend A Porcupine
To Pass Security
To Sound Tougher
To Criticize A Garbage Man
To Be A Professional Company
All that's gonna do is make more people drive drunk. If Uber is so concerned about people throwing up in their cars or being violent (which is understandable) they should charge a deposit and/or allow the drivers to have pepper spray or something to defend themselves if necessary (not guns!).
To Create 3 Mexican Countries
To Hide
Made my day. More of this please 😊 me and my mom once explored pepper spray. We bought one and guess what-had to to try it.And we did in a single room sprayed smelled... like adult, educated woman and cried for hours... I wonder why 🤔
That's like the don't look reflex: when someone says "don't look" we all look to know what we aren't supposed to be looking at :D
Load More Replies...I once tried to stop a drop of molten sugar from falling on the floor, by using my my hand.
That's an instinctive reaction, when you see something falling to the floor.
Load More Replies...Made my day. More of this please 😊 me and my mom once explored pepper spray. We bought one and guess what-had to to try it.And we did in a single room sprayed smelled... like adult, educated woman and cried for hours... I wonder why 🤔
That's like the don't look reflex: when someone says "don't look" we all look to know what we aren't supposed to be looking at :D
Load More Replies...I once tried to stop a drop of molten sugar from falling on the floor, by using my my hand.
That's an instinctive reaction, when you see something falling to the floor.
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