“Museu Nacional” (literally, “National Museam”) was te biggest museam in Brazil, until September 2.
It had a lot of artefacts, not only from Brazil but from all the world, like the famous collection of mummies, bring from Egypt in the 19th century by Brazil’s emperor Pedro II. His wife, Teresa Cristina, was a princess from Italy, and like his husband, she liked history. Some artefacts from Roman Empire were bring to Brazil.
Luzia, the oldest human fossil in Americas, had a forense reconstruction of her face.
“Museu Nacional” is targed by URFJ (Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University), one of the biggests university on the State.
Museu National was in the palace that Imperial Family lived. It’s in Rio de Janeiro, in Quinta da boa vista.
It had about 20 million artefacts, like mummies, antique furniture (from the imperial family) a lot of artefacts from Egypt, artefacts from Africa…….
We don’t know how the fire started, but the director said the majority of the artefacts don’t exist anymore.
But “Bendegó’s meteorite” survived. He is the biggest meteority in Brazil and one of the biggests in the world. Scientists said maybe the fire changed the its composition. The walls in the interior can tumble down, but the exterior doesn’t has this risk. The fireman haven’t got enough water, and then it became more difficult. Some historians from musuem, got on the museam even with the fire. They saved some artefacts. No one died on the fire..
” It’s a lamentable tragedy. In its interior, there are delicate and inflammable pieces. A fabolous library. The museam’s collection isn’t just for Rio de Janeiro or just for Brazil. It’s important to all the world. Our contry is needy of politics for museams” said Paulo Knauss, the museam’s director