LaFawnduh is a rescue kitty who has a playful and loving demeanor, but not the facial expressions to match. Despite typically being in a good mood, she models the look of resting b*&%$ face in almost all situations and interactions. Her pictures have entertained many over the years, and now she would like to tell her story.


    She does not like to work from home. It simply makes her mad.

    LaFawnduh was dismayed to hear that she has maintained her place on the naughty list.

    She misses Kip.


    She refuses to talk.

    While watching her second favorite movie, Silence of the Lambs, LaFawnduh became angry when told that we would not be having fava beans for dinner.

    And she doesn’t like to share her almond milk.

    She gets disgusted when I fall asleep on the couch.


    I can’t keep her from favoring the dark side…

    Her hide and go seek tactics don’t always work.


    She learns too much from watching Hannibal.

    She discourages my attempts to engage in a healthy lifestyle by blocking access to my yoga mat.