I remember when I bought the first and last brass knuckles of my life in the the military shop at the corner… I proudly took it home, and flashed it from my pocket to my grandfather…
– Who do you want to kill? – the old man asked, with passionless face.
– No one, but I can hit quite bigger with them! – I answered, grinning.
– No, my little boy, you can KILL someone with them. If you hit someone with that shit, he has a good chance to die, and you have a chance to see the glasshouse inside.
– Nope! It’s not such big thing, just knuckles – I answered.
– Have you ever seen anyone hit by them? – he turned to me.
– No… – I admitted.
– But I have! In the war, some who had had it by that shit, and believe me, just ruins that remained after it.I never ever used my brass knuckles. And later I also saw some people who had had it by them, and said thanks to my good Lord form my Grandpa’s early warning. He also explained me that if someone wearing brass knuckles is caught, it is enough to merely step on his hand, and four of his fingers are immediately broken by his jewel… These were my first thoughts when I decided to design this on-finger old scool key ring. In its style, I tried to cathch the atmosphere of old docks and ports, salilors’ saloons, and the spirit of the age where in fights there was a little honor as well, if not too much, but the aim was not to kill the other – it was enough if he had got such a big buffet that wall gave the other…

That was how it began – and this is how it ended: the result is PUNISHER. 15+ mm massive stretched buff, meticulously crafted because I like objects looking good, beside their perfect functioning. The whole procession is hand-made, from cutting to last adjustments. I wanted to create a piece that can be passed from father to son, and it gets finer and nobler by the years. I have things that coalesce with me: they are always in my pocket, my hand often moves there to check that they are sure there. PUNISHER is such a thing: it’s perfect, it’s always at the bat. It’s enough to take it in your hand, and it will adnate to your finger…

PUNISHER is available now at a lower price in the e-shop. I know well that kids who have something similar in their pockets, like object looking good, and I know as well, we are not the high society with strong financial background and unlimited possibilities. So I reduced the prices as low as I can – though I will never be competitive comparing to the prices of plastic and aluminium stuffs made by dozens by a printer or a cnc. But your little stuff is made at a small table, for your special size, of Spanish buff, precisely crafted to the tiniest details. And what is the difference? For some, nothing – but for me… I have a very old, hand-made lighter, my Grandpa was given it as a gift from their fellows after the revolution in 1956. Somehow I kept it, though I haven’t been smoking for years, and I have left all my own zippos – but I saved this unique one. For me, this is the difference.


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    The Punisher Story


    The Punisher Story


    The Punisher Story



    The Punisher Story


    The Punisher Story