Geamana is a missing village, a ghost village, swallowed by a lake that has vivid, unreal living colours. The water that surrounds the hill is red in colour, it shows that everything is poisoned, from water, grass, trees, fruits, vegetables, animals and ultimately man. The lake is growing rapidly, and there are still people living in the area who live with the threat of poisonous water encroaching on their homes.The atmosphere is bleak and gloomy because of the psychedelic, unnatural colours and because of the poor, unfortunate people who spend their days eating, drinking, smelling and breathing poison. In the first phase of flooding, the village of Geamana disappeared, with everything in it: the houses, the church, the cemetery. Next, the threat moved to the surrounding villages, in which have been swallowed hundreds of houses and another cemetery. One church was dismantled stone by stone and rebuilt in a museum in Sibiu.

Still, there are some people who have been ambitious enough to stay until the very end.But the lake is rising on average 3ft a year and edging closer to where they now call home.

More info: Instagram


    #1 I N F E C T E D : B L O O D





    #5 F R O M : A N O T H E R : P L A N E T


    #6 S W A L L O W E D



    #8 D R A G O N : F O O T

    #9 T H E : C L O C K

    #10 I N : F L A M E S