2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year show us the power of nature and their love of it through their imagery. There are some imaginative showcases of breathtaking natures call for the amazing pieces of natures by the nature photographers. It was the open eyes while watching amazing series completely wonderful revealing the world. The picture in the above almost descriptive and there are some following natures.

“A storm was rolling in from the west and the few of us gathered for sunrise were watching and hoping that day would break before the rains came. The moment the sun peeked above the horizon, we were hit with incredible winds and sideways driving rain. My husband jumped behind me to block the blowing sand and to try to shelter me from the wind. I kept shooting as the skies lit up, while gripping the tripod to keep it steady. This image is the result of those efforts from this memorable sunrise!”

    'the Moment The Sun Peeked Above The Horizon' Nat Geo Nature Photography Have Been Selected For The Contest.

    2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year show us the power of nature and their love of it through their imagery. There are some imaginative showcases of breathtaking natures call for the amazing pieces of natures by the nature photographers. It was the open eyes while watching amazing series completely wonderful revealing the world. The picture in the above almost descriptive and there are some following natures.

    “A storm was rolling in from the west and the few of us gathered for sunrise were watching and hoping that day would break before the rains came. The moment the sun peeked above the horizon, we were hit with incredible winds and sideways driving rain. My husband jumped behind me to block the blowing sand and to try to shelter me from the wind. I kept shooting as the skies lit up, while gripping the tripod to keep it steady. This image is the result of those efforts from this memorable sunrise!”

      'the Moment The Sun Peeked Above The Horizon' Nat Geo Nature Photography Have Been Selected For The Contest.