Aysha Thomson had struggled with her weight since she was at school, where she was mocked by other children in a way that left her very low on self-esteem until she joined Slimming World.

And today, in the fourth part of our Helping Hand series, we look at the struggles people have been facing and how to tackle some of the most common issues – such as how we can all be mentally weighed down… literally.


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Ever since I can remember, I’ve had an issue with my weight. When I was six, my mum bought me a new swimsuit for my holiday and asked me to try it on to show my auntie.


I remember feeling very self-conscious and came downstairs covering my tummy with my arms. My mum told me I was being silly, but I felt so uncomfortable.


The negative comments started in primary school, but it was when I went to secondary school that the bullying went up a notch.


I’ll never forget the day a girl pushed me off the parked school bus shouting: ‘You’re too heavy, the bus can’t take it!’


Back home, safely hidden from the bullies, I’d comfort myself with huge portions of steak pie and rice pudding.


Years passed and though I tried to put school behind me, my anxiety didn’t go away. I loathed anyone looking at me, ever – after all, they’d have nothing nice to say.



Even surrounded by my loving family – my parents Kevin and Helen, my husband Mark, and my children, Jamie and Louise – my happiness was always clouded by my low self-esteem.


My mental health was at an all-time low, and physically my health was very poor, I had crippling IBS and problems with mobility.


I knew I had to do something about my weight.


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Leaving the house became a huge hassle. If I had to walk, I knew I couldn’t go far, my back, knees, and ankles would throb, I’d be sweating after a short distance and I would get so anxious about being seen and judged.


I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall when I tried to lose weight. I tried so many plans and fad diets and I couldn’t stick to any of them.


I’d try my hardest then fall back into bad habits – a quick chocolate bar for breakfast and snacking on crisps and sweets.


Then in 2014 my grandfather, who I called Papa, fell ill with cancer. We were very close, and I was visiting him in the hospital when he said: ‘I’m not scared of dying because I’ve lived a wonderful life – now, lass, it’s time you started getting out and living yours.’



It was with his words ringing in my ears that I walked into a Slimming World group. It was the only plan I hadn’t tried.


I asked a mum outside school, a nurse, about it. She said she’d heard it was very good.


The first time I went to the group was nerve-wracking, I felt sick. I’ve always been shy and not very good in social situations, but I needn’t have worried.


Everybody was so nice. There was no judgment, no humiliation and people were being honest, I thought it was amazing.


I decided to go back the following week. Standing in the queue for weigh-in, I started to panic I’d be the first one to gain on their first week.


I thought there was no way I could eat so much and still lose weight.


I couldn’t believe it. After a week of cooking from scratch, eating lots of fantastic food, and feeling fuller than ever.


I’d eaten lasagne, sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice, mince and potatoes – and I’d lost 4lb.


This was no diet. This was a sensible healthy eating plan, and the lifestyle change I was looking for.



I lost weight every week. My family all commented on the improvement to not only my figure but my self-esteem.


When my husband was posted to the Falklands for five months, I worried it might send me back to comfort eating.


But my group kept me motivated. When he came back, he hardly recognized me. I had lost an extra 3rd while he had been away.


In two years, I lost 9st and now I am happier and more confident than ever.


I feel I am a better role model for my children too with my positive attitude to healthy meals that they love helping to prepare.


We’re much more active now too. Before I lost weight I used to joke I was allergic to exercise but now I love walking and I’m no longer afraid of people looking at me, my confidence has grown so much.

I often think about how proud Papa would be of me, socializing with friends I’ve made in my group while wearing a size-10 dress.


I’m enjoying life for the first time in years. I know I can be there for my parents as they get older. I am there for my children and my husband and I now enjoy a social life.



The future is bright now where before it was a dark place. I am forever grateful to my group and to Slimming World.


I feel I’ve got my life back and given my husband a happy confident wife – and my kids the mum they deserve.




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More info:


    Leaving the house used to be a hassle of Aysha

    Aysha Thomson used to struggle with her weight

    Aysha lost an impressive nine stone

    She now wears a size ten dress


    Aysha lost weight by cooking from scratch