The Dresser
This is a dresser which I made yesterday during the exhibition of subject design « Can you see me now? » The organizers modernized old Soviet furniture items with the help of the artists, gave them a new life.
When I got a message where was invited to take part in the event and when they described their concept , I didn’t hesitate to take the offer and supported the idea as it turned out to be something very close to me.
I have already written about how important it is to review old things in the course of time.
At least, it makes us think , analyse and use imagination.
But modern culture of consumerism teaches us always to buy new and new things even if the old ones were issued a couple of months ago. And it seems that we all follow the trend … this mania captures us… Why? Because we don’t have more serious problems ? Or is it really so important to go with the flow?