Maybe you remember the heartwarming story about the dad who created a unique gamebook for his son – ‘The Big Adventure of the Little Gremlin’ ( Well, now the magical adventure has a shot at a worldwide release in awesome print edition with many improvements and additions.

Nikola Raykov, the dad turned writer, has recreated his son’s favorite places in the book and added a spoon of mystery and magic to the mix. Now the ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ type of book is winning awards and marking new milestones each year.

The great thing is everyone gets to make the worldwide release a reality – ‘The Big Adventure of the Little Gremlin’ is currently raising funds on Kickstarter with amazing rewards for everyone that takes part in the fun!

More info:


    Every episode is inspired by real places that Nikola’s son loves

    The author and his son spend a lot of quality time together in the outdoors.

    Nikola adds just a bit of magic and mystery to the mix and now thousands of kids can choose how to play their own adventure


    Gremmy is always ready for fun and adventures!

    “Even ordinary mushrooms become magical if your journey to them was magical too.”

    Challenge accepted!

    Boredom never gets to the father and son.


    The enchanting gamebook provides 94 different ways to read and 20 possible endings

    Magic can now enter everyone’s home!


    ‘The Big Adventure of the Little Gremlin’ is aiming at a worldwide release with the help of its fans

    Key improvements and additions have been made or planned for the gametale.