I live in Berlin, Germany, with my dog Clooney (who is a Puggle) and three rescue cats. Since April 2016 I’ve been fostering rescue dogs from a Spanish shelter. Since today I’ve been fostering 11 dogs, 10 of which have already found amazing families to adopt them.

Me and my own pets help the dogs to get adjusted to life outside the shelter. We teach them the doggy basics, but we’ll also teach them to have fun and play – both of which they’re usually not accustomed to. My dog Clooney and my cats help me with that.

All my pets as well as the fosters do trick training for fun and for gaining self confidence. I’d like to share our story to make more people aware of adopting and gifting an animal with a better life outside the kennel.

More info: Facebook


    This is Cooper, my most talented cat. He’s amazingly clever and very eager to get treats.

    This is Nala, who found her Forever home with a nice couple

    Cooper, once again having earned a treat


    Cooper and our latest Rat Pack member Niro

    This is our current foster Diesel, who is still looking for a home

    Clooney (left side of the back row) and our fosters Freja, Johnny and Hazel – all of which have moved to great families

    Cooper likes to go on walks with the dogs


    Cooper and Clooney

    This is our foster Maddox. He now lives in Berlin and has a furry little sister, who adores him


    The poser gang: Clooney, Cooper and Freja

    The one in the middle is Tatou, who looked like Clooney’s little sister. She has moved onto her new life as well. Cooper was a baby back then and had just moved in

    Our first foster dog that started it all: Django. His new family goes to doggy school on a regular basis and he’s a Straight-A-student

    Once again posing for a group picture. The one on the left side is Sid, my boyfriend’s dog, who visits us often


    Maddox, Clooney, Cooper and cat Page, who unfortunately passed away

    Hazel, the first foster dog that was smaller then my cats

    Pretty Coco, who was re-named to Lola by her adoptive parents

    Cooper sitting on Sid

    Tatou and the cats

    My three kitties Cooper, Niro and Mozart