All women have about 450 periods during their life, which should mean that you should have enough time to get used to it. LIES. It always comes at the worst moment and PMS is just another mystery.

Enjoy few accurate images from these cute comics.


    What it actually is, seems like hell under your skin.

    And its impossible to plan it sometimes… You just have to go with a flow…

    Sometimes menstrual cycle gets bloody punctual, period

    It just ruins your mood and plans in seconds.

    This period thing is really cramping my style. Its just amazing.


    Of course there are some special snowflakes with perfect periods.


    Those days are just red alert for you.

    Good thing – your boobs get bigger, bad thing – your bra doesnt

    At least it makes you value small things.

    On those days diet is crossed out of my dictionary

    And ovary – reacting is following in every step


    All this magical period thing is always cramping me up

    Products made to make your period routine easier… Not really

    All of us suffer through it, it takes victims – panties and mood.