Travelling and shooting for a month in humid climate during the rainy season was a serious challenge. My aim was to traverse Phnom Penh, Mekong and Siem-Reap before heading South to Kampot and Kep.

Shooting Siem-Reap was a case of choosing more exotic temple and trying to keep away from the tourists. At Phom Penh I visited the main spots and few local charms recommended by friends and locals. It was one the easiest city to shoot.

The Mekong was too flat and wide so it was a nightmare to get any real sense of size. I’d pretty much crossed it off and left it for next time.

Kampot and Kep were full of rusted old colonial bridges, all kinds of wildlife, mountains and beaches, along with small but thriving Muslim community and a rain forest. It was an amazing place not overcrowded with tourists.

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    Angkor Thom East Gate

    Manual High Dynamic Range in mid afternoon summer.

    Russian Market

    Manual High Dynamic Range, mid afternoon indoors.

    A Heavy Rain Moment


    Shooting out the back of Tuk Tuk in Cambodia during a heavy rain moment, not sure who’s better off out there.

    The Silver Pagoda


    This one is more of a box ticker, center of the Royal Palace.

    Fishing on the Mekong

    Took a small boat to take a little photo-shoot on the river.

    The Killing Fields

    A very tough place to take a decent image, the best I could do was this picture…

    An Assortment of Things

    The Russian Market is one of the coolest places. This is a picture of motorbike parts crazily packed in one place.


    Looking Out


    Stopped for lunch few times at the Crab Shacks on the edge of Kep. Just amazing. Amazing.

    Lightning over Kampot

    Standing on the roof of the Two Moons with a few bottles of beer and a thunder storm.

    Angkorian Temple Run

    Rainy, slippery and empty. Perfect for a temple run :)

    Kampot or bust

    A derelict house on the main river-side of Kampot.