As a former teacher myself, I can safely assure you that each and every teacher, regardless of discipline and institution, has stories of that one student they will never forget for whatever reason.
Some stories are sad, others are cheerful, yet others are weird and random at the very least, but they stick in our heads for decades.
Well, Reddit has been revisiting this topic with user u/Jade-Spade asking the teacher community to share students that they will never forget.
Image Credits: xMizLitx
Thousands of teachers responded and it wasn’t just single stories, but many came out with multiple stories of either the same or different students, making the thread go viral with over 33,000 upvotes.
Bored Panda has gathered some of the best stories which you can find below. And while you’re at it, why not vote and comment on the ones you enjoyed the most? Oh, and if you’re a teacher, feel free to share your own student stories in the comment section below!
More Info: Reddit
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I had a kid, 16, total addict. Alcoholic, meth, pills, heroin. Really rough childhood. Started smoking crack with his dad at 13, stepdad committed suicide in front of him at 14, unimaginable s!@# in between.
He’d come to school high or drunk and we would send him home. Nice kid, always respectful and just had “a good soul”.
One day he was all sorts of messed up and I pull him out of class. I told him that I loved him and I was worried and if he kept this up he would more than likely be dead by 30. He freaked out and ran to the principals office and complained that I had just told him that I loved him and cared about him. Principal said “Well, maybe he loves you and cares about you.”
We kicked him out of school after we had to.
He got sober. He came back to track me down. He grabbed me and started sobbing. He said when I said I loved him it was the first time and adult had said that to him and he believed it.
He has stayed sober for years, went to college, and is doing really well as a nurse now.
I’ve had many students that are still taking a large place in my heart. Some are sad, like the girl whose mother started beating her during a parent conference. I started crying and begged the mother to stop.
The student who had no water or electricity at home but we allowed him to shower at school and we washed his clothes.
The student who watched his grandparents get murdered by his mother and wrote about it in an essay for my class.
The student who had never been in a lake that we took camping. He was so excited but didn’t know how to swim. So he just stood in the water up to his neck and grinned. Lovely.
The girl with terrible anxiety that I sat with for hours after school to work on school work, not because she wasn’t smart, but because she was so anxious about not being perfect.
The girl who was mauled by a dog, which messed up her face, but she always smiled.
The girl whose father brought her to school every day late who finally broke down and told me her father was raping her every day when the mother left to go to work.
The Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees who flooded my school after the war. One wrote an essay about running towards a boat and seeing his grandfather get shot but he had to keep running.
The Brazilian boy who got up in class and got me to start dancing with him while we all laughed joyfully.
The group of students I took outside during their first snowstorm. The wonder on their faces was priceless.
The student who found me on Facebook after 20 years to tell me I made a difference in her life. She came to my state and took me to dinner and told me I was there for her when her home life was terrible. I had no idea. I’m just kind to everyone.
I have a million more stories. I have loved every student and being able to teach has been an honor.
Had a student who did very well, always pleasant, helped others, etc.
One evening I had to run back to the school to pick up my car as I had went out with some fellow instructors. As I was preparing to leave I noticed activity near the dumpsters and saw him digging through them pulling out food scraps from the cafeteria. My heart sank about 1000 feet. I didn't know what to do -- if I were to go up to him, he'd know I knew and I just didn't know how he would react.
I talked with a colleague of mine who knew a social worker. The family had suffered the loss of his dad about two years ago, and now his mom was battling cancer. To say they were hanging on by a thread would be an understatement.
We knew we had to do something. So we all waited one evening and sure enough, he returned. He was scared, ashamed, crying, angry -- every emotion you can think of. I do not blame him. We took him to his home and his mom was emotional too. We ordered hot food and a colleague went and got it, and we all spent many hours that evening talking and reassuring them we were there to help.
Working with local resources, we got them the help they needed. Food, medical assistance, even local volunteers to come help with some chores around their house.
The mom got better thankfully, and the bright young man continued to do well in school and got a scholarship for college when he graduated a few years later.
This was 20 years ago -- today, that bright young man works as a mechanical engineer and is still as generous and considerate as ever. His mother, sadly, passed on around 10 years ago. All 3 of his "former teachers" from that night went to the funeral.
I am very proud of him. We still keep in touch, and visit often.
I teach at a prison.
The first inmate I had graduate under my teaching cried when he looked at his diploma. He was the first in his entire family to graduate. It was quite the accomplishment and I was very moved.
A wonderful young man who was killed in a car accident back in early June 2020. He was in his Grade 11 year.
Took him under my wing in Grade 9. Worked on his impulsive behaviour, colourful language, anger management and questionable life choices. By Grade 10, he was a mentor to incoming Grade 9s that had similar issues as himself. In Grade 11, he was a leader here in the school, volunteering, joined the Arts community and held down two after school jobs.
We shook hands everyday, he'd bring me coffee, his last text to me said: "Life is beautiful, man" and he had recently told me that he wished that I was his dad.
He wasn't wearing a seatbelt coming home from one of those jobs. He was killed instantly after being ejected from a car he was a passenger in. My commute to and from work everyday passes by the exact spot he was killed.
Miss you, Edward.
I was a watersports instructor teaching people kayaking and canoeing a couple years back.
There was a group of refugees, all minors between 11-17 that came to us through a charity that was supporting them gaining asylum in my country (UK).
All of them had crossed the channel on a raft or dinghy literally 2 days before, and for some goddamn reason the charity had decided it was a good time to take them canoeing! Can't make this s!@# up.
There was this one kid from South Sudan, 15 years old and an absolute behemoth. We're talking 6 foot plus and pushing 14-15 stone in weight. Covered in scars, some of them ritualistic scarification, missing teeth and generally just looking like he'd been through hell many times.
He was terrified of the water. I took him in my boat, nice and easy, then once he got comfortable I just stuck a stern rudder in and let him power us through the water.
Him and the other kids loved it! We had some tears at the beginning, I imagine there was a lot of PTSD involved judging by the state of some of these poor kids.
At the end of the session, this giant monster of a child walked up to me with a huge jagged grin, said in broken english "thank you leader" and gave me a bear hug I'll never forget.
To this day, 4 years later, I still remember that grin.
I teach English as a foreign language and had a class of middle school students who needed to use sequential words (First, Next, Then, etc.) to describe making something as part of their end-of-book test. Most students used the example presented in the book on how to make a sandwich. Some were creative and write about how to make a hamburger instead. One boy raised his hand and asked if he could write about a computer game. "As long as you follow the instructions, I don't mind."
Ten minutes later he asked for a blank sheet of paper. Whereas everyone else answered the question with four or five short sentences this particular student wrote two and a half pages on how to make a house in MineCraft -- creating tools, assembling material, avoiding enemies, etc. One of the most impressive things I've seen from students at that level.
The creativity that is sparked by Minecraft amazes me. That, and the teamwork I see between my son's friends as they play. Minecraft was essential for them during lockdown.
Dance instructor. Student had one hemisphere of her brain removed as an infant and she was paralyzed on one side. She said that she wanted to dance because she wanted people to see that she wasn't ashamed of her body. After months and months she finally managed one spin around. The other instructor cried, I cried, she cried. It was f!@#$%^ incredible.
I had a 7th grader that was the biggest, happiest doofus. He actually was pretty intelligent, but he was such an open book (and didn't put much effort into school) that he came across as a bit of a fool.
Other teachers treated him like a nuisance, because he definitely was a distraction to other kids. He didn't try to be disruptive; he just was.
But he lit up the room with positive energy and was genuinely happy to enjoy every moment of being alive. I didn't understand how his prior teachers were annoyed by him because he genuinely was a ray of sunshine and he made everyone a little happier by being in his presence. He was always smiling, always entertained by life--and it was contagious. Kind of like a human golden retriever.
I helped him learn how to set school-related goals for himself and take more of an interest in the things we studied, and he was so proud of earning his first A in my class.
The reason I will never forget him is because I wasn't yet a mother when I taught him, and I decided then that "if I ever have kids, I hope they will be as happy as Oscar is." I would try to encourage their sense of wonder and fun, above all else.
Not a teacher anymore, but there are so, so many of them.
I'll never forget the little boy who was abused from birth to age 3 before he was finally taken away from his mother (who was struggling with a serious drug addiction) and adopted by his maternal grandmother. He had some delays but he was such a smart little kid who absolutely loved dinosaurs.
I'll never forget the student who didn't have anything to give me for Christmas, but he wanted to give me something so badly that he taped his fruit roll up from his lunch onto a piece of paper and handwrote a Christmas card.
I'll never forget the kid who sobbed in my lap at recess when her mother was going through chemotherapy, because she was terrified. Months later, this same kid came running down the hallway and literally leapt into my arms while screaming "Miss N, my mom is going to be okay!"
I'll never forget the kid who noticed that my pencil jar (for students who needed pencils) was empty, so he filled it with his own.
I'll never forget the little girl who came to school every day with dirty clothes, sometimes the same clothes she had on the day before. She made her lunch herself at 6 years old, and she never had anything fresh or healthy, it was generally packaged because that's what they had. She would also hug anyone and everyone because she was so desperate for affection. I was a student teacher, but the principal was trying to get authorities involved by the time I left. I hope she got help.
I'll never forget the kid who emailed me on the weekends and over holidays, just to tell me what's going on and to say hello.
There are so many more, I could go on for ages.
His nickname was Gus (pronounced Goose), and he was first in my English 1 class. Gus was receiving Special Education services, and he had generally not experienced success in English class or school.
But he was so coachable. The next year he wanted to have my English 2 class, but I only had pre-AP options. Gus requested to be placed into pre-AP, which doesn't usually have students receiving Special Education services. Then, Gus met two young ladies who took him under their wing.
By the end of the year, Gus EXITED the Special Education program.
That's the one and only time in my teaching career (13 years in Texas so far) I have ever seen a student exit SpEd.
Not a teacher but in my 5th grade math class when my teacher called my name on the first day of school, she paused, lowered her glasses and asked, "are you (my uncle's name)'s son?" I said "no". And she gave a huge sigh of relief and said "oh thank God." this was over 20 years after she had my uncle as a student.
I told my dad about that later that day and he laughed and said my uncle was quite a terror in elementary school.
This huge 8th grader named Earl who wanted everyone to think he was a badass and he did get into quite a bit of trouble, but in reality he loved math. He took a test in class one day and begged me after to let him retake it because he didn't think he did well. I graded it and he got 100%, so I called his mom to deliver the news and you could tell it was the first positive phone call she'd ever gotten about her son.
Big Mike.
I’m a HS science teacher in an affluent suburb. We get this transfer kid in who is about 6’8”, 350, long thin Hulk Hogan mullet (not bald tho) and big glasses. Mike hailed from the hollars of Kentucky, thick southern accent, and was the most quotable kid I ever met.
“I hate books Mr. xxxxx they PISS me off.”
“My grandma made me sleep on the porch because she cooked some veggies and I told her dang it woman where’s the meat?!”
“I ain’t never seen a pencil like this. Can I keep this and show my dad?” (Talking about a regular mechanical pencil)
“They threw me out of Golden Corrall because I ate 8 of them steaks they had. I was pissed, next time I’m trying for nine.”
And we were supposed to have a fire drill at like 1:55 or some odd time, at 1:57 he went ahead and pulled it honest to god thinking he would help out whoever forgot.
I’m a professor and I had a student who was a big dude, much older than the typical college student like maybe 40, ex-military, and very stoic. We did a simulation exercise during class where students had to make a decision about whether to race a car or withdraw from the race. Most students go forward with the race for a variety of reasons, but what they don’t know is that this situation mirrors the decision that NASA made with the challenger launch (which obviously exploded).
After the exercise, the student came up to me and started crying and said it was the most impactful exercise he’s ever done and that when I have hard days I should remember that I made a difference for him. I almost started crying myself. It was a great moment in my career.
The one who told me, “you really make me think.” We are friends to this day and have the best conversations. It’s the highest compliment for a teacher.
This kid J-, 10 years old with a learning disability, was struggling at home (divorce/living with grandma) and at school. It was my first year teaching and he would often lash out to get attention and be purposely annoying to see if he could get a rise out of me.
Pretty soon it became clear that he was just lonely and isolated so he needed a friend. After getting to know him for a couple of weeks, I was happy to become his friend that year and he and I became so close that he would bend over backwards trying to catch up on work just so he could hang out with me. I saw him struggle pretty heavily, even with one-on-one support but apart from a couple of moments of crisis, he kept his nose to the grindstone and worked hard every day.
This isn't a movie so he still wasn't the best student in the class but he made so much progress compared to the beginning of the year that every time I even thought about calling out or taking it easy I though "J needs me" and he did.
This is important. Comparing kids according to the progress they have made and not to their peers.
I was still in high school myself when I joined a program to be a teacher's assistant at a nearby kindergarten. The kids were all so lovely and loving, and I enjoyed getting to know each of them as individuals.
One day, midway through the year, we got a new little girl in the class. Serena was a quiet kid, but bright, attentive. She always ran up to hug me around the waist when I came into the classroom. At some point, the classroom teacher mentioned to me that the reason she was new to class was that she and her mom were living in the women's shelter in town, but that was all the information I had.
A little over a month later, I came in one day and Serena didn't hug me. She was withdrawn, by herself in a corner, and the teacher advised me that it was a "bad day" so we weren't pressuring Serena to do any school work. At one point I did go to check on her, and Serena started crying and clinging to me, telling me that she wanted to go home to her mommy. I gave her a hug and let her cry, but I felt totally helpless. I didn't really know what was going on, and I was only 17 myself. There wasn't anything I could do.
The next time I came in to teach, Serena was gone, and I never saw her again. She'd be about 21 or 22 years old now.
I taught GED classes in a local prison to the mens SAP program. These weren't violent offenders, they were just addicts that got caught up.
Totally the most rewarding position I have EVER had in education. Seeing those men get their GED was incredible. One old man, he was a carny that traveled the US his entire adult life, never made it past 8th grade, got his GED right before the virus shut everything down.
He came and found me in my classroom and hugged me like a brother and thanked me. I still remember his full name, he made that much of an impression on me. He was due to get released a few weeks later, I really hope he's doing well....
I taught 6th grade English. Had this student who was way too smart and funny for his age. He lived right by the school and he'd stay after school some days and just chill out while I was grading papers. I liked him a lot.
I kept things pretty light in the classroom. Tried to make the kids laugh when I could. One day, I start in on this joke rant about the word "chillax."
"Can I just say something about the word, 'chillax' guys? It's a ridiculous word. I like slang. I'm all for language changing over time. But chillax doesn't solve a problem! It's the word 'chill" which means relax, combined with 'relax' which means relax, to make 'chillax' which ALSO MEANS RELAX! It's pointless!"
And this kid stands up and interrupts me with, "Whoa whoa whoa, just chillax, Mr. X!"
I laughed pretty hard. It might not be that funny to you. But his timing, his was perfect. Especially for a kid his age. Hope he's doing well.
PIN number, ATM machine, DC Comics, HIV virus, LCD display. RAS syndrome (what these things are). Not the same, but close.
I will never forget Michael. He came from a different country at the age of 2. It took him months to open up to me, but I was patient with him and it paid off. We had an unbreakable bond. We would do art projects together, we would play, I learned his native language so I could better communicate with him. He opened a new level of love and joy into my life
I taught sculpture and maskmaking at an arts summer camp years back. One of the projects was drawing a creature and then carving a 3D version of it out of a block of foam to paint and decorate. All the students nailed it. Except one, a boy around 9, didn't get it. I sat with him and went over it, many times. He didn't understand the concept of 3 dimensions, like "what would this side view look like as a top view?" -type thinking. After a long while, my assistant, a woman in her late 30's, took me aside and pointed out all the indicators that the kid had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I had no idea. I'll never forget his confused, blank face. And my frustration at how someone couldn't think in 3D. I try to be more understanding, sympathetic and patient now.
I taught undergraduate classes while I was in grad school. There are a few people who stand out but one guy in particular. He was real smart but a good natured dude, laid back. I relied more on papers than tests as a way to formulate grades, so students wrote a lot of papers. And this guy wrote the best stuff. He'd take something complex that we'd go through and tie in pop culture and even jokes but in such a clever way it showed he really understood the subject matter. It was FUN to read his papers.
He took two of my classes. A couple years later after I had moved on and was working elsewhere, he asked me for a recommendation for a position. He ended up going into archeology, professional digs, graduate school, the works. I don't think that my teaching directly impacted his success - he was a smart guy, he was going to do well no matter what. But it sure was cool to see this real smart dude at his start and then watch him become an scholar and professional in his own right.
I still think about that guy. Hoping he is well. I've dropped enough hints in this post that if you're out there my dude, you know who you are and I hope everything is going amazing, as I'm sure it is.
One of my students told me as a child she wanted to grow up to be a strawberry and then cried when she realised she couldn't because she was a human being. Very sweet girl.
I had a junior (~16 years old) in my high school science course last year peel the strip of metal off the side of a ruler and proceed to stick each end of it into an outlet and shock himself. I saw the sparks out of the corner of my eye and he jumped up and his arm was in some significant pain. He said he did it because he wanted to see what would happen. Scientific method in action I guess. I will never forget that dumbass.
My mother has 3 or 4 favorite students from when she taught nursery school.
All four went on to be published authors or otherwise great work- including a boy who got into Duke, put that on hold, served two tours in Iraq as a marine and is currently in graduate school- we’re wondering when he’ll run for office...
What always hit me is that my mother could identify these kids at age 4 and she was always right
(She also diagnosed autism, adhd, learning disabilities, who was gay, etc) always right as far as we know
Student teacher here. Yesterday I had such a bad day with a couple of students who made it their personal mission to make my life hell. Today, my 7th graders really made my day. The lesson had barely started and they were gathering around me, being curious with lots of positive energy and they basically just wanted to be close and talk. We had a great lesson and the vibe was just so awesome. Now I'm sitting at home in my chair with a smile on my face. I want to remember this feeling forever.
I had a student say “If cows have utters, then why don’t they have hands?” Matthew, I will never forget that comment for the rest of my life.
oh s**t i remember this Mrs wilson is that you. man this is to crazy i've been scrolling down this post reading these and i see one about me when i was in 8th grade damn it;s just crazy what a small world
I was getting my middle-school certification in my state, this was maybe 3-4 years ago, and my college would place us in local schools in the area to partner with an accomplished teacher and get our observation hours in.
The college had a reputation of putting male teacher-candidates in the roughest schools in the area. (Me and my fellow male students had a theory about this, but of course we coudnt prove it)
Anyway, my first morning there, in a very rough all-boys middle school in the worst part of the city, 1st period a little boy maybe 10-11 walks into class, looks at me and says "What are you looking at, you Ryan Gosling-lookin' motherf!@#$%?"
I was utterly speechless, lol. I can only assume that was his catch-all term for white men, lol.
I'll definitely never forget him!
Joseph. I taught (read: tried to teach) Joseph science for two years so I wasn’t exactly blind to his, uh, limitations; but he really did surprise me when we began our unit on the Universe.
We watched a short video about the life of a star and then I lead a class discussion and we talked about our sun and how small our solar system is and all of that fun stuff.
At some point it dawned on Joseph that the Sun is a star and would go through a life cycle like any other star does, and he starts to lose. His. F!@#$^%. Mind. (It’s not much going on up there though, so I am not too worried about long term effects).
He suddenly has SO many questions. “Wait so we’re gonna get burned alive????” “How much time do we have?!?!” “How come nobody has said anything about this before?!” And this isn’t like when middle schoolers ask dumb questions for attention, this kid is f!@#$%^ grabbing his hair and squirming in his seat totally scared.
So I go “no, Joseph this isn’t going to happen for a looooong time, we won’t be here by then”which does not help the situation.
All that poor kid was doing was minding his business, and doing the least academically up until now. I threw his entire existence in his face (accidentally, I’m not a monster) and he had to take a minute outside in the hall to figure s!@# out after that.
Joseph did not pass the 8th grade that year:/
Teaching ESL in Taiwan I joked with a young student and told him I was hungry. Not knowing I speak Chinese he responded with “chi da-bien!” Which translates to eat sh*t.
A boy who couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. He would occasionally punch other boys in the arm, flick girls in the head, and eventually I had to deal with one of the other boys in class raising his hand to inform me that this particular student was grabbing his 'chili pepper'. (Chili pepper/고추 is a Korean euphemism for penis.) The troublemaker was eventually kicked out but not before his mother came to complain that her son was an angel and I was obviously making everything up.
I once had a student come into class with supposed "tonsillitis" and I told him that if that's the case, he should be home because it's hella contagious. Kid told me that it was the "non-contagious" version of tonsillitis and that he was fine to be in school because he would be getting surgery for it.
Next Parent Teacher meeting I asked his mum while kid was sitting next to her and she just shook her head and sighed heavily.
Also the same kid who would put on a fake british accent when asked to read aloud because he wanted to "Use his normal voice" because he lived in the UK for a year.
This was 7th grade.
had a professor in college tell me that my inclination to be a loner wasn't something that should bother me. this is because from the beginning of preschool we are put in situations that have us do group activities, clap blocks in time together, in other words, to conform to the group. after having been called a snob, an elitist, weird, and so many others i finally accepted the fact that i like my solitude and am social by choice and not habit.
The one that plagiarized a paper so badly it matched 100% to a plagiarism catching software, didn’t respond to an email where I told them they got a zero on the assignment and how serious this was, and then had the audacity to send me a separate email asking for extra credit that had already been awarded to those that earned it. My head was spinning after that one
Reminds me of a girl who was not great at English, and plagiarized the entire first page of Wikipedia´s Burj Khalifa. She could not even read the first sentence.
A fifth grade girl joined my class and on her very first day - after everyone else had left - walked up to me and slid a folded-up piece of paper across my desk.
"Teacher, this is my phone number. Call me any time."
This is why teachers deserve more respect. It's so much more than standing in front of a class talking at them. There is so much emotional energy involved in trying to help people through crises that often falls on teachers.
I used to love art but once, after handing in homework, I was told it was too good for me to have done. From that day on I just can't do anything as the words go through my mind as soon as I even try to do anything art based. Another teacher showed utter contempt because of my poorer background. Teachers can destroy as well as create a person.
Yeah. Brings back another art class memory. I really loved art when in highschool and put a lot of time and effort into it. Then got a teacher who would assign the entire class Bs for all their work. Could not be bothered to actually look at what you made. Nearly killed my love of making art. I wanted to get into art school but did not make it at the time because I was so ill-prepared.
Load More Replies...This is kind of the reverse but i remember a teacher that really helped me was my 1st grade teacher. We would always have a read-aloud at the end of the school day, and I'm kind of an advanced student so one day near the end of the year when we were starting a new book (which was a higher level than most of my classmates could read) She would let me read to the class every day and it made me really really Happy because i was doing something that was engaging for me. At the end of the year she had to move to a different state and gave me an envelope with her adress on it and I never got around to writing to her but i really wish i had. THANK YOU MRS. VANDERWELL!! Also my other one is my 6th/8th grade social studies teacher, she teaches differently and its more fun, like instead of writing things we'd sometimes write songs about what we were learning, etc. It's a really fun and engaging class :)
One of my teachers knows I am trans and she is really supportive. She is also the only teacher that knows. She is one of my favorites, and I really love her class.
No the a teacher but a camp counselor back when I was 19. This girl was different compared to the rest of the girls (not in a bad way) and felt totally alone & miserable, she ended up "running away" and it was a full search by staff for her. Myself and 2 other counselors found her. She cried and shared that she felt like such a loner/odd etc. because she liked anime. It was so sad. Thankfully, a year before, I was introduced to my first anime convention and so that summer I was going again and I shared this with her. Her eyes got big and was like "really?!". It was like a light clicked that you can like anime while still older. After that, she had a good rest of the week and at the end of it, she gave me this necklace with a generic Asian coin style (round with square hole in the middle) pendant. I was so touched and still have it to this day. I think about her every time I see it and hope she found acceptance.
My four grade teacher who was close to retirement , Mrs Mauk told me that she would never forget me which came as quite a shock to me. I was a very average-below average student. She told me this many years later after I was in her class. She gave her class a big assignment that required 4 students to complete. It was to report on 4 descriptive elements of a state. When she called on me, I told her that I wanted to do one state by myself. I completed all four elements on the state of Mississippi. I got up in front of the class and did my report by myself. I was given an A for my effort. I really didn't think much about it. She told me that she had given that assignment every year to her classes. I was the only one in hundreds of her students that did that assignment by myself. I had no idea! At the end of the year, she gave out our report cards to the students who had made the most progress to those who made the least. She called me first! I was totally shocked!!
ESL teacher here. I asked A1 students to describe their family, write basic sentences (My mum´s name is X. She is Y years old.) And one kid literally went "But my family is falling apart and my parents are getting divorced!) with this confused expression. Kid is a great students who will hopefully be more confident in his work, but that moment made me choke as I tried to hold back awkward laughter. I wonder if parents know what things their kids sometimes just blurt out. (Not talking about serious issues).
OH those sorts of family lessons are minefield of problems. I've had students tell me they didn't have parents, or that their parents beat them with a belt etc. Now I mostly ask about pets.
Load More Replies...I was accused of plagiarism in senior school. Apparently the poem I wrote and submitted for the school magazine was too good. More than forty years later I have still not forgiven her.
My art teacher in 8th grade once told us about a student he had who always rode a skateboard down the hallway, and apparently once cast his own face in drywall.
I want to finish my comment. With confidence that fourth grade assignment gave me, I went from a below average student to completing two bachelor degrees and a masters. You never know what will propel you to succeed in life.
Taught English as a second language in a variety of corporate contexts. One of my adult students at an unnamed bank suffered from a severe form of hereditary arthritis, crippled fingers and all. He was 35. One day, he need to be hospitalized because his rheumatologist put him on high doses of steroids. When he returned to work three weeks later, he found his desk occupied by another employee. After nearly seven years of doing odd jobs, he phone me one evening to announce that I had inspired him. I prayed silently that he handn,t done anything impulsive but it turned out that he had landed a teaching job in adult education in his native language. He's retiring this year at 65 due to a severe hearing impairment but the government has signed him up to re-write the civil service exams, which have been a serious mess from the day I set eyes on them in 1991.
In 8th grade, school headmaster and other 2 teachers walked in to the class where all 31 students were practicing. The school headmaster asks if there is any students who lives with their single parent and some of classmates said yes. Next, she asks them to stand up. I stood up and said nothing. it was so humiliating. I lost my father to car accident when I was 5 and my sister was 2. I literally don't remember him and it's my worst feeling. I will never forget that teacher who made me to stand up in front of 32 young kids. I still think that they could have asked students in private.
i had a teacher for 2 consecutive years 3 years ago. my sister goes to my old school now and she sees her all the time. she was so amazing and she loved talking about our personal lives too. i was pretty shy a few years ago, and would walk to lunch at the back of the line w a book on hand. she would try to walk in the back so she could talk to me and, being my english teacher, loved to talk to me about books (especially harry potter). once she complimented my flats and i wore them for the rest of the year 😂 i learned to tie my hair into a bun by watching her too. i really miss her ❤️ crazy enough, she came up in my dream last night, which only happens when i’m thinking of my old school, but i haven’t thought about it for a long time now, and she came up in my dream 😊 then i came across this post ❤️❤️ she was literally the best teacher i’ve ever had in my life and i think of her time to time and talk to her once a year, but i don’t wanna seem annoying/creepy 😂 teachers deserve the world ❤️
This is why teachers deserve more respect. It's so much more than standing in front of a class talking at them. There is so much emotional energy involved in trying to help people through crises that often falls on teachers.
I used to love art but once, after handing in homework, I was told it was too good for me to have done. From that day on I just can't do anything as the words go through my mind as soon as I even try to do anything art based. Another teacher showed utter contempt because of my poorer background. Teachers can destroy as well as create a person.
Yeah. Brings back another art class memory. I really loved art when in highschool and put a lot of time and effort into it. Then got a teacher who would assign the entire class Bs for all their work. Could not be bothered to actually look at what you made. Nearly killed my love of making art. I wanted to get into art school but did not make it at the time because I was so ill-prepared.
Load More Replies...This is kind of the reverse but i remember a teacher that really helped me was my 1st grade teacher. We would always have a read-aloud at the end of the school day, and I'm kind of an advanced student so one day near the end of the year when we were starting a new book (which was a higher level than most of my classmates could read) She would let me read to the class every day and it made me really really Happy because i was doing something that was engaging for me. At the end of the year she had to move to a different state and gave me an envelope with her adress on it and I never got around to writing to her but i really wish i had. THANK YOU MRS. VANDERWELL!! Also my other one is my 6th/8th grade social studies teacher, she teaches differently and its more fun, like instead of writing things we'd sometimes write songs about what we were learning, etc. It's a really fun and engaging class :)
One of my teachers knows I am trans and she is really supportive. She is also the only teacher that knows. She is one of my favorites, and I really love her class.
No the a teacher but a camp counselor back when I was 19. This girl was different compared to the rest of the girls (not in a bad way) and felt totally alone & miserable, she ended up "running away" and it was a full search by staff for her. Myself and 2 other counselors found her. She cried and shared that she felt like such a loner/odd etc. because she liked anime. It was so sad. Thankfully, a year before, I was introduced to my first anime convention and so that summer I was going again and I shared this with her. Her eyes got big and was like "really?!". It was like a light clicked that you can like anime while still older. After that, she had a good rest of the week and at the end of it, she gave me this necklace with a generic Asian coin style (round with square hole in the middle) pendant. I was so touched and still have it to this day. I think about her every time I see it and hope she found acceptance.
My four grade teacher who was close to retirement , Mrs Mauk told me that she would never forget me which came as quite a shock to me. I was a very average-below average student. She told me this many years later after I was in her class. She gave her class a big assignment that required 4 students to complete. It was to report on 4 descriptive elements of a state. When she called on me, I told her that I wanted to do one state by myself. I completed all four elements on the state of Mississippi. I got up in front of the class and did my report by myself. I was given an A for my effort. I really didn't think much about it. She told me that she had given that assignment every year to her classes. I was the only one in hundreds of her students that did that assignment by myself. I had no idea! At the end of the year, she gave out our report cards to the students who had made the most progress to those who made the least. She called me first! I was totally shocked!!
ESL teacher here. I asked A1 students to describe their family, write basic sentences (My mum´s name is X. She is Y years old.) And one kid literally went "But my family is falling apart and my parents are getting divorced!) with this confused expression. Kid is a great students who will hopefully be more confident in his work, but that moment made me choke as I tried to hold back awkward laughter. I wonder if parents know what things their kids sometimes just blurt out. (Not talking about serious issues).
OH those sorts of family lessons are minefield of problems. I've had students tell me they didn't have parents, or that their parents beat them with a belt etc. Now I mostly ask about pets.
Load More Replies...I was accused of plagiarism in senior school. Apparently the poem I wrote and submitted for the school magazine was too good. More than forty years later I have still not forgiven her.
My art teacher in 8th grade once told us about a student he had who always rode a skateboard down the hallway, and apparently once cast his own face in drywall.
I want to finish my comment. With confidence that fourth grade assignment gave me, I went from a below average student to completing two bachelor degrees and a masters. You never know what will propel you to succeed in life.
Taught English as a second language in a variety of corporate contexts. One of my adult students at an unnamed bank suffered from a severe form of hereditary arthritis, crippled fingers and all. He was 35. One day, he need to be hospitalized because his rheumatologist put him on high doses of steroids. When he returned to work three weeks later, he found his desk occupied by another employee. After nearly seven years of doing odd jobs, he phone me one evening to announce that I had inspired him. I prayed silently that he handn,t done anything impulsive but it turned out that he had landed a teaching job in adult education in his native language. He's retiring this year at 65 due to a severe hearing impairment but the government has signed him up to re-write the civil service exams, which have been a serious mess from the day I set eyes on them in 1991.
In 8th grade, school headmaster and other 2 teachers walked in to the class where all 31 students were practicing. The school headmaster asks if there is any students who lives with their single parent and some of classmates said yes. Next, she asks them to stand up. I stood up and said nothing. it was so humiliating. I lost my father to car accident when I was 5 and my sister was 2. I literally don't remember him and it's my worst feeling. I will never forget that teacher who made me to stand up in front of 32 young kids. I still think that they could have asked students in private.
i had a teacher for 2 consecutive years 3 years ago. my sister goes to my old school now and she sees her all the time. she was so amazing and she loved talking about our personal lives too. i was pretty shy a few years ago, and would walk to lunch at the back of the line w a book on hand. she would try to walk in the back so she could talk to me and, being my english teacher, loved to talk to me about books (especially harry potter). once she complimented my flats and i wore them for the rest of the year 😂 i learned to tie my hair into a bun by watching her too. i really miss her ❤️ crazy enough, she came up in my dream last night, which only happens when i’m thinking of my old school, but i haven’t thought about it for a long time now, and she came up in my dream 😊 then i came across this post ❤️❤️ she was literally the best teacher i’ve ever had in my life and i think of her time to time and talk to her once a year, but i don’t wanna seem annoying/creepy 😂 teachers deserve the world ❤️