Jenny Pokryvailo, the designer behind the adorable Loch Ness ladle, has come up with another great piece of kitchen product design for OTOTO – sushi kitchen towels! Just roll them up and they become tasty-looking pieces of sushi roll.

Pokryvailo has an eye for kitchen product design, so be sure to check her website out if you like to have a good-looking kitchen!

The designer agreed to answer a few of Bored Panda’s questions about her fun towels, too!

More info: cargocollective | Behance | (h/t: laughingsquid)


    I came up with this idea in 2009,” Jenny Pkryvailo told Bored Panda. “I guess I always loved sushi and specifically it’s visual aesthetics. I think that the color combinations of sushi are just beautiful

    I’ve noticed that many people love to store their towels when they are rolled up, very similar to the action of creating a sushi..  these two images just connected in my mind