When it comes to sculptures, most of the ones we know are centuries if not thousands of years old: Venus de Milo, David, The Thinker, Diskobol, and others. But the art of sculpture wasn't frozen in time like the subjects of the sculptures themselves—it kept changing and evolving, right up until now. Now, the concept of sculpture has moved so far ahead that it doesn't even require a physical material to do so; most of the modern sculptures that we know today are actually 3D renders. The Hulk, Gollum, T-1000, Yoda: all of them are the works of modern sculpture, in a sense.
Among one of those few 3D sculpture artists is Marcus Conge, who adds an extra twist to them by incorporating his works into a rendered natural landscape environment and natural motifs. In fact, this is the most peculiar part about his works: the way he uses natural elements in his wholly unnatural, even surrealistic, computer renders is something of a paradox. Simulated nature within a nature that can support virtual simulation of itself. For me, his works are a perfect departure point for reflection on these themes.
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Marcus' 3D renders are not just "philosophical," though, as they're also pleasing to the eye. His bizarre composition of forms, models, and natural elements evokes a sense of simple visual pleasure that can't be reproduced in terms of "natural reality." When it comes to thinking about what it brings to the viewer, his works are sort of an enhanced, augmented reality where something as virtual as this can reflect upon natural beauty in a way that natural beauty can't.
Over the years, Marcus has built a solid followership of over 23k followers. If you like the artist's work, make sure you support him by following him on his social media linked above! Enjoy.
I like this one! There's something eerie about it, and I love that fact. Do you think it's supposed to be grass? maybe grain, hair, or seeds?
Hang on, he didn't comment this: "WhY JUst "PeRfECt woMaN"? eVeRy bOdY cREated heRe IS In ThIS "PerFEct SHAPE". whY NOT normAL woMAn, a SKINny, a CUrVY, A fat, a Very SMALL, A verY taLl, AN One WIth sMaLL BReAsTs, oR with Saggy brEASTs. BUT no, A wOMan mUST bE repreSEnT BUy a ThiN bODy with peRfecTS CuRves anD BREAStS. WherE Is THE FEMINISM nOw?" There. Much better.
Now that looks like costume I would like to make! This is probably my favorite out of all of them
no george costa talking about "the perfect man" double standards much? aside from the rant, really cool pic :)
Creepy. Unless it's a bird feeder and you can see the birds pecking food out of her eyes. Then it's creepy AF.
A.K.A, "When you're Vision At The End Of Episode 6 of WandaVision" Just kidding this is actually really amazing.
"The Corn Man isn't real, darling. He can't hurt you." The Corn Man: unnamed-60...474fe3.jpg
Patient? This included some of the most beautiful, imaginative images I've ever seen. Slow down, David Kohn, and enjoy your life. It really is about the journey. Don't rush so to reach the destination.
these are all amazing. they're super creative and unique, very artistic indeed! i love how s/he incorporates nature in different and creative ways, all of it is so crazy and awesome! s/he uses so many different materials and textures to show such a beautiful piece of art. i'm sorry so many people turned it into a negative experience by bringing up body types and stuff like that. either way though, i found them all gorgeous ♥
these are all amazing. they're super creative and unique, very artistic indeed! i love how s/he incorporates nature in different and creative ways, all of it is so crazy and awesome! s/he uses so many different materials and textures to show such a beautiful piece of art. i'm sorry so many people turned it into a negative experience by bringing up body types and stuff like that. either way though, i found them all gorgeous ♥