50 Photos People Took In The Terrible Heatwaves That Happened This Summer (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertDue to climate change, summers are changing. People today are facing more frequent, longer-lasting, and hotter heat waves than they did before. Not only does it mean that individuals are getting increasingly sweaty and need to crank up the air conditioning more often, but it also poses major and even deadly health threats.
To show that extreme temperatures are no joke, our team at Bored Panda has compiled yet another list of striking photos of how heat waves affect every living creature and our surroundings. Scroll down to see how people are desperately trying to cope with such brutal weather, and be sure to share some useful tips you know for combating heat with others down below!
While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with medical expert Dr. Nicole Levine, MD, from Health Strive, who kindly shared some precautions that people should stick to in extreme heat.
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Rolled Up To My Parents' House To Find Them Giving Away Free Water For People And Their Dogs In The Excessive Heatwave In America. I’m Proud To Be Their Daughter
Stores In Turkey Open Their Doors To Stray Dogs To Escape Extreme Heat. There Is Also One On The Stairs That You Can't See Well
The Heat Has Them Lined Up For Water Today
Even though heat waves are among the most dangerous natural hazards, they rarely receive adequate attention as their consequences aren’t immediately visible.
“From my experience, people often downplay heat wave risks,” says medical expert Dr. Nicole Levine, MD, from Health Strive. “Possible consequences are severe dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. These conditions can lead to serious health complications, including organ damage or even death.”
Another Hot Summer Day In London
A Very Hot Day Today In The Center Of Rovaniemi In North Finland (Afternoon The Meter Was Showing +32°C). At The Beach, People Weren´t The Only Ones, Who Needed A Little Cooling
These are reindeer, the domesticated versions of caribous found in North America. They roam free in most areas around North Finland.
Caribou and reindeer are the same species, domesticated or not.
117 Degrees In Arizona Today. Melted The Blinds In My House
One study found that from 2000 to 2019, almost half a million people died each year from extremely hot temperatures. This year (2024), the planet had its hottest day in at least eight decades and broke the record again on July 22.
Life Hack
I have a bútt ugly cover on my steering wheel for this. Is IS ugly, but it does the job.
Safe To Say This Is One Of My Favorite Customers, Greets Me Occasionally With Cold Water
Well, today he left three of them for me (two frozen)! Makes a world of difference in 97-degree weather... Thank you, sir!
The note says: "To mail lady or man. Thank you for delivering mail in such horrible heat! Stay hydrated and shaded when you can. Thank you!! 3 waters all yours."
I don't know if this is true everywhere in the US but in Birmingham, Alabama -- where it gets very very hot and very very humid -- the mail trucks do not have any a/c. Its tough on the mail deliverers.
It's So Hot That My Rear-View Mirror Is Sliding Down The Windshield
Such brutal weather conditions resulted in severe water shortages and dozens of deaths in Mexico and Central America. In Pakistan, hospitals were overwhelmed by the high heat, with frequent power outages and water shortages in some areas. Japan also issued heart-stroke alerts as temperatures reached record highs.
During This Southern California Heatwave, My Local Grocery Store Has Coolers Filled With Complimentary Water Bottles At Each Entrance
Maybe A Wax Lincoln Sculpture Wasn’t The Best Idea During DC’s First Week Of Summer Heat
We Are In A Terrible Heatwave. People Are Selling Used AC Units For $1000+ Online. Our Neighbors Just Installed Central Air So They Gave Us These Cooling Beauties
“In extreme heat waves, you should watch out for symptoms such as dizziness, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, confusion, and headaches,” says Dr. Levine to Bored Panda. “These symptoms could suggest heat exhaustion or heat stroke, both of which require immediate medical attention to prevent serious health complications.”
My Pens Are Melting
Tales Of Heatwave Madness. The Floor Turned To Lava
My Wife Is So Happy Her Contraption Worked After Leaving Her Flowers Alone For A Week In The 100-Degree Texas Heat
Heat waves and their impact are much worse in the city, where the high temperatures are amplified by buildings, concrete parking lots, cars, and air conditioning units that radiate and emit heat long after the sun sets. The lack of trees and shade also greatly contributes to hotter city environments. This phenomenon is called the urban heat island effect and impacts 41 million people.
This Bottle Of Sparkling Water I Left In My Truck All Day
The Way The Sun Has Weathered This Sign, So It Looks Like Its Heavy Metal Style
It's 102 Degrees In NJ Right Now, Just Saw Someone Putting Ice Water Bottles Out For People At My Train Station
Thank you to random people who help other random people survive in the heat, the cold, and in general
That’s why it’s crucial for people, especially in urban areas, to take precautions during heatwaves. Dr. Levine recommends, “It is important to always keep your body cool and hydrated, wear lightweight and light-colored clothing, and avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours (11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
He Needed Sunglasses. My Neighbor's Dog Trying To Beat The Heat, And Sun. It's 91 Outside
It's So Hot That Even Cadbury Blocks Need To Sit Down
This Guy In His Cooling Fan Jacket In 36-Degree Tokyo Heat
It might be a good idea to limit your time in the sun in general, as sunburn reduces the body’s ability to release heat. To keep your home cooler, close the curtains during the hottest parts of the day and open the windows at night.
My Son’s Watercolors Got Left In The Sun, And They Shrank Into Round Balls
It's Too Hot Outside
My AC Broke. We’re In A Heatwave Of 100°F For The Next Week. She Keeps Taking All The Air
Don’t forget that furry pets struggle in the heat too. Dogs that walk on the pavement should wear protection from the hot surface and have plenty of water in their bowls. Cooling pads and doggy pools are also great options for cooling down your companion. For more on that, you can check out our previous article, where an expert veterinarian provided additional precautions you can take to protect them.
I Had To Let My Mom Borrow My Crocs Because Her Sandals Melted
This is who I hate seeing people (with shoes) walking their dogs (no shoes) on the street/sidewalk. Their poor poor feet!!! If your dog's barefoot in summer and you think it's no big deal, you should be barefoot too
Forgot The Dollar Store Air Horn In The Sun On The Dash Of My Truck
Sometimes, If The Heat Is High, Corn Can Be Infected By A Fungus That Causes The Kernels To Expand And Become The Delicious Delicacy Known As Huitlacoche
This is eaten, usually as a filling, in quesadillas and other tortilla-based foods and soups.
I'm sure it's tasty, being a delicacy and all, but the look is really off-putting. My first association are deformed and over saturated ticks.
Lastly, we want to emphasize that high temperatures are no joke and can pose serious health threats, especially to more vulnerable groups of people like the elderly, pregnant women, children, and individuals struggling with heart conditions and other various illnesses. So be sure to be safe in this summer heat, and don’t forget to hydrate!
A Pub In Loughborough Handing Out Free Ice Water In A UK Heatwave
For context for our non-UK Pandas. "UK heatwave " means 25°C for a couple of days.
Sun Through The Skylight Is A Direct Hit To The Record Player
Just go ahead and melt it some more and make a candy dish out of it. It will never play correctly again!
Taco Bell Sign Melting In Phoenix, AZ
On Public Transport In Hot Weather, Take A USB Desk Fan. Most Buses Here Have USB Chargers For Phones. Plug It In, Turn It Upside Down, And Hang It On The Empty Seat In Front
Candles Left Outside During A Heatwave
My Vitamin Gummies Melted In The Texas Heat During Transit, And It's Not Eligible For A Refund
I guess I'll get a spoon and chisel out a serving every day...
Burned Myself On My Seatbelt. Apparently, My Car Is 170 On The Dash Right Now
This Is How Hot It Is In New Orleans
It's Called An AZ Summer
My Neighbors Have A Fan For Their Dog Because We Are Melting
This Heat Is Wicked
We’re Cooked (Literally)
Apartment AC Went Out During The Recent Texas Heatwave And Management Doesn’t Want To Fix It
It’s Supposed To Be 108 Degrees Today And This Was Sitting At An Intersection In My Neighborhood. Thank You, Neighbor, For Looking Out For All Of Us
It looks like you can bring your own cups. Super nice neighbor. We need more like this!
Arizona Problems. Left My Credit Card In My Car, And It Melted
My Shoe Melted In My Room In The Summer Heat And, Now It Looks Like Caramel
My Bottle Of Soft Gel Pills Melted Together In The Cupboard. They Are Now Impossible To Separate
Sandals Melting In Heatwave
Welcome To Australian Summer. Had To Pop My Hook In The Fridge Because The Handle Started To Get Soft From The Heat
Has anyone else had this problem? Had these for most of last year, but I guess they missed the heatwave (was 36°C here today - luckily not the 38°C it was meant to be)
The Glass On Our Outdoor Furniture Just Spontaneously Shattered In The Heat
That has been caused by something else. Glass does not break just by heat. Fast temperature changes can (t.ex. pouring hot water in a glass standing on a cold surface), but a sheet of glass lying in the sun? no way. Even if the sun slowly comes slowly over the glass lying in the shade it will warm gradually.
Trying To Frost A Cake In A Heatwave Feels Like That Scene From A Sleeping Beauty
Luckily, it turned out okay in the end, but there were many trips to the fridge and freezer along the way.
The Heat Today Baked The Pine Sap Out Of My Newly Painted Deck
Heat doesn't cause this. Untreated wood, which has been painted before it can fully cure... does. OP's deck is made with green, untreated wood, and wasn't sealed or allowed to fully cure and dry before they painted it.
So Hot Today That The Adhesive Holding My Dad's Phone Together Melted
Mediocre posting. Some entries are just plain BS and a great number of entries are not related to climate change, they are merely the effect of summer heat. I'm not denying climate change, CG only makes the effect comes a bit faster but isn't causing them.
Exactly. You cannot prove or show climate change with isolated high heat events. You need to show temparature curves across a long time period. Which is what scientists do.
Load More Replies...Mediocre posting. Some entries are just plain BS and a great number of entries are not related to climate change, they are merely the effect of summer heat. I'm not denying climate change, CG only makes the effect comes a bit faster but isn't causing them.
Exactly. You cannot prove or show climate change with isolated high heat events. You need to show temparature curves across a long time period. Which is what scientists do.
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