I am a fan of photography and having an interest in British Subcultures and owning a subculture related clothing shop in Dead End St. I have a healthy appreciation for good photography looking at various subcultures.
There are a number of photographers that have made a name for themselves over the years by focusing on subculture photography like Gavin Watson and Derek Ridgers but there are so many more out there too.
Add to that the great amateur photography from the front line of subcultures and there are some great images to hunt out.
Here are some of my favourites and I will credit the photographer where possible. There’s loads more great shots and photographers out there worth looking for too.
Please feel free to add any links in the comments below.
If you fancy taking a look at my shop below too that would be great, ta.
More info: shop.deadendst.co.uk
Barraloadasoul – Glasgow – 2014
I took this photo on May 30th 2014, the day before the first Barraloadasoul Northern Soul event at the Barrowland Ballroom.
Image credits: thebritishsubcultures.com
Northern Soul Dancer by Kenichi Images
Image credits: www.kenichiimages.com
Outside the Marquee club in Wardour Street, 1985 by Paul Hallam
Young Skinhead by Gavin Watson
Image credits: www.gavinwatsonarchive.com
Skinheads by Derek Ridgers
Sid & Nancy by Steve Emberton
Image credits: steveemberton.com
Paul Simonon by Pennie Smith
Soo Catwoman by Ray Stevenson
Skins by Nick Knight
Image credits: nickknight.com
Miki Simmonds, Peter Sugar, Mark Feld. Town Magazine 1962 by Don McCullin
Quadrophenia Shoot by Ethan Russell
Image credits: ethan-russell-photographs.myshopify.com
Blackpool Soul Weekender by Jasna Wardle
Image credits: www.facebook.com
Souled on Soul – Martyn Johnson
Image credits: www.souledonsoul.com
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