What is the stupidest thing you did as a kid?
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I had gotten a little black, plastic cauldron from somewhere and realized you could stick it on yourself by squeezing the sides and letting go. I stuck it on my forehead and didn't realize until my mom was yelling at me that it had left a mark. It was awkward at school the next day...
I ate a piece of road salt, it made me puke but it didn’t kill me, so yep that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever done, because it could’ve killed me, but it didn’t. I was such a moron as a kid, and I’m still a moron. I was born a moron and I’ll die a moron.
Thought I could climb down on a rope at a playground. I couldn’t and slid the whole way down while still holding on, rope burned my hands real bad, hurt for ages.
Another stupid thing was thinking it was cool to show off and freeze my skin with a deodorant can, ended up with a massive freeze burn blister bigger than a tennis ball, and it really really hurt, still got the scar now.
Two days after I got my driver's license, I hit a parked car in the Wal-Mart parking lot and then fled the scene thinking I wouldn't get caught.
This was actually last year, I was 13. We were at the beach and I was just kinda having a brain fart moment. There was a really rusty nickel in the sand, and I picked it up and told my dad, “Hey, look, a five cent penny!” To be fair I was having an existential crisis at the time, but I was also just kinda dumb. Oh well
Found a way to be on the internet without no one knowing. If I’m just adicted now
So much wrong with how I typed that.. *anyone, not no one. *Guess, not if
So many options to choose from. The contextual details vary greatly, but the root cause for most of them was usually that I opened my mouth.
So many options to choose from. The contextual details vary greatly, but the root cause for most of them was usually that I opened my mouth.