Hiding in the last row of a boring class in high school shouldn’t always be regarded as slacking. What once started off as fooling around with photo editing and 3D Max in the back of AutoCAD class, has now developed into a signature style that 30-year-old digital artist Michael Oswald describes as ‘photo manipulation on steroids’.

These days, the creation of Michael’s photography artwork starts by taking up to 100 reference pictures until he gets a perfect shot which is then processed in Photoshop and 3D Max. He uses just a few Photoshop tools like blurring, airbrushing, and smudging to paint over the top of the stunning pictures in order to make it look like a painting.

In spite of his interesting photos being a combination of unique Photoshop techniques and digital painting, Michael O doesn’t underestimate the importance of knowledge of the traditional art techniques. “The standard rules of art, like composition, always apply and the medium is just a personal choice,” says Michael.

Now scroll down below and check Michael’s cool photos for yourself!
