We humans are curious creatures, and what we say or do doesn't always seem rational. At least not on the surface. So Reddit user Fastenbauer got interested in digging a little deeper—they asked people online to share the things that everybody knows but nobody talks about out loud. And their post quickly went viral! Continue scrolling to check out the unspoken truths folks keep quiet, whether out of fear of judgment or the risk of offending others.
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When people betray or abuse you, they know what they're doing. They're doing it on purpose, and they're not sorry. They're consciously making a choice.
Having mentally sane parents is one of the most important privileges in life, yet it isn't talked about nearly as much as race, class etc.
The world population is too high.
Makes you wonder if plagues and pandemics are natures way of culling humans
People who get paid the least do most the work.
In Business this is called the hooker paradox, the better you do your job, more people want to f**k you
There actually *are* people above the law.
In the US, if you have enough money and influence, you absolutely can be above the law. In fact, we currently have a man who's been convicted of multiple felonies and not only is he still walking around free, but his sentencing was kindly delayed so he could run for president.
Looks do matter, and they matter a lot.
Yeah sadly they do, I look very normal / plain when I go out make up free but done up Im very pretty (made a living out of it) , and I like to take notice of the bias in people depending on my look. I used to go further in art school and mix up my old goth look into it too. Turns out no matter what ‘clique’ you dress for, there’s always gonna be haters, but lots of love too ❤️
Emotional intelligence is vastly underrated.
We all have dark thoughts that we dont act on.
That religion is a social construct, where you are born largely determines your religion. If you happened to be born in India there is over an 80% chance you will be Hindu. If you are born in the US you probably will be a Christian.
Children that are complete a******s exist.
The parents know.
The parents often are also a******s. Otherwise they would do something.
Some friendships only last as long as they're convenient or beneficial.
Unpopular opinion. I kinda like it that way anyway. Why would you want to maintain contact with your high school friends who are now so far removed from your life? Sure, if you somehow run into one another, a little chat over coffee is welcomed. But to keep your life story updated, organizing yearly re-unions and whatnots - naah!
The amount of Government incompetance and wastefulness in many countries is staggering. And the only reason I'm not a libertarian is that I don't trust private enterprise either. History has shown time and time again that companies big and small will absolutely f**k over people given half a chance and especially if there are no laws and regulations.
Most newborn babies are ugly on the first day. 🤣.
I love my kids, but I'll be the first to admit that they both looked like a cross between frogs and an old man for the first 3 months or so.
Some People don't apologize because they have remorse for what they did. They apologize because they think it will end the conflict.
And sometimes they apologise to end the conflict despite not being in the wrong.
I shouldn’t have to ask “how are you” in a work email. It should be ok for me to just talk business and get straight to the point. .
Is this an American thing? I don't think I've ever started an email with platitudes.
Nobody’s actually read the Terms and Conditions, like ever. We just scroll to the bottom, hit accept, and hope we didn’t sell our souls to some tech overlord. 😂.
That one guy did, and discovered a clause about winning $1000 if you were the first person to contact the company about the clause!
People aren’t equal. I don’t mean by race. Racism is nonsense.
Some people are good looking nice smart and athletic and had the right upbringing. They got it all . Some people have nothing going for them.
Not even equal before the law.
That we are all certain to die and be completely forgotten within a handful of generations.
People often pretend to be happy when they're not.
People with depression and similar issues are in this category
We are all just kids walking around in grown up bodies.
I’m 50 and I still feel like I’m stuck in my teens mentally sometimes. As someone once said to me, I may grow old, but I will never grow up :D
Consumer capitalism is destroying our habitat super quickly and with every passing day we make it worse.
there's an author in my country that says that "Only when the last tree is cut down, the last fish is caught, the last river is polluted, will people realize that they cannot eat money", i wish more people would listen to what he has to say
Everybody knows that success often comes from luck and timing, but we rarely admit it. We prefer to believe it's all hard work and talent.
We don't "prefer to believe..." We are fed that lie so that we work like slaves to make a few people rich instead of admitting the system is against us and we'll just survive paycheck to paycheck forever. We are closer to being homeless than rich. Any misfortune can make you destitute, however hard you've worked.
That being alive at all and conscious is just really, really weird.
That the Universe even exists is really, really weird. Where did all this come from? No invoking a creator deity, because you're just kicking the can down the road - where did that deity come from?
Most people spend their time complaining about things out of their control rather than fixing things in their control.
It's the ones who complain about things entirely within their control that bug me!
Most meetings could easily be an email, but no one wants to admit it because 'face time' somehow still feels important.
Often speaking to each other in person resolves issues more quickly than a Q&A via email
Gambling is a sucker’s game. Unless you make it a career (and in some cases even then), you will lose more than you win in the long run.
As long as you recognize that and you are willing to “spend” the money for entertainment purposes, more power to you. But if you think gambling is a good money-making idea, think again.
I work in the gaming industry. The amount of people I hear that make a living, professional poker played etc. All BS. The pros you see on TV are sponsored but the on-line gaming platforms. That's how the make a living. Poker at best is a game where you can apply strategy the same way you can in monopoly ludo or parchís. But at the end of the day it's a game of chance.
Most of the gay scene (from an LGBT perspective) is extremely toxic and ironically closed minded and judgmental of any outsiders (i.e. straights).
How disturbing the food industry is. How pigs, fish, cows, chickens are all harvested so we can eat them. How can we not expect aliens to do the same s**t to us if that’s what we do to our fellow earth inhabitants.
I like the mix of "surprising facts" and "personal prejudices elevated into universal truths".
Other people are not just NPCs in your life. They're humans too, treat them the right way and stop being entitled
As much as people hang their hopes on it, what no one really says out loud is that karma, in the common, colloquial sense, DOES NOT EXIST. There is no great cosmic balance that rewards good and punishes evil. People rely on it because it helps them sleep at night in a world where evil runs rampant. The belief in karma is a great coping mechanism; but "what goes around" most often does not "come around." Bad things happen to good people with permanent consequences, and good things happen to bad people with impunity. Life isn't fair, it isn't balanced - it just IS.
There is not "somebody for everybody". a LOT of people go through their whole lives in no relationship, or the wrong one.
"looks" matter to the vain and shallow, if that is the main thing they take away from meeting someone.
Fun post, but feeling discouraged at all the bigotry against religion in the comments. Live and let live.
Why am I being downvoted for being against bigotry? I don't understand.
Load More Replies...The tipping system in the US exists and is expanding not because of bad employers, but because customers are willing to pay tips. If customers would actually refuse to pay tips instead of just whining about it, then tipping would cease to exist.
But what would happen to the people who rely on those tips in the meantime?
Load More Replies...I like the mix of "surprising facts" and "personal prejudices elevated into universal truths".
Other people are not just NPCs in your life. They're humans too, treat them the right way and stop being entitled
As much as people hang their hopes on it, what no one really says out loud is that karma, in the common, colloquial sense, DOES NOT EXIST. There is no great cosmic balance that rewards good and punishes evil. People rely on it because it helps them sleep at night in a world where evil runs rampant. The belief in karma is a great coping mechanism; but "what goes around" most often does not "come around." Bad things happen to good people with permanent consequences, and good things happen to bad people with impunity. Life isn't fair, it isn't balanced - it just IS.
There is not "somebody for everybody". a LOT of people go through their whole lives in no relationship, or the wrong one.
"looks" matter to the vain and shallow, if that is the main thing they take away from meeting someone.
Fun post, but feeling discouraged at all the bigotry against religion in the comments. Live and let live.
Why am I being downvoted for being against bigotry? I don't understand.
Load More Replies...The tipping system in the US exists and is expanding not because of bad employers, but because customers are willing to pay tips. If customers would actually refuse to pay tips instead of just whining about it, then tipping would cease to exist.
But what would happen to the people who rely on those tips in the meantime?
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