Can you make a profound difference without saying a word? Two high school students have harnessed the visual power of public art to speak for LGBTQ+ activism.
Chloe McGuane and Nay Grillo of Clarkstown South High School in Rockland County, New York have created a mural that goes far beyond just beautifying a cinder block wall. With talent and motivation, they created a powerful statement of awareness, diversity and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community.
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Chloe McGuane and Nay Grillo in front of their inclusivity mural
Chloe and Nay joined forces through their school’s Gay Straight Trans Alliance and created a collaborative artistic plan which they presented for approval to their school principal, Debra Tarantino. Many hours of brainstorming, researching and sketching were required long before a paintbrush was held. They also received boundless support and encouragement from school staff members, Laura Goodman, Colleen Harrigan and Nancy Seery.
“We hope the mural inspires others because change can happen,” Chloe and Nay said in unison.
Each day, hundreds of students will pass by their heart and floral-themed mural, which proudly stands as a personal interpretation of the progressive pride flag. Chloe and Nay have depicted their own hands uplifting the detailed heart at the center of the mural.
Chloe and Nay are both talented artists and members of the National Art Honor Society. They have used their artistic superpowers to start a visual dialogue for the LGBTQ+ community in their school and beyond. Join their conversation and continue the progress towards equality.
Clarkstown South High School, the home of Chloe and Nay’s mural
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