I am Gijs Vanhee from Mechelen, Belgium. For the past two years, I have had the honor to name myself city-artist of my favorite town and home, Mechelen. To earn this title, I searched for a way to reach as most people as possible with street art. These are ten huge wall murals in the historical center of Mechelen, painted by ten different street artists.
It must have been seventeen years ago that I first started painting, or better say screwing up a wall. But creating a graffiti drawing that is a thousand times the size of a piece of paper kept gaining my attention. During this time, I learned how creative ideas can change an environment and how it sticks to the people.
So It was obvious that this city-artist thing will go that direction in Mechelen. A city with a rich history and therefore a challenge to set up graffiti art close to monuments, churches, and protected views
In June, I’ve set up an exposition were every artist gets the opportunity to show his process by sketches, graffiti drawings, paintings, and installations. The exhibition is still opened until the 2nd of august. The walls are permanent. During these last two years, I have felt growing attention from the people living in this small flemish town, as well as their proudness. I have the feeling like a street artist, and I am able to give people back their city through this unique art.
More info: mechelenmuurt.be
Underwater Dog by Smates
Alice Sleeps by Milu Correch
Pelican by Dzia
Elsewhere by Strook
Freeway by Sam Scarpulla
Imagine by Samuel Vanderveken
Floral Sfkullball by Mark Goss
One Mile Under Sea by Shamisa Debroey
Mechels Fruit by Krea K-shit
The Gift by Gijs Vanhee
During 2014, I invited Milu Correch (Buenos Aires, Arg), Smates (Be), Dzia (Be), poster artist Krea Shit (Be), and graphic novelist Shamisa Debroey (Be). This year I found Mark Goss (London, UK), Sam Scarpulla (Be), Samuel Vanderveken (be), and Strook (Be). As an end piece, I painted myself a wall called “The Gift.”
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