Getting injured is, universally, a crappy experience. However, it's an unavoidable part of our lives as we all sometimes simply get into harm's way. However, most of the time, we just happen to have the bad luck of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, but there are also occasions when we put our health and wellbeing in danger by being... Well, not the sharpest tools in the shed, but a great pretender for the Darwin Awards. And if you know that there's something on the internet that you can always find, it's people's epic fails where there's no filter for shame or shyness. Here are some of the dumbest and silliest stories of how people injured themselves in funny accidents. Upside to all this? You might not feel so bad about making some stupid choices in life. So scroll down below, indulge and don't forget to comment and vote on your favorite funny fails!
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At a friend's house out in the country. I was down on the carpet playing with their yellow lab, Boo. I was jumping around and Boo was jumping around and our heads collided. Boo's teeth cut my nose really bad. There was blood everywhere. I still have a small scar. Boo ran out the dog door and didn't come home for two days. He thought he thought he was in trouble. Boo and I remained friends, though. He was a good boy.
Attempting to adjust my bra, lost my grip, punched myself in the face.
One time I tried to fart while playing online poker really late while my girlfriend was asleep. About half of the fart came out before I realized more was on its way out too. I caught that before it was too late and jumped up and started to run to the bathroom. I had headphones on and yanked my head to the left and pulled my tower over as I kicked a 25 lb weight on the floor, broke my toe and then [poop] all over myself.
When I was little I thought plastic bags were parachutes. I jumped off the table and broke my arm. Once it healed I did it again
But you didn't say... did it work the second time??? or you broke your arm again???
Sneezed. Threw my back out. Couldn't work for a week. Could barely walk the first couple days. I was 27.
Walked head first into a mind your head sign once. Not my finest moment.
You did "mind your head". It's just that you didn't do it well.
Climbed a tree when I was about 12, fell out, broke my left arm. A week or so later,my friends dared me to climb the same tree with my left arm in a cast to my elbow. Got a branch higher than the first time, fell out, broke my right arm. Mum wasn't happy about having to take me back to hospital to get the other arm put in a cast too!
I was trying to kill a cockroach by squishing it on my carpet with a paper towel but it would not die. So I picked it up with the paper towel but for some reason I didn't crush it and it started to get on my hand, so I started sprinting to throw it in the toilet. I slipped and fell on one of those big candles with three wicks in a glass jar.
Lots of blood and 10 stitches later, there is now a 2.5-inch scar on my leg and I didn't even kill the roach. I got my ass beat by a cockroach.
Gave myself two black eyes when I was a kid by walking around my house looking through binoculars backwards so I couldn't judge the distance.
Tried to kick a balloon lying on the floor at a party.
Attack angle way too steep, kicked the floor and broke my toe, barely moved the balloon.
Went to the gym with some friends on my lunch break - they challenged me to do a pushup with a clap behind my back before I landed. Challenge accepted and accomplished.
That day after work (while in a suit) I went to my girlfriend's house and told her about my newfound pushup skills.
I tried to re-live the glory, couldn't reach my hands behind my back to clap because the suit was restricting my motion, and landed chin-first on her hardwood floor.
I ended up in the E.R. to get 5 stitches under my chin and at the dentist the next day to fix a chipped molar.
Shouts to my E.R. doctor for not judging me too harshly.
I hit myself in the face with my glass Starbucks frapaccino bottle because I freaked out about a butterfly that flew near me. I know this entire sentence is dumb
Putting a knife in a toaster in an attempt to get toast out of it.
Why are we being shown a toaster oven when the "tale" is about a toaster??? They are totally 2 different appliances. Am I the only one questioning these "tales"???
Well, Sherlock, I guess you cracked that whole, "not actual photo" case. Good thing you were so vigilant in your suspicions that #19 would fabricate a "tale" about sticking a knife in a toaster. Just because everyone thinks you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not all lying to you. They're all lying Shirley... All of them.
Load More Replies...No, not everyone. Some of us were lucky enough to hear the tales of those who came before.
Load More Replies...My brother put a paper towel in a toaster and almost lit our house on fire...
The element in a toaster can burn you but it's not " live" so it won't electrocute you. You shouldn't put a knife in one though. If you lift the "lowering" k n o b up as far as it will go, it should lift the toast up above the slot ( if it's a normal sized slice)
What is the joke about knives in a toaster? I honestly do not understand why everyone is macking on the only way to remove toast.
It's incredibly unsafe if you don't unplug the toaster first.
Load More Replies...This really isn't as much of an issue any more. Appliances have been required to have polarized plugs for decades, the metal casework should be grounded, or bonded to neutral, not to the hot side.
..... jezus christ, did you made toast for the entire town or something?
Get your toast w/ a fork, do your own electrical work, eat medicine that's out of date, use your private parts as piranha bait, DUMB WAYS TO DIE SO MANY DUMB WAYS TO DIE DUMB WAYS TO DIEEEE SO MANY DUMB, SO MANY DUMB WAYS TO DIE
You can’t die from expired medicine. The expiration date is to note that the medicine might stop working after that point. Dumb ways to think.
Load More Replies... Age 6 or 7, the neighbor kid invited me to ride bikes or something. Don't remember. Went inside my house to ask permission. Mom said yes, and I ran through the house and out the front door. And missed the storm door handle. My hand and arm went through the glass. And to the ER we went.
I've got scars from the stitches and the scars ache when the weather changes or when I'm exposed to any itch anywhere else. Literally every day, I'm reminded of that business with the storm door.
But I can top that!
I bought a mandolin food slicer. Yes. Yes it's bad. And one evening I was using the brand new gadget to slice some Jalapenos. It was a very fast machine and sliced much faster than my ability to get my hand out of the way. So I sliced off the top of a finger between the nail and the knuckle.
Perfect slice of skin about the size of a nickel coin.
Not having any access to medical care at the time, I grabbed the first aid kit out of my truck and went to work with the other hand trying to stop the bleeding. Eventually got the idea of sticking the sliced finger part back where it came from. This worked. But there was no easy way to tell which way was what. And the finger slice went on backwards. Luckily it didn't get infected thanks to that damn useful first aid kit bag of tricks. Healed up fine. Aside from being backwards.
I'll never own another mandolin slicer.
Cutting a cake for a friends birthday, accidentally drop knife, attempt to catch it with foot.
I wanted to touch a bee. I was really young, don't judge me.
I won't. I wanted to pet a bee because the fuzzy fur beckoned me to do it. I was six.
I was heating up a curry in the microwave, which was very safely placed on top of an extremely high fridge. Being very small and not being able to locate my special step, I try to reach up and remove the curry. Lo and behold, half of the curry spills down me, completely coating my arm.
It burnt me so severely that it damaged the nerves so I didn't have anyyyyy idea how serious it was. I was so busy eating the rest of the curry and mourning the lost half, it wasn't until I realised my whole arm was one big blister that I finally went to hospital. Took months to heal and the curry was only average
I tried squeezing out a fart and got a hernia
Fractured both my wrists tripping over a blanket. Two casts
My brother swallowed a bell metal turtle while my parents were on a trip. That was 10 years ago. Best vacations ever.
I was vacuuming, and thought the vacuum might not be working well. So I put my hand up to feel if the suction was weak. I forgot about the beater bar and it pulled my middle finger into the vacuum.
The beater bar was going fast enough that it took off all the skin on my finger down to the tendon. It actually bled very little, and hurt much less than what one would expect, because both the blood vessels and nerves were torn off.
I was also incredibly lucky because I should have needed a skin graft, but my finger managed to heal on its own. The scar tissue was painful to deal with and it took a long time to regain full flexibility and use of my finger.
there are men who had this happen to another body part..... *shudder*
Scratched the cornea and broke the lens in my eye during an unfortunate encounter with a cactus plant.
Forget the scratch... I'd be a lot more concerned with your "green eye". lol
I popped my kneecap 90 degree to the left by wearing socks on a slippery floor. I was just walking and somehow lost control and POP.
So, walking.
Hah I've done that! Ripped a chunk off my femur, my surgeon had never heard of such a thing (from socks, not in general)
I was walking across the living room floor, and I stepped on a toothpick. The toothpick did not go through the skin, instead, I lurched in fear that it might go through my skin and somehow twisted my own ankle as I crashed to the floor. Went to the ER and I broke it.
Why would you go to the ER to break your foot? Ha ha ha ha !!! What happened to the toothpick!?? Why was it in the floor in the first place??? These "tales" have too many unanswered questions.
Broke my left ankle by tripping over my right foot while running in the house.
I also once got a black eye from throwing a snowball up in the air and catching it...and then missing it once
Looked down at my phone for too long at 10:00 at night and walked face first into a goddamn telephone pole. This was 2 years ago.
At age 9 I jumped down a full flight of stairs for the hell of it. Landed on my feet and broke both my growth plates in my heels. Insanely painful. Insanely stupid.
I was out drinking and I tried to jump over a parking meter. Not realizing it was a single pole with two meter heads on it. I got hung up on the second head, fell and broke my elbow. Slept all night on my broken elbow and then walked to the hospital hungover and hurt the next morning by myself. Felt bad.
Picked up a water bottle off the floor and threw out my back. It wasn't like a 5-gallon, it was a 16 oz water bottle.
I didn't even know people could really throw out their back randomly and without reason like that. It was three days before I could even walk right.
I take it you are still young. When you become older, you will find that you can injure your back just getting out of bed.
At 17, was working the Saturday morning shift at McDonalds. A solitary hashbrown falls out of the fry rack into the oil. I grab tongs to retrieve the hashbrown and end up putting the first two fingers of my right hand in the oil of the fry vat. There was cussing for a brief moment until I realized there was an elderly woman standing at the counter. I apologized for swearing. She said "That's ok honey..I'd cuss too if I'd done that."
How nice! It's rare that you run into random people that are accepting of your faults.
Load More Replies...At 7, i tried to save a wasp drowning in a inflatable pool with my bare hands. The b!tch wasn't grateful.
I cut my thumb on a pill cutter because I wanted to see how sharp it was. A slight brush gave me a scar I carry to this day. I was a kid don't judge me.
Load More Replies...Begged my Dad to show me some moves he learned at Police Academy. So I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arm around his neck. He executed a flawless flip-like maneuver to throw me over his shoulder but he didn't realize how tall I had gotten compared to him and accidentally elbowed me right in the eye, giving me a horrible black eye. I thought it was hilarious but my dad felt terrible and he wanted to hide every time I proudly proclaimed "My dad gave it to me!" when someone would ask what happened.
Went to school with someone who stood on a needle when they were little. The needle was in the carpet so the stood on what technically was the blunt end and it went in the bottom of their foot with just a fraction of the tip sticking out.
My brother in law (when he was about 10) was running through a field next to the apartment where my inlaws used lived. He stepped on a rusty nail that went through his shoe, sock and foot. A trip to the hospital resulted in him being kept for a couple of days to make sure there wasn't any further complications from fungal infections or allergic reactions to the medications. He ended up on the poster for Children's Hospital in the area...sitting in a wheelchair..foot bandaged up and IV bag hanging on the pole next to him...
Load More Replies...It was really icy outside and me and my brother were leaving a friend's house. He was told that the steps leading down to the driveway were slippery, so he thought it would be a great idea to avoid the steps all together and jump over them. Turned out the driveway was icy too... Ended up with an arm fracture.
I was taking a shower once and I tried to drown a spider that was in the bathtub. I slipped and I brilliantly thought that if I tried to sit on the edge of the tub I would save myself. It didn't work. I went through the shower curtain banged my head off the sink and then off the toilet. Eventually I needed neck surgery for a herniated disc.
Common house spiders are harmless to humans. You're not. Hope the spider was laughing all the way to arachnid heaven =D =D =D
Load More Replies...In primary school my friend and I (who is still my best friend actually) and I were obsessed with sharpening rocks to make them "knives." We were weird children looking back on it. Well one day my friend told me that her rock was really sharp and I told her she needed to test it by cutting me. It worked and I bled everywhere and have a giant scar on my knee even now. I was like 6, okay?
Glad to know I was not the only one experimenting with Mohs age 8.
Load More Replies...I've sprained my ankle 5 times! The last time was the most ridiculous: I tripped over my dog's tug-off-war rope. I had to go catch my bus for school in 10 minutes, so I simply put some cream on it and I was off, I have gotten so used to it! It was a couple of hours later that I realised I could barely walk properly. Mum took me to the doctor and it turned out I had a bone fragment in my foot. He couldn't really do anything, so I still have it and my ankle is extremely wimpy and twists at the feeblest thing. I also had a neighbour who put round cereal chocolate balls in her nostrils. Her parents couldn't pull them out, so they took her to the hospital. The first thing she did when she got back home was to put new cereals in her nose. Again me(7 years old) ran head first into a wall because I wasn't paying attention. Yup, that's why I don't want kids.
My oldest son shoved a balloon up his nose! He was about 3.
Load More Replies...One time when I was really little I sharpened my finger through a manual sharpener. Didn't hurt and didn't need stitches, but a small layer of skin came off. I was a little bit too curious as a child...
Just tried out - I'm lucky, even my pinky is too big to do so even in the big hole.
Load More Replies...Once I was talking to my teacher while playing with a stapler. I stapled my self.
Why did your teacher let you play with a stapler in the first place?
Load More Replies...Running late for a meeting one morning, I walked down the stairs while at the same time putting my keys in my purse. I had done that many many times before, a lot of people does it too I guess. But I never do it now cause that one day when I was late for a meeting, I mistook the last step for the ground floor and placed my foot wrong. So I fell forward slamming my head in the front door to my building, banged my knee on a surprisingly sharp egde where the door mat was, and cut my knee wide open. I missed my meeting and had to get 8 stitches on my knee and now I have a pretty scar. It actually is pretty, I like it!
Slammed my finger in my car door one morning. I had already auto locked the doors before I got out and had to frantically search through my cluttered purse for my keys with my good hand to unlock the door.
When that happened to me, my mom had slammed the door shut. I'm screaming "Mom, where are the keys" and she's screaming "OMG! OMG! OMG!"
Load More Replies...A few years ago, I was taking out the trash and didn't see the hornets nest inside the handle of the garbage can, got stung 3 times on my legs and arm. I went inside and tripped over my dog and broke 3 toes on the kitchen table chair!!!
When I was reading these I started waking and walking right into a wall. Not even kidding.
i was a kid running around the yard shoeless. Stepped down hair on a nail that went right into my heel, I slowly pulled my foot off of it. It was rusty as hell and i felt every rusty piece as my foot slid off. Went to run into the house crying for my mom and i stepped on another rusty nail that went clean through the front of my foot. It was not a good day.
Once I was in 1st grade and I was outside for recess. I was in front of a jungle gym thingy talking to my teacher for some reason. When I was done talking I turned around really fast and banged my forehead off the jungle gym. Got to go home early.
At the age of ten, yes ten, we were at a Mexican restaurant, waiting for my mother to meet up with us. I wanted to see if I could put a double-pointed toothpick in a straw and suck it up without swallowing it. I ended up swallowing it. My mom walked in to see her ten-year-old daughter a crying and slobbery mess. We rushed to the ER, and several x-rays later, they hadn't seen the toothpick. The doctors assumed that it had already broken down in my stomach, and I went home happy as a clam, never to use a toothpick again.
When I was 10 years old I lay with my back on the ground and played with my feet in the air with a ball, I threw it in the air and caught it with my feet. I kicked him in the air again and at the moment my mother called me so I turned my head to the side and the ball hit my head on the ear. So what I did not say is that I had earbuds in my ear (no idea why ok?) The ball flew on the ear stick in my ear and squeezed it in completely in. I had to go to the hospital. You had to suck all the blood out of your ear and the doctor said I did not miss my eardrum by even a milimeter so I was lucky not to be deaf.......Believe me I have a hundred such stories. xD
The doctor had to suck the blood out of my ear^^ and the earstick missed my eardrum a milimeter - the translator was bad sorry - because my english is not perfect :)
Load More Replies...Do not make rock candy in a microwave safe plastic bowl. When you get the candy out of the microwave it melts right out of the bottom of the bowl like LAVA. I have a 6” scar on my leg, second and third degree. I had a fist full of second degree burns and slept an entire night with my hand in a bowl of ice water. And it melted a big arc into the floor in the direction I flung it. That was 25 years ago and seared into my memory.
At 7 i tried to save a drowning wasp from an inflatable pool with bare hands. The b!tch wasn't grateful.
I'll thank you even if the wasp won't. That was very kind of you.
Load More Replies...I have 4, each very funny. First one: My 10 year old brother was helping my dad smash up an old toilet in our garage, and a chunk of it hit his ankle. Went to the ER and had to get 10 staples in his foot. Didn't even cry. 2nd: My 7 year old brother was playing on our swing set in the summer, and the bar above him hit his head and broke it open. 3rd: My older sister was 4, and she broke her collarbone jumping off the couch. Lastly, I was 11 and I broke my ring finger slamming it into a door.
Trying to avoid hitting a kid who ran into the street, I slammed on my brakes SO HARD that I stress-fractured the top of my foot. ER doc said it was really hard to do that in the spot I did it. All I cared about was the fact that I missed the kid. He did have to change his shorts though. We both did!
My brother was running backwards while doing warmup exercises before his tennis lesson. Ends up tripping over himself and lands on his hands. Now he has casts on both of his wrists. XD
wish I could add mine... I fell down a waterfall. Broke my jaw and busted my chin open. moral: If the rock is bigger than you you probably shouldn't attempt to climb it. oops!
My husband fell off a mountain and used his ice axe to stop his fall - it did but also went into his chin. Still, better than continuing to fall off a mountain.
Load More Replies...When I was 3, I rode down the stairs on a toy car, Like the one a 3 year old could ride, we had a table on the stairs and the corner went directly into my forehead. At the doctors, I was so scared of the scissors for the stitches.
At 3 you are not really aware of the consequences if your actions. The adult in charge should have been paying a little more attention, or the stairs should have protected somehow so that you couldn't reach them alone.
Load More Replies...I used to use q-tips to clean out my ears. (Which is not recommended, and should only be done very gently) When I was around my mid-twenties, I was complaining of ear pain in both of my ears. When the doctor cleaned out my ears, he found a q-tip head in each ear! I have not used a Q tip since.
What else do people buy them for? Never been able to work it out
Load More Replies...Storytime! When I was six, I fell off one ladder onto another. Three stitches and a notable dent in my head that I carry to this day. Also case and point why I'm superstitious. Then three years ago I gave meself a huge scar from getting, and I kid you not, a flyscreen door stuck in my shoe. That was fun.
My top 3: I gave myself a concussion - I was nailing something to the wall, set the hammer on the ladder, got down to see if it was straight, bent down to get a drink from my water bottle on the floor, bumped the ladder, which knocked the hammer off and hit me right on top of my pointed head ** 2. When I was a kid, I liked to sit on bugs to squash them. (I was a toddler, don't ask me why.) One day I sat on a wasp. The chair was mesh and too much give to kill it. The wasp was pissed. ** 3. A friend had an outdoor pond that attracted toads. I stepped on said toad. The toad screamed. I screamed. I fell in the water and split my head open on a rock. And just to add insult to injury, one of their fish bit me while I tried to climb out.
Last year I wasn't looking properly where I was walking and caught my toe on a portable metal railing - fell over, put my arm out and fractured my arm on landing. Had to ride a bicycle to hospital with one good arm. Oh and last month, I sprained my hand wringing out my facecloth.
We've had some bad luck with light fixtures. Story #1, my now-husband went to a friend's house, they were playing a video game. One friend went to the kitchen for a minute and invited my husband to take his place. 5 seconds after sitting down, completely randomly, the light fixture above him fell and shattered. Hot glass everywhere. Injuries were mostly on his hand and not too bad, though. Story #2, we were staying with some friends at my parent's cabin. Friend goes to the washroom, is peeing standing up when the light fixture suddenly falls. Friend sees something blur past his vision and instinctively puts his foot out to protect the floor. Glass shards through his foot, needed stitches. I'd tell everyone to watch out for light fixtures, but honestly I think it's only my close friends they're trying to kill. You guys should be safe.
I see now that the theme of this thread is "dumb ways people got injured" and not, as the URL would indictate, "strange ways people got injured". Ah well, they're still interesting stories even if not quite on-topic.
Load More Replies...The first time I ever moved, my brother lent me a pocket knife to slice the tape on the boxes of stuff for my new room. A few boxes in, I go for one and vaguely register pain. Turns out my dumb, overtired brain had forgotten to ensure that the sharp side was facing downwards and when it wasn't cutting the tape, I had pushed down on the wrong edge. Tons of blood, and now I have a scar on my fingertip to remind me what *not* to do next time I move.
I once broke my fourth metatarsal on my right foot.... By kicking a couch. A soft couch. Literally squishy. I broke my foot kicking basically a beanbag chair.
At around 7 years old, I was playing some variation of tag with some friends. I ran full speed at one of them, but missed and before I could do anything went face first into this solid wooden archway. There was blood everywhere and I had to go home.
Ive cut my thumb open while washing a pot. Another time I threw my neck out while drying my hair (had to take a few days off work too).
When I was 12 years old I was arguing with my mom and went to my room. I went to slam the door and the k**b came off, so I just grab the door and jerked it to slam it shut. The door didn't shut, so I reached up to try and shut it again. That's when I saw blood spurting from my middle finger. I managed to cut part of my middle finger off and mashed all the others. What hurt more was when the ER doc put 5 shots with the longest needle I've ever seen into the bloody stump. At the first doctor visit the nurse was removing my bandage super fast and ripped out some stitches. The finger started to rot and smell terrible (like making the whole classroom stink) and doc thought they would have to remove it. It eventually started to graft and the nail even grew back although slightly weird. The finger is also shorter from some of the dead material.
My cousin was doing a hand stand and I tickled him and he fell on my leg and broke it was in grade 1 here in Canada.
I slipped while trying to lift myself out of a pool. Went face first into the concrete. It wasn't until later when I was wondering about the pain in my mouth every time I went off the diving board that I realized I chipped my front tooth.
I did something similar and it really hurt - went to get dressed and someone pointed out my nose was bleeding.
Load More Replies...I hadn't learned much about gravity at the age of 2. My sis balanced a pillow between the bunk bed and wardrobe and told me to sit on the "hammock". I jumped on it, landed in a toy box and broke my foot. Thanks, sis.
When I was 2, my sisters balanced a pillow between the bunk bed and the wardrobe and told me to sit on it. I clearly had no concept of gravity. Ended up breaking my foot.
This is entertainment. I want more posts like these and less posts attacking someone or a group of people. I know they're good for clicks, but I'm tired of seeing them literally everywhere.
This dude at my elementary school attempted to high-five a teacher with a water bottle hanging from the same arm he was going to complete his high-five with. the bottle swung with the motion of his hand and hit the teacher in the head, giving her a concussion.
When I was three I was running across my kitchen in socks. I slipped sideways, split my chin open. Didn't need stitches, but had to wear a bandage on my chin for 3 months. I still have a scar on my chin
I also was cutting avocadoes a few months ago and sliced my thumb and had to get 3 stitches
When I was in 6th grade I was running across the gym and stepped the wrong way and ended up tearing my ACL and meniscus and having to have surgery.
I got two. So, when I was 5, I attempted to throw a basketball at my brother 5 stairs down from where he was standing (At the top). It bounced back and hit me in the face, sending me down a long flight of WOODEN STAIRS, ending in a concussion and knocking out a baby tooth.
My mom went to pick blueberries and a branch scratched her cornia, then a few weeks later she did it again. She sewed a needle through her finger while making a dress, and she also messed up he thumb sliding down a hill to save a kid who didn't end up needing saving, and it revealed she had broken her thumb years and years ago and never gotten it fixed. so the doctors thought THAT was the problem but it turned out it was just sprained and now she can't use can openers.
One time when I was younger I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand with scissors while making a craft. It was a house, and I was trying to cut windows..
- with 3 years: knocked over a glass and walked barefoot over it while my mother shouted "No! don't do this!" had to stitch it. Still got that scar on my right foot, - with 12 years: there was a piece of mirror that was broken but still attached to my closet. Cut a whole piece of my pinky finger from it while I tried to open my closet. A month later I tried to glue the mirror together, cut the exact same spot on my pinky and the exact same amount of piece. gave up on repairing the mirror and still have that scar. - i freaking fell over a 2 millimeter gap because i didnt lifted my feet while walking in 3rd grade and knocked my new tooth out. Have now still an syntethic tooth. - cut myself deep with a knife while cutting oreo fudge. Was overly careful and always changed bandaids, disinfected it daily and still got blood poisoning after it healed on its surface. Nurses and doctors all said "didnt you sterilized it?" well damn it didnt work.
Got hit in the arm by a fry basket fresh out of the boiling oil...had criss-cross burns on my arm from the basket design.
3 story's. 1) a friend was taking out a heavy trash bag, so he used momentum to toss it up, evidenly there was something sharp in the bag, let just say he's not longer aloud to take out the trash 2) my sister ate an wart magnet. She's fine now, we just heard her saying that there was a magnet sticking to her belly button all it took was patience and prune juice.. 3) I was stupid, I was on the couch and I put a board on the couch slightly elevated towards the window. I climbed on it, ended up going to the er and 3 stitches later, I was fine. I still feel it to this day, 6 or so years later
I put my punching bag up a while ago... right next to a concrete pole. Unsurprisingly, I try to elbow the punching bag, and end up karate chopping the concrete, very nearly breaking my hand (ER doctor was shocked it wasn’t). Bruised the bone pretty badly though... stil hurts 2 weeks later.
Let's see I've - Dislocated my knee and sprained my knee falling down the stairs - Got a concussion from the car boot door slamming on my head after I'd let go of it to stop my saxophone falling on my foot. - Stroked a wasp (I was 8, did not go well) - When I was seven I was in a paddling pool and my dad tried to throw a bucket of water over me. He ended up hitting me in the face and splitting my lip. I fell backwards and passed out but I grabbed hold of my dad and dragged him under as well.
During his tennis lesson the coach wanted my brother to do some warmup exercises. Had to run backwards for a bit. Ended up tripping over himself and landing on his wrists. Now both wrists are in casts. XD
Riding my bike down the street one day I thought I would show off to some friends by doing a cool skid stop. Unfortunately because I had just installed a rear view mirror on one of the handlebars I did a face-plant instead. I wasn't smart enough to realize that preventing the rear brake from working with the rear view mirror was going to be a problem.
When I was about ten me and my friends tried a three person piggyback. .. I (top) fell backwards and scraped my back on a solid concrete bench... yes, it hurt.
I was lunge a horse on the arena, when suddenly i star oosing balance, I leaned to one side, then I heard a snap, and after that I was falling down with a terrible pain. I sprain my ankle four days before fly on vacation to Egypt.
i was 3 or 4 when i touched a glass tv tube, not knowing it was hot-2nd degree burn on my index finger. idk why the panel was off
Load More Replies...A few years ago when I was in high school my art class went on a field trip to the main art building on campus. My mind was wandering and not paying attention to where I was going, so I slipped on a puddle on the concrete(?) floor. I caught myself with my hands, and the pain in my right hand didn't go away like the pain in my left hand did. So I went to the nurse, who said it was just a bruise and sent me away. I went to the urgent care office after school, where they did an x-ray. Turns out I had broken a little bone in my hand. The doctor put me in a makeshift splint and told me to get to an orthopedic center for a proper cast ASAP. The nurse was in the room when my aunt was scheduling my day off to go out of town for the cast, and she looked like she felt awful for mistaking my injury for something that didn't need treatment.
I stretched and pulled a muscle in my neck while trying to wake up for school :).
Also, I once jumped up to shoot a basketball and messed my leg up really badly. Received no help for it. I don’t know if it was sprained or what. I receive lots of injuries.
Load More Replies...I tore a muscle in my back just by getting out of a chair. Couldn't work for a week. About a year before that, I did the same thing just from pulling out of a junction on my bike. It was so painful, I didn't know what had happened and ended going to hosiptal in an ambulance.
PS. Editing can't be done on Firefox. Hospital, obviously.
Load More Replies...I have less feeling in my right side then my left (part of having mild CP) and I bite my nails. I keep getting really infected ingrown nails because I don't feel it until the point I need antibiotics to fix it.
I accidentally kicked a very large book while in the dark. Broke my big toe. It got a huge blood blister. I had to call an ambulance because i couldn't drive. Getting in to the ambulance, the blister broke. I think the paramedics were a bit angry about that because they had to clean up after me.
I take my shoes off when I drive - and I generally drive with my windows down in nice weather. I had to pick up my plates from DMV, so I parked, slipped my shoe on and .... got stung by some type of bee that had snuck into my shoe. — I had to go into DMV with the pain and swelling, check in, get seated, wait for my number and etc... etc.. — Now, I look in my shoes before putting them on and shake them.
At 17, was working the Saturday morning shift at McDonalds. A solitary hashbrown falls out of the fry rack into the oil. I grab tongs to retrieve the hashbrown and end up putting the first two fingers of my right hand in the oil of the fry vat. There was cussing for a brief moment until I realized there was an elderly woman standing at the counter. I apologized for swearing. She said "That's ok honey..I'd cuss too if I'd done that."
How nice! It's rare that you run into random people that are accepting of your faults.
Load More Replies...At 7, i tried to save a wasp drowning in a inflatable pool with my bare hands. The b!tch wasn't grateful.
I cut my thumb on a pill cutter because I wanted to see how sharp it was. A slight brush gave me a scar I carry to this day. I was a kid don't judge me.
Load More Replies...Begged my Dad to show me some moves he learned at Police Academy. So I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arm around his neck. He executed a flawless flip-like maneuver to throw me over his shoulder but he didn't realize how tall I had gotten compared to him and accidentally elbowed me right in the eye, giving me a horrible black eye. I thought it was hilarious but my dad felt terrible and he wanted to hide every time I proudly proclaimed "My dad gave it to me!" when someone would ask what happened.
Went to school with someone who stood on a needle when they were little. The needle was in the carpet so the stood on what technically was the blunt end and it went in the bottom of their foot with just a fraction of the tip sticking out.
My brother in law (when he was about 10) was running through a field next to the apartment where my inlaws used lived. He stepped on a rusty nail that went through his shoe, sock and foot. A trip to the hospital resulted in him being kept for a couple of days to make sure there wasn't any further complications from fungal infections or allergic reactions to the medications. He ended up on the poster for Children's Hospital in the area...sitting in a wheelchair..foot bandaged up and IV bag hanging on the pole next to him...
Load More Replies...It was really icy outside and me and my brother were leaving a friend's house. He was told that the steps leading down to the driveway were slippery, so he thought it would be a great idea to avoid the steps all together and jump over them. Turned out the driveway was icy too... Ended up with an arm fracture.
I was taking a shower once and I tried to drown a spider that was in the bathtub. I slipped and I brilliantly thought that if I tried to sit on the edge of the tub I would save myself. It didn't work. I went through the shower curtain banged my head off the sink and then off the toilet. Eventually I needed neck surgery for a herniated disc.
Common house spiders are harmless to humans. You're not. Hope the spider was laughing all the way to arachnid heaven =D =D =D
Load More Replies...In primary school my friend and I (who is still my best friend actually) and I were obsessed with sharpening rocks to make them "knives." We were weird children looking back on it. Well one day my friend told me that her rock was really sharp and I told her she needed to test it by cutting me. It worked and I bled everywhere and have a giant scar on my knee even now. I was like 6, okay?
Glad to know I was not the only one experimenting with Mohs age 8.
Load More Replies...I've sprained my ankle 5 times! The last time was the most ridiculous: I tripped over my dog's tug-off-war rope. I had to go catch my bus for school in 10 minutes, so I simply put some cream on it and I was off, I have gotten so used to it! It was a couple of hours later that I realised I could barely walk properly. Mum took me to the doctor and it turned out I had a bone fragment in my foot. He couldn't really do anything, so I still have it and my ankle is extremely wimpy and twists at the feeblest thing. I also had a neighbour who put round cereal chocolate balls in her nostrils. Her parents couldn't pull them out, so they took her to the hospital. The first thing she did when she got back home was to put new cereals in her nose. Again me(7 years old) ran head first into a wall because I wasn't paying attention. Yup, that's why I don't want kids.
My oldest son shoved a balloon up his nose! He was about 3.
Load More Replies...One time when I was really little I sharpened my finger through a manual sharpener. Didn't hurt and didn't need stitches, but a small layer of skin came off. I was a little bit too curious as a child...
Just tried out - I'm lucky, even my pinky is too big to do so even in the big hole.
Load More Replies...Once I was talking to my teacher while playing with a stapler. I stapled my self.
Why did your teacher let you play with a stapler in the first place?
Load More Replies...Running late for a meeting one morning, I walked down the stairs while at the same time putting my keys in my purse. I had done that many many times before, a lot of people does it too I guess. But I never do it now cause that one day when I was late for a meeting, I mistook the last step for the ground floor and placed my foot wrong. So I fell forward slamming my head in the front door to my building, banged my knee on a surprisingly sharp egde where the door mat was, and cut my knee wide open. I missed my meeting and had to get 8 stitches on my knee and now I have a pretty scar. It actually is pretty, I like it!
Slammed my finger in my car door one morning. I had already auto locked the doors before I got out and had to frantically search through my cluttered purse for my keys with my good hand to unlock the door.
When that happened to me, my mom had slammed the door shut. I'm screaming "Mom, where are the keys" and she's screaming "OMG! OMG! OMG!"
Load More Replies...A few years ago, I was taking out the trash and didn't see the hornets nest inside the handle of the garbage can, got stung 3 times on my legs and arm. I went inside and tripped over my dog and broke 3 toes on the kitchen table chair!!!
When I was reading these I started waking and walking right into a wall. Not even kidding.
i was a kid running around the yard shoeless. Stepped down hair on a nail that went right into my heel, I slowly pulled my foot off of it. It was rusty as hell and i felt every rusty piece as my foot slid off. Went to run into the house crying for my mom and i stepped on another rusty nail that went clean through the front of my foot. It was not a good day.
Once I was in 1st grade and I was outside for recess. I was in front of a jungle gym thingy talking to my teacher for some reason. When I was done talking I turned around really fast and banged my forehead off the jungle gym. Got to go home early.
At the age of ten, yes ten, we were at a Mexican restaurant, waiting for my mother to meet up with us. I wanted to see if I could put a double-pointed toothpick in a straw and suck it up without swallowing it. I ended up swallowing it. My mom walked in to see her ten-year-old daughter a crying and slobbery mess. We rushed to the ER, and several x-rays later, they hadn't seen the toothpick. The doctors assumed that it had already broken down in my stomach, and I went home happy as a clam, never to use a toothpick again.
When I was 10 years old I lay with my back on the ground and played with my feet in the air with a ball, I threw it in the air and caught it with my feet. I kicked him in the air again and at the moment my mother called me so I turned my head to the side and the ball hit my head on the ear. So what I did not say is that I had earbuds in my ear (no idea why ok?) The ball flew on the ear stick in my ear and squeezed it in completely in. I had to go to the hospital. You had to suck all the blood out of your ear and the doctor said I did not miss my eardrum by even a milimeter so I was lucky not to be deaf.......Believe me I have a hundred such stories. xD
The doctor had to suck the blood out of my ear^^ and the earstick missed my eardrum a milimeter - the translator was bad sorry - because my english is not perfect :)
Load More Replies...Do not make rock candy in a microwave safe plastic bowl. When you get the candy out of the microwave it melts right out of the bottom of the bowl like LAVA. I have a 6” scar on my leg, second and third degree. I had a fist full of second degree burns and slept an entire night with my hand in a bowl of ice water. And it melted a big arc into the floor in the direction I flung it. That was 25 years ago and seared into my memory.
At 7 i tried to save a drowning wasp from an inflatable pool with bare hands. The b!tch wasn't grateful.
I'll thank you even if the wasp won't. That was very kind of you.
Load More Replies...I have 4, each very funny. First one: My 10 year old brother was helping my dad smash up an old toilet in our garage, and a chunk of it hit his ankle. Went to the ER and had to get 10 staples in his foot. Didn't even cry. 2nd: My 7 year old brother was playing on our swing set in the summer, and the bar above him hit his head and broke it open. 3rd: My older sister was 4, and she broke her collarbone jumping off the couch. Lastly, I was 11 and I broke my ring finger slamming it into a door.
Trying to avoid hitting a kid who ran into the street, I slammed on my brakes SO HARD that I stress-fractured the top of my foot. ER doc said it was really hard to do that in the spot I did it. All I cared about was the fact that I missed the kid. He did have to change his shorts though. We both did!
My brother was running backwards while doing warmup exercises before his tennis lesson. Ends up tripping over himself and lands on his hands. Now he has casts on both of his wrists. XD
wish I could add mine... I fell down a waterfall. Broke my jaw and busted my chin open. moral: If the rock is bigger than you you probably shouldn't attempt to climb it. oops!
My husband fell off a mountain and used his ice axe to stop his fall - it did but also went into his chin. Still, better than continuing to fall off a mountain.
Load More Replies...When I was 3, I rode down the stairs on a toy car, Like the one a 3 year old could ride, we had a table on the stairs and the corner went directly into my forehead. At the doctors, I was so scared of the scissors for the stitches.
At 3 you are not really aware of the consequences if your actions. The adult in charge should have been paying a little more attention, or the stairs should have protected somehow so that you couldn't reach them alone.
Load More Replies...I used to use q-tips to clean out my ears. (Which is not recommended, and should only be done very gently) When I was around my mid-twenties, I was complaining of ear pain in both of my ears. When the doctor cleaned out my ears, he found a q-tip head in each ear! I have not used a Q tip since.
What else do people buy them for? Never been able to work it out
Load More Replies...Storytime! When I was six, I fell off one ladder onto another. Three stitches and a notable dent in my head that I carry to this day. Also case and point why I'm superstitious. Then three years ago I gave meself a huge scar from getting, and I kid you not, a flyscreen door stuck in my shoe. That was fun.
My top 3: I gave myself a concussion - I was nailing something to the wall, set the hammer on the ladder, got down to see if it was straight, bent down to get a drink from my water bottle on the floor, bumped the ladder, which knocked the hammer off and hit me right on top of my pointed head ** 2. When I was a kid, I liked to sit on bugs to squash them. (I was a toddler, don't ask me why.) One day I sat on a wasp. The chair was mesh and too much give to kill it. The wasp was pissed. ** 3. A friend had an outdoor pond that attracted toads. I stepped on said toad. The toad screamed. I screamed. I fell in the water and split my head open on a rock. And just to add insult to injury, one of their fish bit me while I tried to climb out.
Last year I wasn't looking properly where I was walking and caught my toe on a portable metal railing - fell over, put my arm out and fractured my arm on landing. Had to ride a bicycle to hospital with one good arm. Oh and last month, I sprained my hand wringing out my facecloth.
We've had some bad luck with light fixtures. Story #1, my now-husband went to a friend's house, they were playing a video game. One friend went to the kitchen for a minute and invited my husband to take his place. 5 seconds after sitting down, completely randomly, the light fixture above him fell and shattered. Hot glass everywhere. Injuries were mostly on his hand and not too bad, though. Story #2, we were staying with some friends at my parent's cabin. Friend goes to the washroom, is peeing standing up when the light fixture suddenly falls. Friend sees something blur past his vision and instinctively puts his foot out to protect the floor. Glass shards through his foot, needed stitches. I'd tell everyone to watch out for light fixtures, but honestly I think it's only my close friends they're trying to kill. You guys should be safe.
I see now that the theme of this thread is "dumb ways people got injured" and not, as the URL would indictate, "strange ways people got injured". Ah well, they're still interesting stories even if not quite on-topic.
Load More Replies...The first time I ever moved, my brother lent me a pocket knife to slice the tape on the boxes of stuff for my new room. A few boxes in, I go for one and vaguely register pain. Turns out my dumb, overtired brain had forgotten to ensure that the sharp side was facing downwards and when it wasn't cutting the tape, I had pushed down on the wrong edge. Tons of blood, and now I have a scar on my fingertip to remind me what *not* to do next time I move.
I once broke my fourth metatarsal on my right foot.... By kicking a couch. A soft couch. Literally squishy. I broke my foot kicking basically a beanbag chair.
At around 7 years old, I was playing some variation of tag with some friends. I ran full speed at one of them, but missed and before I could do anything went face first into this solid wooden archway. There was blood everywhere and I had to go home.
Ive cut my thumb open while washing a pot. Another time I threw my neck out while drying my hair (had to take a few days off work too).
When I was 12 years old I was arguing with my mom and went to my room. I went to slam the door and the k**b came off, so I just grab the door and jerked it to slam it shut. The door didn't shut, so I reached up to try and shut it again. That's when I saw blood spurting from my middle finger. I managed to cut part of my middle finger off and mashed all the others. What hurt more was when the ER doc put 5 shots with the longest needle I've ever seen into the bloody stump. At the first doctor visit the nurse was removing my bandage super fast and ripped out some stitches. The finger started to rot and smell terrible (like making the whole classroom stink) and doc thought they would have to remove it. It eventually started to graft and the nail even grew back although slightly weird. The finger is also shorter from some of the dead material.
My cousin was doing a hand stand and I tickled him and he fell on my leg and broke it was in grade 1 here in Canada.
I slipped while trying to lift myself out of a pool. Went face first into the concrete. It wasn't until later when I was wondering about the pain in my mouth every time I went off the diving board that I realized I chipped my front tooth.
I did something similar and it really hurt - went to get dressed and someone pointed out my nose was bleeding.
Load More Replies...I hadn't learned much about gravity at the age of 2. My sis balanced a pillow between the bunk bed and wardrobe and told me to sit on the "hammock". I jumped on it, landed in a toy box and broke my foot. Thanks, sis.
When I was 2, my sisters balanced a pillow between the bunk bed and the wardrobe and told me to sit on it. I clearly had no concept of gravity. Ended up breaking my foot.
This is entertainment. I want more posts like these and less posts attacking someone or a group of people. I know they're good for clicks, but I'm tired of seeing them literally everywhere.
This dude at my elementary school attempted to high-five a teacher with a water bottle hanging from the same arm he was going to complete his high-five with. the bottle swung with the motion of his hand and hit the teacher in the head, giving her a concussion.
When I was three I was running across my kitchen in socks. I slipped sideways, split my chin open. Didn't need stitches, but had to wear a bandage on my chin for 3 months. I still have a scar on my chin
I also was cutting avocadoes a few months ago and sliced my thumb and had to get 3 stitches
When I was in 6th grade I was running across the gym and stepped the wrong way and ended up tearing my ACL and meniscus and having to have surgery.
I got two. So, when I was 5, I attempted to throw a basketball at my brother 5 stairs down from where he was standing (At the top). It bounced back and hit me in the face, sending me down a long flight of WOODEN STAIRS, ending in a concussion and knocking out a baby tooth.
My mom went to pick blueberries and a branch scratched her cornia, then a few weeks later she did it again. She sewed a needle through her finger while making a dress, and she also messed up he thumb sliding down a hill to save a kid who didn't end up needing saving, and it revealed she had broken her thumb years and years ago and never gotten it fixed. so the doctors thought THAT was the problem but it turned out it was just sprained and now she can't use can openers.
One time when I was younger I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand with scissors while making a craft. It was a house, and I was trying to cut windows..
- with 3 years: knocked over a glass and walked barefoot over it while my mother shouted "No! don't do this!" had to stitch it. Still got that scar on my right foot, - with 12 years: there was a piece of mirror that was broken but still attached to my closet. Cut a whole piece of my pinky finger from it while I tried to open my closet. A month later I tried to glue the mirror together, cut the exact same spot on my pinky and the exact same amount of piece. gave up on repairing the mirror and still have that scar. - i freaking fell over a 2 millimeter gap because i didnt lifted my feet while walking in 3rd grade and knocked my new tooth out. Have now still an syntethic tooth. - cut myself deep with a knife while cutting oreo fudge. Was overly careful and always changed bandaids, disinfected it daily and still got blood poisoning after it healed on its surface. Nurses and doctors all said "didnt you sterilized it?" well damn it didnt work.
Got hit in the arm by a fry basket fresh out of the boiling oil...had criss-cross burns on my arm from the basket design.
3 story's. 1) a friend was taking out a heavy trash bag, so he used momentum to toss it up, evidenly there was something sharp in the bag, let just say he's not longer aloud to take out the trash 2) my sister ate an wart magnet. She's fine now, we just heard her saying that there was a magnet sticking to her belly button all it took was patience and prune juice.. 3) I was stupid, I was on the couch and I put a board on the couch slightly elevated towards the window. I climbed on it, ended up going to the er and 3 stitches later, I was fine. I still feel it to this day, 6 or so years later
I put my punching bag up a while ago... right next to a concrete pole. Unsurprisingly, I try to elbow the punching bag, and end up karate chopping the concrete, very nearly breaking my hand (ER doctor was shocked it wasn’t). Bruised the bone pretty badly though... stil hurts 2 weeks later.
Let's see I've - Dislocated my knee and sprained my knee falling down the stairs - Got a concussion from the car boot door slamming on my head after I'd let go of it to stop my saxophone falling on my foot. - Stroked a wasp (I was 8, did not go well) - When I was seven I was in a paddling pool and my dad tried to throw a bucket of water over me. He ended up hitting me in the face and splitting my lip. I fell backwards and passed out but I grabbed hold of my dad and dragged him under as well.
During his tennis lesson the coach wanted my brother to do some warmup exercises. Had to run backwards for a bit. Ended up tripping over himself and landing on his wrists. Now both wrists are in casts. XD
Riding my bike down the street one day I thought I would show off to some friends by doing a cool skid stop. Unfortunately because I had just installed a rear view mirror on one of the handlebars I did a face-plant instead. I wasn't smart enough to realize that preventing the rear brake from working with the rear view mirror was going to be a problem.
When I was about ten me and my friends tried a three person piggyback. .. I (top) fell backwards and scraped my back on a solid concrete bench... yes, it hurt.
I was lunge a horse on the arena, when suddenly i star oosing balance, I leaned to one side, then I heard a snap, and after that I was falling down with a terrible pain. I sprain my ankle four days before fly on vacation to Egypt.
i was 3 or 4 when i touched a glass tv tube, not knowing it was hot-2nd degree burn on my index finger. idk why the panel was off
Load More Replies...A few years ago when I was in high school my art class went on a field trip to the main art building on campus. My mind was wandering and not paying attention to where I was going, so I slipped on a puddle on the concrete(?) floor. I caught myself with my hands, and the pain in my right hand didn't go away like the pain in my left hand did. So I went to the nurse, who said it was just a bruise and sent me away. I went to the urgent care office after school, where they did an x-ray. Turns out I had broken a little bone in my hand. The doctor put me in a makeshift splint and told me to get to an orthopedic center for a proper cast ASAP. The nurse was in the room when my aunt was scheduling my day off to go out of town for the cast, and she looked like she felt awful for mistaking my injury for something that didn't need treatment.
I stretched and pulled a muscle in my neck while trying to wake up for school :).
Also, I once jumped up to shoot a basketball and messed my leg up really badly. Received no help for it. I don’t know if it was sprained or what. I receive lots of injuries.
Load More Replies...I tore a muscle in my back just by getting out of a chair. Couldn't work for a week. About a year before that, I did the same thing just from pulling out of a junction on my bike. It was so painful, I didn't know what had happened and ended going to hosiptal in an ambulance.
PS. Editing can't be done on Firefox. Hospital, obviously.
Load More Replies...I have less feeling in my right side then my left (part of having mild CP) and I bite my nails. I keep getting really infected ingrown nails because I don't feel it until the point I need antibiotics to fix it.
I accidentally kicked a very large book while in the dark. Broke my big toe. It got a huge blood blister. I had to call an ambulance because i couldn't drive. Getting in to the ambulance, the blister broke. I think the paramedics were a bit angry about that because they had to clean up after me.
I take my shoes off when I drive - and I generally drive with my windows down in nice weather. I had to pick up my plates from DMV, so I parked, slipped my shoe on and .... got stung by some type of bee that had snuck into my shoe. — I had to go into DMV with the pain and swelling, check in, get seated, wait for my number and etc... etc.. — Now, I look in my shoes before putting them on and shake them.