With so many people residing and driving in the city, parking can get really tricky. Usually, when people wish to have a good and secure spot in a convenient location, most of them tend to resort to paid parking garages.

However, as this Redditor tells us, annoyingly, some might snatch that place even if it’s legally yours and rudely refuse to sort the situation out nicely. And when, in a situation like this, the only other option left is getting that car towed, we get a tremendous petty revenge story that you can read all about down below!

More info: Reddit

Sometimes, even a paid parking spot under your apartment doesn’t mean that some rude neighbor won’t ignore you and steal it

Image credits: Artem Makarov (not the actual photo)

A guy was leasing a parking spot for his guests in a garage under his apartment complex that other people kept parking in


Image credits: Josh Sorenson (not the actual photo)

When, once again, someone parked in his spot, and he called to confront them, the guy was told to get lost without even getting to finish talking

Image credits: Dronectus

The guy called the neighbor again to tell him he had received a fine, but since the response didn’t change, the parking security towed the car away


The OP begins by telling us that he got a parking spot under his apartment as his girlfriend required a car for commuting, which is no longer in constant use now that she works closer. The guy explained that since the lease wasn’t yet up, they decided to keep the spot as a reserved place for guests.

According to him, people often assume that the spot is open and park their cars there with no worries, to which they usually respond by calling the parking security so that the driver gets fined. However, when it happened again this time, the OP decided to be nicer and contact the owner first.

When the other man picked up, he couldn’t be bothered even to finish listening to the author’s words. As soon as he learned it was not someone he wanted to hear from, he told the guy to go away and hung up.

Getting this reaction, the OP did what he always chose before and called parking security, which left the driver an $80 fine. But the rude man still refused to move his car. When the author called him again to inform him that the car would be towed if he didn’t, he was again impolitely sent away. A couple of hours later, the vehicle was taken away by the authorities.

People in the comment section agreed the rude driver was a jerk and deserved what he got. They were also curious about how it turned out, to which the OP replied that the man lives with 3 other similar men, and he intends to lay low for a while to avoid trouble.


Image credits: Jonathan Reynaga (not the actual photo)

While taking a parking spot that doesn’t belong to you is definitely not nice, there are a few other things that can really annoy your neighbors just as much.

Reader’s Digest gives us a list with some good examples of what you shouldn’t do if you don’t want to upset the people living right next to you.

To begin with, nobody likes complaints, but sometimes, they’re unavoidable. However, if you must do it, and if it is possible, try to solve the situation in person before resorting to talking about it online or reporting the incidents to the authorities, as it can be passive-aggressive and cause a lot of bad blood.

The advice is the same when looking from the other side. Try not to be too loud, don’t let your pets do their business in the neighbor’s yard, respect their privacy, and don’t pirate their Wi-Fi because all of these, and other similar things, are simply impolite and, in some cases, even illegal. 

The article further tells us that politeness in the neighborhood is an important aspect. Don’t make fun of how people next to you do things, don’t borrow their stuff too often, and don’t blow leaves on their lawn. If you get an invitation, be sure to respond, and even if you don’t like talking to that person, acknowledge them with a simple greeting, at least when you’re close to home.


But being polite doesn’t equal being intrusive. You shouldn’t go around giving advice nobody asked for, don’t take and post pictures of your neighbors’ or their kids without permission, and don’t push yourself to say yes to everything, as becoming a so-called neighborhood watchdog can quickly turn into resentment and exhaustion for both sides.

While being a good neighbor is not very difficult, it requires a little effort. At the same time, being a bad one is usually not effortless either, so it all really burns down to whether you want to be nice to people or not.

However, in the end, it’s worth remembering the saying, “You get what you give.” Because if you’re rude to the people you’re bound to encounter often, sooner or later, just like in this story, you’re almost sure to be paid back with some sweet, petty revenge.

How did you like this story? Have you had any similar encounters with your neighbors? Share all of it in the comments below!

The commenters supported the poster and agreed that the neighbor, who, ironically, was also driving a BMW, was an undeniable jerk


Image credits: Carson Masterson (not the actual photo)