40 Interesting Charts People Shared On This Group That Might Change Your Perspective On Things (New Pics)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we all have our own ideas of what can be considered stunning. For some, a bright orange sunset is the epitome of beauty, while others can’t imagine anything more gorgeous than a perfectly baked soufflé. Even charts can be considered beautiful by the right audience.
So if you’re a graph enthusiast, you’re in luck. Down below, we’ve gathered some of the most gorgeous and satisfying displays of information that have been shared on the “Data is Beautiful” subreddit. Enjoy learning something new from these stunning charts, be sure to upvote the ones you find equally informative and aesthetically pleasing!
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Countries With School Shootings (Total Incidents From Jan 2009 To May 2018)
Bloom Dates For Every Flower In My Garden- Everyone In R/Gardening Wanted Me To Share This Here, Hope You’ll Allow It!
Gordon Ramsay And Martha Stewart Are Being Outperformed By Doña Angela, A Grandma From Rural Mexico And Her Daughter's Phone Camera
The Data is Beautiful subreddit was created in February 2012, and it’s amassed an impressive 19.4 million members since then. The group’s description explains that it’s for “visualizations that effectively convey information”, and notes that, “Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit.” So while you might find these pics stunning, you’re also going to learn something. The moderators note in the subreddit’s rules that posts must contain a “qualifying data visualization”, which, for the purposes of this subreddit, means no photographs.
“Fake data, goofball statistics, and trivial analysis” are also not welcome in Data is Beautiful. The information shared must be based on real or simulated data, a mapping of information to a visual property, must be more than “dots on a map”, must be made with the intent to communicate data, and must be comprehensible based on the visual and labels included.
Abortion Deaths In The USA (1968-2018)
[oc] I Updated Our Famous Password Table For 2022
USA Cigarettes Sold V. Lung Cancer Death Rates
Obviously it's the introduction of colour TV 📺. It was BW TV creating the problem and as it transitioned to colour lung cancer has gone down.
We’ve previously covered Data is Beautiful on Bored Panda over the past couple years, and in the past, we were lucky enough to get in touch with the group’s moderators to learn more about running this informational subreddit. The moderators previously shared with Bored Panda that they hold high standards for the community, ensuring that members are treated as “first-class citizens” who are always credited and acknowledged for their work.
“We bring a data-centric view of the world to millions of people every day—from important information about the COVID-19 pandemic all the way to a random dude's daily bowel movements—and our community prides itself in that fact,” one moderator previously shared. “For example, we had community members posting analyses and projections of COVID-19 trends back in January and February 2020—well before anyone in the U.S. was taking the pandemic seriously. /r/DataIsBeautiful is THE place to go when you want to see the signal through the noise of hectic daily life.”
Japan's Work To Reduce Homelessness
Japan had less homeless people in their entire country in 2007 than my town had sleeping in a football field parking lot during Covid. They set up beds there in alternate parking spots because the indoor shelters weren't large enough to maintain social distancing. Please note it was beds,. not tents.
Young Adults Are Leading The Mass Exodus From Christianity In The Us
The Popularity Of The Name "Mabel" In The United States Skyrocketed After Gravity Falls Came Out
According to the moderator team of Data is Beautiful, the subreddit receives between 400-500 submissions every week, and in one given month, they had 2,370 approvals, removals and spam posts. Meanwhile, the number of comments the subreddit receives is far too many to count, with an estimate of over 100k. And the rules of the group are frequently being assessed and improved by the moderators. “For example, we no longer allow YouTube videos as it was being abused by content creators looking for subs on their channel,” one moderator previously told Bored Panda. “We also occasionally temporarily prohibit specific subjects, like Tinder or dating posts, when a topic overwhelms the subreddit although dating posts are allowed again.”
Costco Hot Dog Combo vs. Inflation
Like the roasted chicken in the back of the store, the hot dog is a loss leader to get you in the door. The money they lose on that hotdog is vastly overshadowed by the profit they make on the $200 of crab legs for Sunday dinner and the new lawn furniture worth $2k you're now buying because your spouse decided to come in with you to get a hot dog.
Population Density Of Egypt
Bolivia's Infant Mortality Has Dropped Below The World's Average
“We also only allow personal posts (posts about the poster such as miles jogged over a year, as an example) on Mondays, which I believe we instituted during my tenure,” one moderator added. “That's just a flavor of the types of rules we add, adjust, or remove over time. Rule changes are done by consensus of the mods and we will often spend days or weeks deciding on new rules and how to word them.”
What Would Minimum Wage Be If...?
Titanic Survival By Gender And Class. Learning R For The First Time And The Power Of Ggplot
Do You Belief In Ghosts?
And while the moderators are constantly working hard to ensure that the subreddit is functioning as perfectly as possible, due to the sheer amount of content, they can’t filter through every single post. “Most posts are visible immediately, however, we also utilize AutoMod to ‘filter’ out posts that likely violate a rule,” one moderator previously explained to Bored Panda. “Speaking of AutoMod, we heavily rely on it to filter, or make invisible, both posts and comments based on keywords, user karma, and URL links (to name a few) which then have to be manually approved before they are visible. We also utilize it to automatically remove posts that violate our rules (e.g., YouTube links or directly linking an image and not claiming [OC]) so we mods don't even have to see them.”
Frequency Of Compound Insults (E.g. "Poophead", "Scumwad") In Reddit Comments, Organized By Prefix And Suffix
My dumb a*s trying to work out why assdumb has been used nearly 3m times
Highest Paid Actors For A Single Production
Covid-19 Accounted For More Line-Of-Duty Police Deaths Last Year Than All Other Causes Combined
As far as growth is concerned in this subreddit, it’s been pretty steady, according to the moderators. They shared that it started to slow down in 2017 and 2018, but since the last time we featured Data is Beautiful, the subreddit has gained over 3 million members, so it has definitely continued its growth over the years. The moderators also previously told Bored Panda that, “The way Reddit works, the subscriber count isn't all that important above a certain point, which is enough to get on r/all and/or the front page. That hits on a topic most of the more serious subreddits face: good content vs popular content.”
Actors/Actresses With The Most Oscar Wins
USA: Who Do We Spend Time With Across Our Lifetimes?
Does Healthcare Spending Correlate With Life Expectancy?
The moderators also noted that they work “above and beyond and really keep the community moving.” And as far as what’s popular in the community, there’s a wide variety of charts being shared. A couple of years ago, COVID posts had a massive spike, understandably, but today there are different trends. And when it comes to what type of graphs are ideal for the page, one moderator previously told Bored Panda, “Pies and bars certainly both have their uses, but we've all seen the results of tortured dataviz, and I think that's where something like the pie chart gets a bad rap.”
What Foreign Ways Of Doing Things Would Americans Embrace?
Global Wealth Inequality In 2021 Visualized By Comparing The Bottom 80% With Increasingly Smaller Groups At The Top Of The Distribution
Most Spoken Languages In The World
There are literally no limits to the kinds of information that can be displayed in a gorgeous graph or captivating chart. All you need to make your own is some reliable data, a computer program that can create a stunning display of information and a clear message to convey. Data is anything but boring, because it can be about anything you like! If you’re interested in food, politics, cultural differences around the world, or anything else, you can certainly learn something new in the Data is Beautiful group.
What Job Hunting Has Been Like As A 2020 Graduate So Far
World's Biggest Polluters
Household Ownership Of Consumer Goods In India
Are you feeling wowed by these gorgeous charts and displays of data? These pics just go to show that everything in life can be fascinating, even statistics, if displayed in the right way. Keep upvoting the charts you love the most, and let us know in the comments what information you’d like to see conveyed in a gorgeous way. Then, if you’re interested in checking out Bored Panda’s previous publications featuring the Data is Beautiful subreddit, you can find those right here and here!
Surge In Egg Prices In The U.s
Us States Which Do Not Have Residents Arrested For January 6 Offences
2 Years Of My GF And I Tracking The Sleep Quality Impact Of Various Choices/Behaviours. These Were The 8 Most Significant Effects
Did BP really censor the word looked in the screen time category? The censorship on here is getting ridiculous.
Single Line Drawn Through All Zip Codes In Numerical Order
The Most Watched Netflix Shows
Size Of Bank Failures Since 2000
How Probable Is ......?
A Comparison Of Nato And Russia's Military Strength
Only takes one nuke.... So sad the all this money is not used for a greater good. Iran & Afganistan have cost over 2 trillion dollars. That's 1,000,000,000,000. That's ~ 3000 USD for ever American. Enough to have completely phased out fossil fuels and transition to renewables. Imagen the US economy if instead of blowing that money on a war it had gone into energy independence.